Playing FFVII for the first time thread


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
I'm convinced that the guy at Fort Condor, the one sitting at the table with the hat is an alchoholic depressive, and therefore giving him money is just being an enabler :monster:


Pro Adventurer
Yeah, I gave them all my money because I felt sorry for a fictional bird.

Also...there's a forest? I guess I'm not getting Yuffie right now? (Is also playing through FFVII for the first time, without a guide. It's like one of the first video games I've ever played and I'm not very good).

Wanted to chime in a say that I agree with a lot of your experiences. Especially loving the back grounds. Over on my twitter, thanks for the mention Mr. Ite, I spent probably more time than in healthy praising the interior decorating and amenities of the Shinra Building.

Also, I'm glad I'm not the only one who did the elevator boss fight (I still say that's a stupid and ill conceived security measure) without Materia, managed to beat it, and then died (although I died in a random encounter, immediately after beating Rufus and before I could save, go me).

But yay, we should be noob gamer buddies, or something, lol.


Great Old One
Over on my twitter, thanks for the mention Mr. Ite, I spent probably more time than in healthy praising the interior decorating and amenities of the Shinra Building.
This sounds like something I could have done. The Shinra building will always be my favorite location in the game, Wall Market a close second. Also, the blood on the floor and walls really gave me the (most delightful) chills.


Pro Adventurer
Also, I'm glad I'm not the only one who did the elevator boss fight (I still say that's a stupid and ill conceived security measure) without Materia, managed to beat it, and then died (although I died in a random encounter, immediately after beating Rufus and before I could save, go me).

But yay, we should be noob gamer buddies, or something, lol.

*cries* We should be!


Ghost X

^That gif is awesome.

As for fort condor, apparently to get all the prizes it offers, you have to keep returning to it throughout the game, which I imagine would be hell time consuming. It is certainly not on my "to do" list. It is not exactly the most fun mini-game on the planet. I much preferred the similar event in FFVI, though I was apparently way under-levelled for that, but that's another story.


Pro Adventurer
*cries* We should be!

*hugs* You should get a twitter and we can follow each other! Or if you have a twitter I should figure out what it is and then we should follow each other.

Fangu, at Wall Market I was more frustrated with trying to find Cloud a dress and shocked that someone suggested selling Aerith (why is there not a slap random people option) to notice the scenery. With Shinra I was all, omg potted plants.

But yes, the blood. That was so...shocking. Honestly, if they ever remake this game I'd think they'd have to rate it M to keep it that bloody. It's like something out of a horror game.


Pro Adventurer
Okay around 15 hours into the game:

Did I mention already that the highway chase after escaping from the Shinra Building is probably my favorite so far?
In Junon I lol'ed at Cloud being forced to CPR the girl, Tifa or Aerith could have done that
LOL Dolphin and little girl swimming in a polluted sea
Rufus parade music still playing in my ears
Sucked at marching, I got the TV person fired
Ugghhh I missed the other houses in Junon because I thought I would be late for Rufus' departure. Can I come back?
Got Force Stealer. LOL at Cloud's random poses (after the routine)
Red XIII in Shinra uniform and Barret as a sailor are win. "You look like a big marshmallow."
At first I didn't see Hojo at the beach, repeated the part with different party members and saw him. Who wears a labcoat in a beach?
Hmmmm Tifa and Johnny in a room when there's a table outside. Deliberate or unfortunate?
LOL at the sexy pixel woman at the bar window
LOL at Cloud's actions when I agreed to put lotion on the woman in the beach.
I find it awesome that Cloud can kick the soccer ball and hit Red XIII who barks angrily after.
Went to North Corel, still thinking if there is something in the well since nothing comes out.
Now in Gold Saucer, place is so wonderful. Got shivers seeing the cutscene when you go there.
Met Dio and got Cait Sith in the party. "You will lose something dear" dun dun dun
Now broke because of Chocobo racing betting. Cloud needs to get a life.
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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Okay around 15 hours into the game:

Did I mention already that the highway chase after escaping from the Shinra Building is probably my favorite so far?
In Junon I lol'ed at Cloud being forced to CPR the girl, Tifa or Aerith could have done that
LOL Dolphin and little girl swimming in a polluted sea
Rufus parade music still playing in my ears
Sucked at marching, I got the TV person fired
Ugghhh I missed the other houses in Junon because I thought I would be late for Rufus' departure. Can I come back?

You can. And when you get the buggy, you can load it up on the boat in Costa Del Sol and take it back to the first continent.

