I'm just asking where does one draw the line? I've said multiple times that I don't think Soken was malicious in the way he approached it. To me there is a world of difference between him and the Will.I.Am's of the world, but none the less there is that seed of doubt there now for me after opening this thread up.
Will.I.Am is a cheap bastard who will sample songs to hell and back, even doing so after asking for permission and being declined. Soken clearly just found the perfect theme for a battle (GKMM is honestly perfectly themed tbh) it just so happens the song has another source of origin.
Why's it ok for people to call out Will.I.Am, Meghan Trainor , Metallica , Vanilla Ice , Psy (tbf courts ruled in his favor, he was still called out though), George Harrison , Led Zepplin, Johny Cash (who made something like 1500 songs in his day, and IIRC only called out 1 time) so on and so forth, but SE is seemingly off limits for doing similar.
Not only that but the band who made the song were called attention whores for it as well.
Like did I miss the memo or something lol, in the year 2016 did musical plagiarism not become a thing because seemingly every combination of music composition has apparently been played by human hands?
Also not that I ignored Octo's point, but I see that and just think someone at SE is lax about where people get music ideas from where as you guys probably just see it as a coincidence or not a big deal at best.
And again back to my CT point , songs like that probably got hand waved by people because it was probably the only track that did it. I'd imagine it would be a different story if the Midgar Theme also turned out to be Stairway to Heaven or something lol.
Like idk I can't wrap my head around it. Some of you agree that PM5K has a case for plagiarism here and could probably easily win a court case if they took it that far, but in the same breath hand wave it and say it's not plagiarism. To me that's like backflip olympics tier mental gymnastics.
Bear in mind guys no where in the definition of plagiarism does it say anything about intent. It sure as heck makes no mention on whether its malicious or not.
I'm not saying they are the scum of the earth here, or worse Will.I.Am.
I'm just saying PM5k has a point here and they are definitely not attention whores for pointing it out.