Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
- Smooth Criminal
To clarify, time travel was just a comparable example.
Even the act of time travel doesn't exist beyond the framework or manifestation of FFVII's fantasy/spirit energy setting. The nature of memories and spirit energy is that they are interconnected, even within the boundaries of time and space itself. Every life born into the world is connected, one to other. And if you trace the root of life and memory, you can reach it's source. Because memories are not isolated within individuals, and all lifeforms hold memory and intelligence beyond their experience. This is why in FFIX the world of Memoria is able to send the heroes all the way back to the beginning of creation and reach the Crystal of existence. The connection of all memories form a tunnel that reached all the way back through time itself.
Given how spirit energy, memories and Lifestream are one and the same, it gives a reasoning as to how entities known as the 'Arbiters of Fate' are able to seemingly travel back and manifest in the past. It's because the events are ultimately connected to their future and the planet.
As for Minerva, I thought it was apparent with the email description in CC that she gave off "an incredibly strong summon signal" and the Crisis Core Complete Guide interview, that she is in essence an uber-summon. She's not just any old summon from materia, she's a sort of manifestation conjured from the Lifestream itself. One thing that's been extremely consistent in FFVII, is that all it's concepts of Lifestream, Planet life and spirit energy have been in line with FFX and FFIX. These fantasy concepts have all overlapped and remained consistent with one another. Their only difference being the nature of how these fantasy concepts play out.
Even the nature of summons in FFVII-R match the relationship of Eidolons and Aeons to spirit energy. They're all manifestations of memories, thoughts and beliefs composed of spirit energy. So if anything, FFVII has remained quite true to it's lore foundations. They've just done it in their own unique way.