Got Force Stealer. LOL at Cloud's random poses (after the routine)
Red XIII in Shinra uniform and Barret as a sailor are win. "You look like a big marshmallow."
At first I didn't see Hojo at the beach, repeated the part with different party members and saw him. Who wears a labcoat in a beach?
Hmmmm Tifa and Johnny in a room when there's a table outside. Deliberate or unfortunate?
LOL at the sexy pixel woman at the bar window
LOL at Cloud's actions when I agreed to put lotion on the woman in the beach.
I find it awesome that Cloud can kick the soccer ball and hit Red XIII who barks angrily after.
Went to North Corel, still thinking if there is something in the well since nothing comes out.
Now in Gold Saucer, place is so wonderful. Got shivers seeing the cutscene when you go there.
Met Dio and got Cait Sith in the party. "You will lose something dear" dun dun dun

Oh no, I'll lose my completely undefined thing! At least I'll find that other thing I'm searching for. Give me a FFI, FFIII, or FFIV prophecy, then we'll talk.

Elisa Maza

It's so endearing looking at a first-time gamer playing this! It's like I see my students learning the same things I learned when I was at their age, and I recognise some aspects from myself and some are new and...

... I feel old. ._.


Pro Adventurer
Hey I'm in the exact same spot now. Except I didn't get to really play much in the Gold Saucer because I kept running around trying to figure out what I was supposed to do and ran into a cut scene.

Now I'm in Corel Prison.

Also I'm so glad I can go back to the first continent. I got right on the boat too and I feel I probably missed things. I also didn't grab Yuffie. My friend says I can get her in any forest, but I don't know where any forests are or what they look like.

I feel like she's a freaking pokemon that I'm now going struggle to catch.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Also I'm so glad I can go back to the first continent. I got right on the boat too and I feel I probably missed things. I also didn't grab Yuffie. My friend says I can get her in any forest, but I don't know where any forests are or what they look like.

I feel like she's a freaking pokemon that I'm now going struggle to catch.

IIRC the next forests you encounter will be surrounding Gongaga. However I think the highest probability of getting Yuffie is on the first continent forest.
The forests are a different, paler shade of green and look "built up" - like long grass rather than short grass. Octo is right - Gongaga is surrounded by forest. The sidequest to Gongaga is actually optional, but no way do you want to miss all that Turk fun.

The enemies are usually different and slightly harder in forests, and when you cut to a battle screen, you're in the middle of trees rather than on a plain. If you don't want to waste a lot of time, you should look up the Yuffie conversation in a let's play and write the responses down so that you give the right answer first time to each of her questions. That way, you don't have to repeat the slow business of finding her and defeating her.

Gold Saucer is actually my least favourite place in the FFVII world. It promises so much, but delivers so little.


OMG I hated them too! But they were quite good for limit level grinding or just general grinding that early on.


Pro Adventurer
This thread should be renamed Community Playthrough 2.0 (or 3.0, considering ours was already a restart). AND WE STILL HAVEN'T FINISHED IT. Just reminding all of you who are notionally taking part.


Save your valediction (she/her)
I much prefer Capparwire forests to Gagighandi and Touch Me forests. Man, fuck Gongaga.


Pro Adventurer
To the people playing this game for the first time, don't forget to visit Wutai when possible.


Save your valediction (she/her)
My guess: creepy Nibelheim dudes/arrival at Wutai/Matthew is getting murdered and the only thing left to do is press his bloody hands to the keyboard and try to scream.

Selphie Tilmitt

Pro Adventurer
Staying up till past 4am in the morning playing FFVII, and celebrating the 25th Anniversary event! :pinkmonster:

I just started a new file but this time I'm playing it on my laptop with the PC Rerelease so it's kind of like a fresh start! :monster:

It's weird playing FFVII with a keyboard and it's taking a bit of getting used to with the controls. I keep going in the opposite directions of where I want to go, talking to people over and over by mistake and sometimes not managing to move at all even! The last was nearly fatal in the escape from the first reactor before bomb explodes event where some sections of the reactor I'd stop like with ladders and such and be unable to get moving again right away >_>

Graphics do seem better some, definitely as far as the PCs are concerned. I can see things like Aerith's eyelashes, eyes and smile better and it might just be me but Tifa's
seem better defined in this PC version too ...:pinkmonster: Or maybe I was too young/innocent to notice that much before!

Stuff I'm doing different from other times I've played the game, set ATB to Active and battle speed to fast max speed. This should be interesting! :monster: It hasn't been difficult yet though I did feel more worried about my HPs than usual in the first reactor. I made sure to use Potions vs the first boss just in case.

