Ugh no. I love Bioware but they are totally unmatched for JRPGs, especially Final Fantasy VII. In fact, didn't they just slam JRPG's saying that they aren't really RPG's?
I agree with Bioware completely on the subject of "JRPGS". You can put as many J's in front of it as you like but that still doesn't make it an RPG. RPG is defined by player choice. It does not mean running along on an open field then BAM random monsters and leveling up. Collecting loot or grinding does not an rpg make.
Taking that a step further and applying that to Final Fantasy and you should realize the only game that even approaches player choice in this whole series is.... FF7. And even then I would say dating sim over the term RPG considering most choices in this game are about who you end up dating.
Even if they do make FFVII spectacularly, I'm not sure what it will accomplish. For one, I can't see FFVII being anything but the fighting style it is, which when compared to now, is a relatively dull ATB style that most people are bored with.
FF7 as an action game in the vein of Ninja Gaiden/God of War. And yes they could make that work. