Remake Interviews: Catch-all Thread


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
But then there's no real reason to consider it a spoiler because it'd be separate and only relevant to the OG :monster:

So like, that explanation makes no sense. They obviously don't care about selling the OG or whatever's connected to it, so why would the sequels to the OG (bear in mind, ACC was recently remastered in 4K after Part 1) be a spoiler to the Remake in terms of remaking them? Like, that just doesn't make sense if it's not connected. To it's future.


Ninja Potato
If that one quote was the only line on the subject, I could agree to that point. But look at the entire Famitsu interview along with everything else they've said for two years. There's no ambiguity here.
Here's a fun one from 4gamer
"FF7 Remake had the same crux as the original, yet felt like a different game", to which Nomura artfully dodges the question by addressing that it is not a completely faithful retelling and will have new surprises for returning fans and new fans alike. You've also got to examine language here; they keep using these same words across multiple interviews, "crux" and "Abridged Version (and avoiding coming off as one)". These are rehearsed statements, meant to placate fans without giving up the goat. But I want that goat. I've had my fill of herring, red or otherwise.

The ambiguity comes from the selective language choices. They're saying the crux will be the same.

the decisive or most important point at issue.

And from one of the interviews, we have Nomura define what that is in the original game: "The Mystery of Nibelhiem", or, in other words, Cloud's false identity. That idea will still be the crux of the remake, and they've already done a ton to play with it in ways the original never did and set up even more ways to spin it later (hello Zack). They've also said many classic scenes people want will be there, and all locations from the original will be included. Basically, it will be very recognizable as FF7. I think that's the fear they're trying to assuage here.

What they've never claimed is that FF7 Remake will fill the role of the original game, they've said quite the opposite in fact. And that's where the goat is. Eating grass. And we're gonna get that dang goat. Gonna get him.

The chapter 18 framing is very focused on that premise. However, we're analyzing the Remake critically and in-depth. One can just let the story lead us where it wants to go in creating this unknown mystery of the future. And for those who've let that happen, awesome. They'll get an enjoyable experience and dramatic tension not fully cognizant of what to expect. But we're already parsing their commentary and looking in-depth at the lore implications revealed beyond the surface of the story.
I feel like I'm not out of line in saying the plot of FF7 Remake is about the forces of the Planet's will keeping the characters on a preset course which they eventually manage to break away from. That permeates all 18 chapters, even if the characters themselves don't really understand what is happening until chapter 17. That is the plot, removed from the pre-existing story lifted from the original. Even the title is a tease at this, what other super secret meaning could "Remake" have?

That does not preclude or contradict the existence of multiple Sephiroths. That just states they share a mind, which makes sense because they both would be progeny of Jenova. Literally nothing there states there isn't a present and future incarnation of the same being.
What it does say is that there being a future and past version is irrelevant. There's one mind, one will. You're acting like there's a past Sephiroth who is the same as the OG one, and a future Sephiroth who is leaving the rest up to him after creating some possibility space for him to succeed. That's not the case. They're functionally one and the same, and whatever future-roth has in mind is what past-roth has in mind.

I think the benefit of knowing the OG and Compilation is that it would make one appreciate the story of the remake even more but I think everything we’ll need to know for the remake project will be presented in the remake itself
Agreed mostly

I mean, if they're saying they aren't tackling remaking/remastering DC or whatever because it'd "spoil" what they're doing now, how else can you take that sentiment? :monster:
Can anyone provide evidence for this claim? I only remember Nomura saying there were no plans currently, not that it was because of spoilers. They ARE remaking Dirge in Ever Crisis, so...


Double Growth
You're acting like there's a past Sephiroth who is the same as the OG one, and a future Sephiroth who is leaving the rest up to him after creating some possibility space for him to succeed. That's not the case. They're functionally one and the same, and whatever future-roth has in mind is what past-roth has in mind.

I can't believe I feel like I'd prefer it the other way, given how tiresome the "No, I'm Ansem!" routine got in KH :lol:


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
"FF7 Remake had the same crux as the original, yet felt like a different game", to which Nomura artfully dodges the question by addressing that it is not a completely faithful retelling and will have new surprises for returning fans and new fans alike. You've also got to examine language here; they keep using these same words across multiple interviews, "crux" and "Abridged Version (and avoiding coming off as one)". These are rehearsed statements, meant to placate fans without giving up the goat. But I want that goat. I've had my fill of herring, red or otherwise.