I've also decided to try an experiment as far as the Gold Saucer date is concerned, I will treat both Aerith and Tifa as nice and fair as possiblem, I will keep them both with me at all times from as soon as I have the option, if I have to pick one or the other because some other character is forced I'll be fair there too, if one girl goes one time, the other will get to go next time and then back to the other, like for exploring the Gold Saucer on first visit, I'm thinking of trying to leave so whoever has the highest affection for Cloud at the time will join so I'll take her, then I'll chose the other girl to go when taking Barret to Dyne, stuff like that. I also won't use a guide if I'm unsure about any answers and/or use glitches to manip affection ratings. I will still be funny and tease Aerith in the church because it's funny and Aerith probably thinks it's funny too and she doesn't really seem to mind, even if you call her a slum drunk if I remember right! :pinkmonster: It'll be interesting to see who comes.

I am just about to leave Sector 7 for the new mission and I have Tifa on my team. Yaay! :pinkmonster:


Pro Adventurer
Okay 22 hours into the game, just recruited Vincent using a guide, but overall no guides used

Here's my party so far:
Cloud- Lvl 33
Barret- Lvl 28
Tifa- Lvl 31
Aeris- Lvl 30 (Did I mention that I kept her name as Aeris?)
Red XIII-Lvl 28
Yuffie - Lvl 28
Cait Sith - Lvl 28
Vincent - 31

In story missions I always take Aeris or Tifa so whenever I travel I use my other party members to level them up.

Okay reactions:

Took me a while to figure out how to get the treasures when you fall from the Corel rails. The instructions are so late.
LOL at Cloud just letting a cat with a large stuffed toy joining his party
Cute Corel Prison, I like the guy who's following me around
Cute three guys echoing what each other says
Annoying "you don't know who's the boss? hehe..."
LOL at Barret wangst
Awesome Barret bullet dodging
Scarlet is a badass I like her with the machine gun, reminds me of Nina, only more intelligent
Dyne is another reason why this game is definitely not for children, guy just committed suicide.
Died at first Dyne fight, used the wrong item on Barret.
So far, Barret's story is the saddest to me.
Lost at the first Chocobo race, bird lost stamina. Gosh I wanna play Chocobo Racing again.
Got lost returning to Corel Prison, I'm still thinking if I should attempt to return again.
Returned to Junon and picked up two toy soldiers, dunno what they are for.
Discovered the hermit in the cave, he said I fought 192 battles so far but that was at around 20 hours of game.
Cosmo Canyon is cute, still haven't figured out why there's a ladder in the town leading to a hut with nothing, sightseeing?
Bugenhagen is floating...
Took Aeris and Tifa with me to the old man's private planetarium
Took Tifa with me in the cave
Old man actually brought me to HELL, I was honestly scared *remembers river of blood*
Demon face in the boss battle is probably the scariest scene while the Shinra bldg bloodbath is the second
Cracked open every rock I could crack
Ughhh... I left a few materia and chests in the hell cave, thought I could go back
Aww poor RedXIII, at least you dad left you a nice comb
Went to Gongaga and discovered something crucial about the story: Turk love affairs
Gongaga gives me CC flashbacks, aww.... ZAAAACCCCKKK
Poor Zack parents, I hope SE at least mentioned that Cloud informed his parents of what happened
Got the summon stone in the Gongaga ruins in my second visit there, I just thought it would be weird that nothing's there.
The black cloaked dudes in Nibelheim are really creepy but still cute
Didn't spend time looking for clues to the safe since I used a guide, mansion's a pain, I hate getting confused
Died at the safe boss battle at first try, Aeris got killed just before she got to cast Seal Evil, Cloud dies before he can cast a Phoenix down, charged my limit meter more at my second time.
The two headed monster looks like a pervert to me, "Yang's got excited" and then the way it moves.
LOL at Vincent so emo

Anyway as for LTD related stuff, I took Tifa with me to see Dyne because Tifa has been Barret's friend for a longer time and they were comrades. She deserves to know more. As for hell cave, I took Tifa with me because I like her limit breaks, I'm more of an attack oriented person.

Also, like MaidenofWar, I'm nice to both girls as much as possible and take them with me in almost all story-related missions. But somehow, I have a rationale that when things are dangerous, Tifa is the better choice. Aerith is a healer so as the party leader, I would keep her out of danger as much as possible. Again, thoughts about the LTD will be reserved after I finish the game.

*resumes playing*
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