Celes Chere
- Noctis
What? The only reason I didn't request to join the msn chat is because I got jumped on for weighing in on the previous discussion, when people were asking the people who disagreed to come forward. Tiff, if you've got a problem, tell me so I can defend myself. Again, I'd be more than happy to work it out via PM if you want to. If you don't, that's up to you.
At no point have I set out to be an annoying fuck, but I'll stick up for people where I feel it's justified just as you guys would. I'm not out to stir shit or cause aggravation but I can see how some people might think that based on the fact that I was basically agreeing with the other side.
And I'm sure what I've said doesn't just go for you. I'm sure I piss off a lot of people. But I want people to tell me about it instead of posting a ton of passive aggressive stuff, because that gets us nowhere.
If I'm honest, I feel like I can't post an opinion these days without someone jumping on it right away and posting something dicky. I'm so over it. Let's just all be nice to each other instead?
Well, it would actually be nice to have you (and perhaps GLD?) join in the conversations because obviously we butted heads. Everyone should just get all the issues they have off their chest. I would really appreciate it if you'd join into the next convo because I would like a more direct response, I have found PMing gets me no where with people I have had an issue with. MSN however is on the spot, no bullshit, laying it all out there. I believe we were thinking about a Skype chat next, though? (Typing not talking) To be honest, there was no real problem I felt I needed to contact you about. It's simply we have very opposite view points when it comes to the Forum and the way you word your views rubbed me the wrong way every single time. Sometimes I feel like you act that myself and my friends are just the scum of the earth. That is why I never had an interest in speaking with you and spoke against your views. Because I heavily disagreed with them - however - I don't feel like I was ever passive aggressive towards you. I feel like I was straight up aggressive, lol.
And I'm sorry I worded it so harshly, I was rather upset at the time and to be honest I still sort of am. I'm sure you are not the happiest with me, either. Anyway if you join in on chat, then I would be more than happy to discuss everything with you.
To be honest, I won't post something 'dicky' unless the opinion is worded rudely, seems patronizing, etc, which is how a lot of your posts strike me as. And I would much rather be nice and hope to get along, but if someone posts something that is really off putting to me I won't walk on eggshells to spare their feelings.
To be honest, I thought you were posting drunk. Even proposed a 'Username rule' for folks who were posting drunk and disorderly to give them time to sober up.
I was drunk when I was misspelling things. ^^; I'm talking about when we posted the Homestuck pictures and made obviously attacking comments towards staff. I can't speak for the others who also participated in this, but no matter how much I agreed with what I was posting I do regret lashing out in a rash way.
shut down the secrets site, or at least give it a very long time before opening it back up. Keep whatever fucktard with a bone to pick with the forum from getting their kicks out of stirring shit up. Once they realized they either have to speak openingly (and get justifibly flamed) or stop with this.
Yes, there are tons of rude messages. We're just going to ignore those, and probably delete them. I'd advise whoever's doing it to kindly stop filling up my tumblr inbox with that nonsense.