The ambiguity comes from the selective language choices. They're saying the crux will be the same.

the decisive or most important point at issue.

And from one of the interviews, we have Nomura define what that is in the original game: "The Mystery of Nibelhiem", or, in other words, Cloud's false identity. That idea will still be the crux of the remake, and they've already done a ton to play with it in ways the original never did and set up even more ways to spin it later (hello Zack). They've also said many classic scenes people want will be there, and all locations from the original will be included. Basically, it will be very recognizable as FF7. I think that's the fear they're trying to assuage here.

What they've never claimed is that FF7 Remake will fill the role of the original game, they've said quite the opposite in fact. And that's where the goat is. Eating grass. And we're gonna get that dang goat. Gonna get him.

Okay, they're crafted statements. And what about it?

Again, do you think they're lying?

I'm glad you find that statement about "crux" so important to dissect to pieces. But hey! What about the other lines?

Please. Tell me what this means.

"if the story were to change entirely and become something completely different, it would lack any significance."

What's the hidden meaning there? :monster:

Is that their ultimate goal? To make a story that lacks any significance?

feel like I'm not out of line in saying the plot of FF7 Remake is about the forces of the Planet's will keeping the characters on a preset course which they eventually manage to break away from. That permeates all 18 chapters, even if the characters themselves don't really understand what is happening until chapter 17. That is the plot, removed from the pre-existing story lifted from the original. Even the title is a tease at this, what other super secret meaning could "Remake" have?

Eh, not really. I can see how one would wish to see it that way, but I don't think that's the case. It's not about the characters trying to shake off the shackles of the planet. They tried to shake off the shackles of Sephiroth's inevitable threat TO the planet. A very big difference.

What it does say is that there being a future and past version is irrelevant. There's one mind, one will. You're acting like there's a past Sephiroth who is the same as the OG one, and a future Sephiroth who is leaving the rest up to him after creating some possibility space for him to succeed. That's not the case. They're functionally one and the same, and whatever future-roth has in mind is what past-roth has in mind.

It's not irrelevant nor does it say that. It just says they share the same mind. You're injecting this whole meaning in regards to Sephiroth's presence. One mind and one will doesn't preclude the existence of a past/present and future incarnation. The distinction is not nullified.
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Pro Adventurer
But then there's no real reason to consider it a spoiler because it'd be separate and only relevant to the OG :monster:

So like, that explanation makes no sense. They obviously don't care about selling the OG or whatever's connected to it, so why would the sequels to the OG (bear in mind, ACC was recently remastered in 4K after Part 1) be a spoiler to the Remake in terms of remaking them? Like, that just doesn't make sense if it's not connected. To it's future.
I’m going to need to see the quote about spoiling the remake because if it’s in the context of how the OG is being remade, remaking titles taking place in the future of the remake before it even gets to those points chronologically would be a spoiler


Ninja Potato
I can't believe I feel like I'd prefer it the other way, given how tiresome the "No, I'm Ansem!" routine got in KH :lol:
Sephiroth is also Xehanort, it's all connected...
Okay, they're crafted statements. And what about it?
They're hiding something because they're not going to spoil everything in interviews before the game comes out.
Again, do you think they're lying?
No but it's more of a "What I said is true from a certain point of view" thing lol.
I'm glad you find that statement about "crux" so important to dissect to pieces. But hey! What about the other lines?

Please. Tell me what this means.

"if the story were to change entirely and become something completely different, it would lack any significance."
Note how it doesn't preclude any change at all, and I don't think anyone has asserted it'd be unreconisable. Just that the end goal will be different, while utilizing the same building blocks. Ideally everyone will kind of get what they want except shippers.
What's the hidden meaning there? :monster:
Some change is possible, just not to the extent that it's no longer "FF7". How much things can bend while still being "FF7" is up to them.
Is that their ultimate goal? To make a story that lacks any significance?
The goal is to make a game that can be enjoyed by old and new fans alike, and allows them to stretch their creative legs. They also called a fully faithful remake a meaningless endeavor you know lol.
Eh, not really. I can see how one would wish to see it that way, but I don't think that's the case. It's not about the characters trying to shake off the shackles of the planet. They tried to shake off the shackles of Sephiroth's inevitable threat TO the planet. A very big difference.
It's not irrelevant nor does it say that. It just says they share the same mind. You're injecting this whole meaning in regards to Sephiroth's presence. One mind and one will doesn't preclude the existence of a past/present and future incarnation. The distinction is not nullified.
Yes it is. If they have the same mind and goals they are in all effect one and the same. Ergo, whatever Future Sephiroth's plan is is what past Sephiroth's plan is. Future Sephiroth is not leaving it up to past Sephiroth for his plan to succeed this time. The plan has changed because either way, this is a Sephiroth with hindsight.
I’m going to need to see the quote about spoiling the remake because if it’s in the context of how the OG is being remade, remaking titles taking place in the future of the remake before it even gets to those points chronologically would be a spoiler
I asked Turq and 0bs and best I can tell Mako made this one up.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I’m going to need to see the quote about spoiling the remake because if it’s in the context of how the OG is being remade, remaking titles taking place in the future of the remake before it even gets to those points chronologically would be a spoiler

