Please explain to me why FFX is so great *spoilers*

L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
FFX was crap.
This message was brought to you by the user most commonly known by L, please note this may be hard to grasp as it's not like my name states it or I have the letter in my aka field. That is all.


I didn't like this game, but I liked Tidus. I thought his development was well-crafted, and he made the transition from whiny brat to whatever you want to call him quite smoothly. Tidus really seems to be the only character who develops at all. Wakka might be the next best thing, but he just suddenly isn't a biggot. Yuna always wants to help people the best way she can; the method just changes.

I'm also probably the only person who has played this game who couldn't stand Auron, likely because a good deal of this game relies on people not saying really obvious things the whole time for no particularly strong reason (sure, there are reasons, but ones I'll buy?), and he's a huge part of that.

I also found myself disappointed by how predictable everything was and how slow all the characters seemed to be. After Square went through the trouble of setting up a detailed world and a complex history for it, they couldn't carry it all the way through.

The odd thing is that I still played it twice. So even if I was really disappointed by the plot, couldn't stand the characters, and found the aesthetics laughable, I have to say that there's something that makes this game good. There are a lot of reasons it doesn't work for me, but I play games because it's fun, and a complex plot and characters are really just bonuses. Game is good. Other elements, not so much.


Higher Further Faster
Lol, who the hell is Spoony? And, I'm not joking. I've said it many times before. The only character I actually liked in the game was the makeshift Beast. I've forgotten his name now. :/

EDIT: Just to give credit where it's due, I also really enjoyed using the summons. But, that was about as far as my interest in the game went. Also I should note I never finished FFX due to the problem stated above. :monster:

Not liking the game just because you don't like the way one of the characters looks is a horrible reason not to finish, imho.

Keeno is right; you should really finish it. FFX has one of the best and most touching endings to a game you will find. Play the damn thing before saying, "Tidus looks like a girl I'm not going to finish." :P

You might find yourself surprised.

Also, everyone and their grandma has made the Meg Ryan joke. :P


We have come to terms
...please don't call me Keeno. I really, REALLY hate that.

I just tolerate it from Adri becauae I'd have to murder her to get her to stop. -__-

Celes Chere

I also found myself disappointed by how predictable everything was

Finally, someone else who thinks so too. xD I thought it was painfully obvious what was going to happen in this game, so it surprises me when people call it shocking. I disagree with you about Tidus though ofc, I can't stand him. My favorites are Rikku, Auron, and Yuna... but somehow with this game it feels the characters are missing something. I'm not really sure what it is, but it feels that way every time I play it. xD Like "Yeah, I really like this character but I don't really care that much" :monster:


Pro Adventurer
I hate Auron for dropping the idea into Tidus's head that it was " his story ". Because of Auron, telling Tidus that it was "his story " we have to listen to Tidus shout over and over that "it's his story ", when really, it's more Yuna's. :/

Yeah I agree about FFX being predictable. I don't want to spoil, but Seymour gives away a massive hit about Auron, that the Guado don't like the sent of the dead. :/



Higher Further Faster
Tidus not being real wasn't really obvious until we are flat out told by Bahamut. The fact that he really was going to fade away was shocking in that given the story, you'd think there would be some deus ex machina to keep it from happening (not counting X-2 here).

I also think it adds to the twist that yous spend all this time thinking everything is all about Yuna, but then you realize that in a way not so much since her going through with the final summoning was never part of the Fayths' plans. Tidus was the one they sent to Spira to take on his father. Tidus is the one they told the truth to instead of Yuna.

To say that it was only Yuna's story and not Tidus' isn't anywhere near the truth.

If anything, you could maybe argue that they share the role, but all the stuff that happens near the end of the game makes Tidus far too important to not matter.

Just sayin'. My opinion, of course.


White Knight
Thamauturge (IMDb and Gamefaqs), Haeralis, Haeralis the Brave, Wiegraf, and JudgeMagisterDelita
After reading through the rest of this topic I noticed that the people who say that it's their favorite FF tend to have just a little bit of blind fanboyism.

Honestly though, if someone says anything bad about FFX some people come in and say "NO YOU ARE WRONG BECAUSE THE GAMEPLAY WAS MUCH BETTER THAN THE ONES YOU SAID ARE MUCH BETTER!"

Pfft, and people always complain about the FFVII fanbois.


Pro Adventurer
Vega, Kyle Hyde
After reading through the rest of this topic I noticed that the people who say that it's their favorite FF tend to have just a little bit of blind fanboyism.

Honestly though, if someone says anything bad about FFX some people come in and say "NO YOU ARE WRONG BECAUSE THE GAMEPLAY WAS MUCH BETTER THAN THE ONES YOU SAID ARE MUCH BETTER!"

Pfft, and people always complain about the FFVII fanbois.

So? Personally I like this game, IMO it's far from being the best FF has to offer but hey, if people like their game then what's the problem with it?

We all have different tastes and criteria, after all :P.


Higher Further Faster
After reading through the rest of this topic I noticed that the people who say that it's their favorite FF tend to have just a little bit of blind fanboyism.

Honestly though, if someone says anything bad about FFX some people come in and say "NO YOU ARE WRONG BECAUSE THE GAMEPLAY WAS MUCH BETTER THAN THE ONES YOU SAID ARE MUCH BETTER!"

Pfft, and people always complain about the FFVII fanbois.

I don't see how it's a bad thing to defend what you like, especially when one starts making comparisons. Are you saying you expect them to just sit back and take it?

Are you sure they are blind? Or do you just want to believe they are?

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
I was going to say something along the lines of "I'll show you something you can sit back and take" but I dunno if Wiegraf would think I'm gay coming on to him or if Tenny would file a sexual harassment suit on me.


We have come to terms
I'm a FFX fan. I know it's probably my favorite FF game ever made, and one of my favorite games of all time.

Fanboy? Probably.


No game is ever perfect; FFX is just rather less imperfect than its brethren.


Save your valediction (she/her)
Yes, because FFIX was so riddled with holes, discrepancies and poor world building. The characters were flat charicatures with very little development and the visuals were bland and ordinary. The lack of voice acting didn't allow for the words to be drilled into my brain in the perfectly shrill way that I wanted. The world map was too extensive and dimensional, with too many things to do that distracted me from its horrifyingly linear story.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Yes, because FFIX was so riddled with holes, discrepancies and poor world building. The characters were flat charicatures with very little development and the visuals were bland and ordinary. The lack of voice acting didn't allow for the words to be drilled into my brain in the perfectly shrill way that I wanted. The world map was too extensive and dimensional, with too many things to do that distracted me from its horrifyingly linear story.


I'm sorry, but..are you seriously attributing all of that to FFX? What plot holes, discrepancies or poor world building did YOU encounter?


The Doomsayer
Yes, because FFIX was so riddled with holes, discrepancies and poor world building. The characters were flat charicatures with very little development and the visuals were bland and ordinary. The lack of voice acting didn't allow for the words to be drilled into my brain in the perfectly shrill way that I wanted. The world map was too extensive and dimensional, with too many things to do that distracted me from its horrifyingly linear story.

wait wut


Celes Chere

Yes, because FFIX was so riddled with holes, discrepancies and poor world building. The characters were flat charicatures with very little development and the visuals were bland and ordinary. The lack of voice acting didn't allow for the words to be drilled into my brain in the perfectly shrill way that I wanted. The world map was too extensive and dimensional, with too many things to do that distracted me from its horrifyingly linear story.

I really hope that's sarcasm.
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