Is this going to be the saga of Versus XIII all over again? If so, then Nomura's a really bad director when it comes to this these days.
And STILL nothing on what they're gonna do with the Compilation of Final Fantasy VII. I AM SICK AND TIRED OF HEARING NOTHING BUT BAD NEWS THAT NOMURA GIVES US.
GIVE US GOOD NEWS FOR A CHANGE, SQUARE! What's so hard about that?
"Please be excited" this, "Please be excited" that. They're just saying that just to avoid losing support. If they keep going like this, then Square's gonna end up shutting down before we even see Final Fantasy XVI.
And STILL nothing on what they're gonna do with the Compilation of Final Fantasy VII.
Nomura said:From the beginning, we planned to only do four spin-offs of Final Fantasy 7, and we publicly announced that [the Compilation of Final Fantasy 7] would end with those four. We planned it that way ourselves so we wouldn’t oversaturate the market.
I'd like to see this public announcement.Nomura said:From the beginning, we planned to only do four spin-offs of Final Fantasy 7, and we publicly announced that [the Compilation of Final Fantasy 7] would end with those four. We planned it that way ourselves so we wouldn’t oversaturate the market.
And STILL nothing on what they're gonna do with the Compilation of Final Fantasy VII.
From that massive FFVII article Polygon recently published:
Nomura said:From the beginning, we planned to only do four spin-offs of Final Fantasy 7, and we publicly announced that [the Compilation of Final Fantasy 7] would end with those four. We planned it that way ourselves so we wouldn’t oversaturate the market.
As I myself have often said, they announced four titles and released those (as I have often heard the argument "they should finish what they started") and never had concrete plans for more.
Whether they will resume making more spin-offs or not is something even they couldn't give you a definite answer on since they now have a multi-part remake to focus on.
For your sanity's sake however, I would advise you to simply let it go and assume there won't be more.
I'd like to see this public announcement. If he ever said anything of the sort, then that statement exists in some interview that is yet to be translated.Nomura said:From the beginning, we planned to only do four spin-offs of Final Fantasy 7, and we publicly announced that [the Compilation of Final Fantasy 7] would end with those four. We planned it that way ourselves so we wouldn’t oversaturate the market.
This was the last thing he said almost 7 years ago and if they haven't said anymore or had confirmed to have changed their minds on this, and that they hadn't changed their minds on on adding the Compilation details in the Remake then it's clear that it's still active, unless he said what he meant to say in reverse.Nomura has stated that while Advent Children Complete did not represent the end of Compilation of Final Fantasy VII, as the staff still had more ideas, it marked "the end of the Advent Children saga" as there would be no more re-releases or extended versions.[47]
I immediately thought of Tasha when I saw that bit, haha.
— The Compilation of FFVII has come to a stop with this. Will there be a next Compilation title?
Nomura: We’ve got ideas. But, it’s come to a stop here. I don’t think anything will be happening for awhile.
I have to second Shademp. While it may well be true, it was never left that cut and dry from what I saw at last comment (in 2009)::
Now, granted, I've not been expecting anything. I wasn't expecting the remake for that matter. I just don't think he can claim they ever made it as clear as he's saying now.— The Compilation of FFVII has come to a stop with this. Will there be a next Compilation title?
Nomura: We’ve got ideas. But, it’s come to a stop here. I don’t think anything will be happening for awhile.
Follow the link, Tash, it was posted the other day and the interviews were conducted over the course of the last two years.
Sorry for my temper and tantrums, guys. I wasn't taking it out on all of you. I just want people to understand how frustrating it is rather than forcing me to be on their side and I hate taking sides. It's even worse when I'm always in the middle.
And we got it the first thousand times you posted it. We're just tired of hearing it. Like I said it'd be nice to look at these threads on this forum without it constantly being you yelling and screaming about how the game isn't out yet and about how quality doesn't even matter.
Would it kill you to just NOT post that just once? Get a private blog and you can rant about it there. That's what i used to do
I wasn't yelling or screaming.
This is seriously, utterly, ridiculously, and frustratingly way beyond the joke now. I was so hoping for some good news on KH3 and hoping for an bit of an good update.
And STILL nothing on what they're gonna do with the Compilation of Final Fantasy VII. I AM SICK AND TIRED OF HEARING NOTHING BUT BAD NEWS THAT NOMURA GIVES US.
GIVE US GOOD NEWS FOR A CHANGE, SQUARE! What's so hard about that?
I wasn't yelling or screaming.
This is seriously, utterly, ridiculously, and frustratingly way beyond the joke now. I was so hoping for some good news on KH3 and hoping for an bit of an good update.
And STILL nothing on what they're gonna do with the Compilation of Final Fantasy VII. I AM SICK AND TIRED OF HEARING NOTHING BUT BAD NEWS THAT NOMURA GIVES US.
GIVE US GOOD NEWS FOR A CHANGE, SQUARE! What's so hard about that?
If you say so
I said I was sorry. How many times do I have to say it?
Follow the link, Tash, it was posted the other day and the interviews were conducted over the course of the last two years.
What's that supposed to mean? I know they said that they'd 'Take a break from the series' but was that reversed as well?
Tashasaurus said:Again, when was this posted?