I'd expect that the movement and traversal options are at least equivalent of what already exists in
FFXV (Warp Strike notwithstanding), and for anyone like
@Makoeyes987 who's recently completed Pitioss Dungeon,
you know that means a lot of jumping. When it comes to the lack of Warp Strike, even that shows that you can have a button tied to "interact with environmental things" in a way that can be somewhat contextual that they've already done. It's not hard to imagine how you could make improvements to that basic control mechanic in a way that fits FFVII, and can vary slightly between environments. Hell,
XV even had a number of infiltration and stealth sections as well that changed Warp Striking to be stealth attacks during those segments, so that's even done within that game already. I'd just expect it to be a bit more fluid since it'll likely be a more basic interaction mechanic for FFVII-R.