After Midgar it's Kalm/Nibelheim/Mount Nibel, the swamp, the Mythril Caves, the forests where you meet Yuffie, Fort Condor, the city of Junon (big setpiece), the freighter, Costa del Sol, the Corel Mountains, North Corel/Gold Saucer/Corel Prison (another big setpiece), Gongaga, Cosmo Canyon (you are here a good while), Nibelheim again and as has been shown in articles here, Cloud's flashback Nibelheim and recreated Nibelheim are different in a thousand tiny ways.
At this point you've explored the span of two continents, as opposed to the single city of Midgar, which requires two BR discs. Then you get the Tiny Bronco in Rocket Town and you gain access to the Wutai continent, the Northern continent and the southern/Mideel continent. I can't see that happening in Part 2 anymore. I feel they're gonna have to cut it at the return to Nibelheim, have the confrontation with Sephiroth there be more then a Destruction Materia thrown at Cloud's head or fall short scaling up the world outside of Midgar to even remotely the same degree as the world inside Midgar. Or Part 2 is a small bookcase of discs you pick at the store in 2022~.