Leafonthebreeze pointed it out a page ago :monster:

Note how it doesn't preclude any change at all, and I don't think anyone has asserted it'd be unreconisable. Just that the end goal will be different, while utilizing the same building blocks. Ideally everyone will kind of get what they want except shippers.

Well obviously there are going to be changes. That was never the question. Who said there would be no changes? For a recontextualization of the core themes and story to happen, changes will have had to happen. But it still is ultimately the same story.

You were the one who said before that the whole story would go off the rails and be different :monster:

Yes it is. If they have the same mind and goals they are in all effect one and the same. Ergo, whatever Future Sephiroth's plan is is what past Sephiroth's plan is. Future Sephiroth is not leaving it up to past Sephiroth for his plan to succeed this time. The plan has changed because either way, this is a Sephiroth with hindsight.

If my present self and future self started working together towards the same goal and we both shared the same consciousness, that doesn't change the fact that one of us is temporally further along than the other. We would both be distinct existences, yet the same person. They are the same but also distinct because of that temporal distinction.


Ninja Potato
@Leafonthebreeze pointed it out a page ago :monster:
Okay Leaf made it up, or probably someone on twitter, because nobody said that's why they weren't remaking Dirge.

Well obviously there are going to be changes. That was never the question. Who said there would be no changes? For a recontextualization of the core themes and story to happen, changes will have had to happen. But it still is ultimately the same story.
Nobody said it'd be the same story lol. It's already not the same story.
You were the one who said before that the whole story would go off the rails and be different :monster:
Uh huh, and I still think it will to an extent lol. At bare minimum I expect a time traveling Gackt at some point. If you can crowbar in a big destiny ghost and it still be "the same story", then you can sure as fuck include a bunch of other nonsense as well.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Nobody said it'd be the same story lol. It's already not the same story.

Uh, yes they did. Right here.

"That said, if the story were to change entirely and become something completely different, it would lack any significance. The challenge we've undertaken with this project is introducing new mysteries without straying from the original."

So what does that mean then? What hidden meaning lies in this distinct statement?

Uhuh, and I still think it will to an extent lol. At bare minimum I expect a time traveling Gackt at some point. If you can crowbar in a big destiny ghost and it still be "the same story", then you can sure as fuck include a bunch of other nonsense as well.

Not really. The Whispers were proto-Weapons meant to protect the temporal guardrails of the Planet's future from being derailed and steered towards destruction. They were destroyed and now the stakes going forward are higher.

Explain how making Genesis the ultimate villain or some sort of new ally against Sephiroth is somehow the same thing as the original? Does not compute.
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Old Man in the Room
A time traveling Gackt? What, in all of the interviews, points to that?

I think we're really going off the rails ourselves here. Some of it due to our own narrative desires, some of it due to translation issues, but also a lot of interpretations run amuck.

I am not a creative person. I just look at what's given to me and try to go from there. But in the interest of this very concept at which we've all found ourselves at odds with here, let us try and perform a thought exercise. Imagine the original game does not exist, and Remake is your first experience in this world.

Try to imagine seeing those flashes of Aerith at the altar. Of Meteor. And then you hear that everything you are seeing is a vision of tomorrow if you fail today.

Then you are playing Rebirth. Aerith is at the altar. The game ends with Meteor. Cloud is gone. The party is in despair.

Those are stakes and dramatic weight, set up from the very beginning now. It works.

