Remake Interviews: Catch-all Thread


Rookie Adventurer
Urgh all of this has made me regret releasing the audio.

This community has been fantastic in shutting down the misinterpretation and misinformation, still I'm sorry for all the hassle it's inadvertently caused.


Urgh all of this has made me regret releasing the audio.

This community has been fantastic in shutting down the misinterpretation and misinformation, still I'm sorry for all the hassle it's inadvertently caused.

Nonsense, thank you for the findings and coming here to discuss it with us :properhug:


Pro Adventurer
Urgh all of this has made me regret releasing the audio.

This community has been fantastic in shutting down the misinterpretation and misinformation, still I'm sorry for all the hassle it's inadvertently caused.

You provided invaluable insight, and there's more good news found than bad. It's not your fault news outlets and haters are cherry picking for clickbait.
For anyone trying to find spots to buy the BRA☆BRA brochure/magazine, these are the BRA☆BRA showings that are left.

July 15 - Hyogo
July 20 - Fukuoka
July 21 - Hiroshima
July 23 - Taiwan

I don't know if all these instances have merchandise for sale and if you need a concert ticket to access the merchandise at all, but these are the only possible instances where new copies of the magazine *might* be purchased.

So frustrating that the Tokyo showings are over, since I just got in touch with a person who might have helped us if there were still showings there.

EDIT: Actually, if you type in "BRA★BRA パンフレット" at Yahoo JP auctions, you will find a couple of these brochures on sale. They are the ones with the Midgar cover.

EDIT#2: hito has now bid on an auction for the brochure. Here's hoping he'll win!
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Rookie Adventurer
Why don't they instead of releasing the remake episodic,why not just make the remake multiple discs?that way they can make as many docs it could take to make 1 full game,I get money plays a big factor,but I'd rather pay double for a full game on multiple discs,then waiting years per episode


Uses the internet
Why don't they instead of releasing the remake episodic,why not just make the remake multiple discs?that way they can make as many docs it could take to make 1 full game,I get money plays a big factor,but I'd rather pay double for a full game on multiple discs,then waiting years per episode

Are you willing to pay upwards of $180 for the base game and wait about 10 years? The issue isn't about disk space, it's about how much money this project is going to cost. The original game is still the fifth most expensive game ever made, and that was without modern day graphics and the huge world/story expansion that the remake is going to get. SE can't afford that big of a gamble to make it all and release it all at once, their investors will balk. It makes more sense that the game is released in parts, each part will cost less than the combined whole, and they can see how well the game is received without spending >200 million to develop the full thing at once.


Pro Adventurer
At the risk of sounding a wanker, if you check out some of the threads/posts here in regards to the "Multi-Part" release strategy and announcement of it, a lot of the very informed and analytical forumers laid out some particularly in-depth breakdowns of 1. Why they decided this was the way to go, 2. How it's likely to work, and 3. Why it is more or less the ONLY method of giving us the FFVII-Remake we so desire (and deserve).


Harbinger O Great Justice
Exciting for sure. Everything feels like a Remake tease at this point, so this is one of those things where we won't be able to tell for sure until next week. :awesomonster:

X :neo:


Pro Adventurer
It will be crushing if there’s no dice. I mean, it’s been crushing before as we all know but this will really hurt considering the mounting pile of bones being thrown recently ...


If you read the tweets everyone thinks it sounds like whatever they want it to sound like.

"Sounds like KH"
"Could be VII"
"It's that Marvel Avengers game"

And that's probably wise marketing on their part. It could literally apply to any of their IP's.


Pro Adventurer
Yet another alleged 4chan leak (HUGE grain of salt and all that ...):

"New FF7 Remake trailer incoming

>roughly 3 minutes long
>Midgar only
>starts with Tifa reveal in CGI cutscene, outfit like in the original, tits toned down a little bit, still big
>rest of the trailer is mostly gameplay showing off the combat system against some shinra grunts and the boss battles against the Guard Scorpian and Air Buster, in the second boss battle the player switches on the fly to Tifa
>it still looks kinda rough frame rate wise, graphics look amazing
>you can see like 5 seconds of the menu when the player equips the Lightning materia, to show you that this system is still in place
>music is mostly a (new?) remix of the normal battle music
>trailer ends with Cloud falling through the church, a black screen, and flower girl says something like "you okay?", you can't see her, though
>that's it, no release date or window"



Harbinger O Great Justice
Seems definitely like something you could make up given the little bits of things we already know about the game, but at the same time, it'd make for a decent trailer if that's what we DO get.

X :neo:


Seems to be catering to much to people's hopes and cynicism to be real, also doesn't make any note of the Cloud redesign talked about in the 30th anniversary Exhibition.

Deleted member 546

Idk, whoever wrote it referred to Aeris as the flower girl, maybe they're not that into FFVII but are hunting for E3 tidbits. I'm just not getting my hopes up TBH, that way if anything drops I can have a massively satisfied sexwee. :monster:
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