Remake Interviews: Catch-all Thread


Old Man in the Room
There may not be the ability to jump at all. Not that I'd mind. If implemented correctly, we just need the ability to poke and prod around any given area.


I played Steep the other day ("free" on PS Plus) and it's got that very strongly, :closedmonster:. While that of all games really shouldn't be needing it. I mean on skis you just add steep (hehe) faces (can't ski upwards), on the jet powered wings thing you can just let the engines stall out.


Old Man in the Room
Personally, boundaries are no deal-breaker. I'm probably most interested in what they'll do as far as a World Map goes. I would be plenty happy if they built an entire layout like in Final Fantasy XV. Still waiting for an interview or some such thing to tell me what's up there.


Pro Adventurer
I'm more thinking about the kinda thing where even modern games will put down just a few boxes, and it's impassible. Or worse: There's a foot at most of level difference, and you have to walk all the way around it.

There had BETTER be a jump and climb ability.


Old Man in the Room
There might not be. There might simply be a kind of object interactivity. Push towards a pile of crates and Cloud'll climb over. I was re-watching that gameplay trailer the other day and it struck me how non-vertical everything seemed. But then, there are also those screens of Cloud sneaking around. If sneaking is an option, I don't know why you WOULDN'T add in a jump button so you could leap at your foes.

But that brings up enemy targeting and the like. There are targeting reticles in some screens that would suggest not necessarily an open jump button, but the ability to aim somewhere and fire yourself in that direction.


Harbinger O Great Justice
I'd expect that the movement and traversal options are at least equivalent of what already exists in FFXV (Warp Strike notwithstanding), and for anyone like @Makoeyes987 who's recently completed Pitioss Dungeon, you know that means a lot of jumping. When it comes to the lack of Warp Strike, even that shows that you can have a button tied to "interact with environmental things" in a way that can be somewhat contextual that they've already done. It's not hard to imagine how you could make improvements to that basic control mechanic in a way that fits FFVII, and can vary slightly between environments. Hell, XV even had a number of infiltration and stealth sections as well that changed Warp Striking to be stealth attacks during those segments, so that's even done within that game already. I'd just expect it to be a bit more fluid since it'll likely be a more basic interaction mechanic for FFVII-R.



Harbinger O Great Justice
Let's separate that Jump and Interact button if you please, though, boys.

I never checked, but I always wondered: Was that issue an artifact of the O vs. X – cancel vs. accept difference between Japanese and US/EU default controls, and just not updating the control scheme mapping accordingly? I have the Advent Children PS3 from Japan, and I seem to recall that that mapping informed some games' behaviour oddly from time-to-time, so I always just assumed that that's why we ran into that Jumping/interaction issue.

(Related: With FFVII being the first PSX game I ever played back when, I started out thinking of O as select and X as cancel in general. It'll be interesting to see if they keep that option for the Remake or let you map your controls even more specifically).

X :neo:


Old Man in the Room
Hoping for the latter. It's one of the areas where PC gaming excels over consoles to a considerable degree.


Pro Adventurer
Problem is you can only remap the buttons. You can't remap their functions. So you're still stuck if they do something like XV again.

As I recall, they just used too many buttons. Triangle was mapped to the warpstrike, square was mapped to the defend, and X was mapped to the jump button, and circle is the cancel. I guess they thought it was better to just risk accidentally jumping instead of accidentally defending or using the cancel button? I dunno. It's stupid.


Eyes of the Lord
Imo the issue is less about "interact" and "jump" being on the same button but rather that "interact" uses both tap and hold to execute. This is important because XV has other two buttons that also have two different function, and uses tap and hold to give priority to which action will be performed, this being square and circle:

Hold Square: Phase-Dodging
Tap Square: Dodge-Rolling/Blink-Dodging
Tap Circle: Attack
Hold Circle: Sprint/Attack *

A way to fix the accidental jumping would be by making "interact" and exclusive function of holding X.

*Outside of battle tapping would cause Noctis to attack and holding to sprint but during battle this changes slightly and may or may not cause issues dependingon the enemy distance (or Noctis distance compared to his lock-on point) and size. If the target is "far away" from Noctis "optimal range" holding circle causes Noctis to sprint to his target and attack once he's in the "optimal range", taping circle cause Noctis to attack independently of how far or close the target is to his optimal range. Short video detailling this phenomenon.
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AHH! I had a feeling! Sorry for doubling down hahaha! It's cool I'll just keep a toe dipped in so when the big stuff hits I can still get good and wet but ta <3 you guys are having good discussions I'm sure!


Pro Adventurer
Verbatim c&p of smackynopants’ post on the FF7R Subreddit:
Square just posted their investor briefing in which they expect a big increase in revenue (as stated before) in Q3 of their fiscal year 2020. Which means between October - December 2019. They expect 40-50 billion yen, which is double that of Q2 and Q3 of 2018 combined. This can only mean FF7R the way i see it.

Q: What can you tell us about the timeline for your FY2020/3 releases?

A: I cannot go into any detail at the moment, but I believe we will be able to make various announcements in the leadup to this year’s E3.

Q: How likely are you to reach your operating income target of ¥40-50 billion with the lineup you have planned for FY2020/3?

A: We believe operating income of ¥40-50 billion will be attainable in FY2020/3 with the lineup we currently have planned, but we still see risk of deviating from our target depending on when we release new titles and on how our development efforts progress.

Read the entire thing here

Castiel Strife

Pro Adventurer
I expect it late 2020/early 2021 at the earliest.

No way is it this year. I'd bet on it. I'll dye my hair blue if it's this year. =P

Dye it blonde instead, spike it up. And buy yourself a replica buster sword. Then run around your neighborhood naked screaming “I LOVE THIS FREAKING GAME!!!!!!”

Oh, sorry, I got confused with what I’m going to do for the midnight launch of the remake. ?

Gary Caelum

Pro Adventurer
Gary Caelum
No way is it this year. I'd bet on it. I'll dye my hair blue if it's this year. =P

Their operating income projections require over 10 million sales of a $60 game.

I haven't heard any alternative way that could possibly happen except FF7 remake. No way would they have those projections for an Avengers game they haven't even shown yet.

Give in and let the hype take you.


Pro Adventurer
Could be the Marvel thing we haven't heard anything about aswell.

Obviously I'm hoping it's VIIR. But I'm not nearly ready to believe it's coming this year yet.
Just seems so unlikely to be Avengers given we’ve heard even less about that, and that has had even less dev time than 7R (unless that was secretly begun back in 2014-2015). Avengers has had just one 50 second trailer tease in January 2017.
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