If I recall from the remake ultimania, it's that at some unspecified point in the past she gained a bunch of knowledge of the future somehow, and the reason she "loses a part of herself" every time the whispers touch her is because they remove that future knowledge when they touch her.

I can't find this information in my Ultimania. Where is this?


Ninja Potato
"That said, if the story were to change entirely and become something completely different, it would lack any significance. The challenge we've undertaken with this project is introducing new mysteries without straying from the original."

So what does that mean then? What hidden meaning lies in this distinct statement?
This is where you and I have reached our impasse. You think this means "It'll be basically the same" but to me those highlighted parts mean "it will still be recognisable as FF7 but that doesn't preclude significant changes". Changing entirely and being substantially different are not the same.

Not really. The Whispers were proto-Weapons meant to protect the temporal guardrails of the Planet's future from being derailed and steered towards destruction. Explain how making Genesis the ultimate villain or some sort of new ally against Sephiroth is somehow the same thing? Does not compute.
WELL, Genesis is established as the new protector of the Planet after the final Weapon, Omega, is destroyed in Dirge of Cerberus. He awakens because he's all the planet has left. If we say he is now awakening because he senses a disruption, probably Sephiroth's consciousness going back, he could set off to do something about it now that the whispers are gone. There's no reason to think he can't also time travel. Honestly I feel like his role is already fairly well set up, a physical actor acting for the Planet in the coming conflict. In Japanese in Dirge he even says he and Weiss are headed off to the raising of the curtain for the finale, a line somewhat echoed in Weiss' enemy bio in the Japanese version of Remake. There's a lot of precedent for it imo.
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"He is skilled enough to rise to 1st class but stubbornly sticks to bike-based operations, so hasn't even been recommended for 2nd class yet. Roche himself seems fine with this arrangement though. "

Oh shit, my Roche headcanon has been confirmed!


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Changing entirely and being substantially different are not the same.

Really? They aren't?

So the Remake can be "substantially different" and still be the same thing, while simultaneously not "straying from the original", and "keeping it's toe inside the line it doesn't cause players to feel the story's very premise has changed." That's the premise you're going with.


WELL, Genesis is established as the new protector of the Planet after the final Weapon, Omega, is destroyed in Dirge of Cerberus. He awakens because he's all the planet has left. If we say he is now awakening because he senses a disruption, probably Sephiroth's consciousness going back, he could set off to do something about it now that the whispers are gone. There's no reason to think he can't also time travel. Honestly I feel like his role is already fairly well set up, a physical actor acting for the Planet in the coming conflict. In Japanese in Dirge he even says he and Weiss are headed off to the raising of the curtain for the finale, a line somewhat echoed in Weiss' enemy bio in the Japanese version of Remake. There's a lot of precedent for it imo.

Citation needed. Desperately so.

I'm sure Genesis perceives himself as a protector of the planet. But I have no idea when that position or title was ever bestowed to him, nor have I heard there being any "set up" for him to somehow time travel himself to fight a battle that belongs to the protagonist of FFVII.

Where in the Stagnant Lifestream did this idea unironically come from? Other than @Roundhouse ?

Because of language in Weiss's website character profile? We still riding on that 2006 secret ending? Really?


Ninja Potato
I can't find this information in my Ultimania. Where is this?

From Ultimania Plus


Old Man in the Room

From Ultimania Plus

Ok, so it does say Aerith is remembering and knowing/learning things in Chapter 17. Could it be the mural that sets this off? Trying to parse this with what we see in the game...

Interestingly, whomever translated this changed "jack of all trades" (or maybe more literally, "one-stop-shop-for-everything") to "mercenary".


Pro Adventurer
So the Remake can be "substantially different" and still be the same thing, while simultaneously not "straying from the original", and "keeping it's toe inside the line it doesn't cause players to feel the story's very premise has changed." That's the premise you're going with.
Isn’t that what the first part of the remake was though?


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Isn’t that what the first part of the remake was though?

No. And I never characterized Part 1 as "substantially different" or said the series would go in an entirely different direction. That was never my argument.


Ninja Potato
Really? They aren't?
So the Remake can be "substantially different" and still be the same thing, while simultaneously not "straying from the original", and "keeping it's toe inside the line it doesn't cause players to feel the story's very premise has changed." That's the premise you're going with.
Yep. You're probably exaggerating HOW different I mean in your head.
Citation needed. Desperately so.

I'm sure Genesis perceives himself as a protector of the planet. But I have no idea when that position or title was ever bestowed to him, nor have I heard there being any "set up" for him to somehow time travel himself to fight a battle that belongs to the protagonist of FFVII.
From the Crisis Core Complete guide:
This is saying that in Dirge, Genesis may seem evil, but after playing CC he may come off as a force for good.

Also from the CCC, on Loveless:
Here he's clearly set up as a protector of the Planet, of his own choosing. Minerva, the representation of the planet, cured his degredation, and so he is established as someone with a close connection to the planet.

and another
Note the line about returning when a crisis threatens the planet being why he's sealed away, and a coming crisis being why he would wake up.

and one more

So yeah, Genesis = Planet's representative has precedent, even if he picked that role for himself. And don't you "somehow time traveled" me when Sephiroth is doing the same shit lol. I doubt he'd steal the role of Cloud and Co. probably be a secondary antagonist and then an ally later. It's not like any of Cloud and Co. know who he is, so it's not like it'd be plot breaking anyway.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Yep. You're probably exaggerating HOW different I mean in your head.

You've stated you believe Genesis is coming from the future into the Remake. I'm pretty certain I'm not exaggerating. :monster:

From the Crisis Core Complete guide:

This is saying that in Dirge, Genesis may seem evil, but after playing CC he may come off as a force for good.

Also from the CCC, on Loveless:

Here he's clearly set up as a protector of the Planet, of his own choosing. Minerva, the representation of the planet, cured his degredation, and so he is established as someone with a close connection to the planet.

and one more

So yeah, Genesis = Planet's representative has precedent, even if he picked that role for himself. And don't you "somehow time traveled" me when Sephiroth is doing the same shit lol. I doubt he'd steal the role of Cloud and Co. probably be a secondary antagonist and then an ally later. It's not like any of Cloud and Co. know who he is, so it's not like it'd be plot breaking anyway

What game is this?

Is this the Final Fantasy VII Remake project, or Crisis Core 2: Electric Boogaloo?

Why would ANY of this be relevant or important to what is going on here in the story?

Genesis's self serving interpretation of LOVELESS means jacksquat to the plot of FFVII and the conflict therein. All of that you posted can be completely true and also completely irrelevant to the narrative.

Genesis believed himself to be the "hero" of LOVELESS, and guided by providence from the Planet. In Crisis Core. Why would that have any bearing when that story is over we're in FFVII now?

Why would he even be an ally?

And you know why Sephiroth can time travel? Because he's the main villain. He can basically do whatever he wants because he's the core threat. That's his role. If anyone is going to be expanded in terms of the scope of his threat, it'd naturally be the villain. A tertiary villain from another game is not on the same level.


Ninja Potato
You've stated you believe Genesis is coming from the future into the Remake. I'm pretty certain I'm not exaggerating. :monster:
Hey I provided plenty of reasons why he can, doesn't seem as outlandish as plot ghosts to me.

What game is this?

Is this the Final Fantasy VII Remake project, or Crisis Core 2: Electric Boogaloo?
Well, considering Nomura recently called Cloud, Sephiroth, and Zack the three most important FFVII characters...

Genesis's self serving interpretation of LOVELESS means jacksquat to the plot of FFVII and the conflict therein. All of that you posted can be completely true and also completely irrelevant to the narrative.
Crisis Core is the last big FF7 release before remake and it's getting a remaster now. Genesis is an important character whether we like it or not. I'm pretty sure everything I posted is both true AND relevant to the narrative. Believe it or not the devs like Crisis Core a lot.

Genesis believed himself to be the "hero" of LOVELESS, and guided by providence from the Planet. In Crisis Core. Why would that have any bearing when that story is over we're in FFVII now?
You have no imagination sir. Genesis was more or less recruited by the Planet. Now he can BE the hero he always wanted to be, and against the guy he hates so much too! Funny how that works out.

Why would he even be an ally?
Probably because "Saving the Planet" is his and the Party's goal? Assumedly he'd only become an ally after we beat his ass though. And no I don't mean he'd join the party. Or do I?

And you know why Sephiroth can time travel? Because he's the main villain. He can basically do whatever he wants because he's the core threat. That's his role. If anyone is going to be expanded in terms of the scope of his threat, it'd naturally be the villain. A tertiary villain from another game is not on the same level.
That's some really sound lore-based logic, wow. I am blown away.
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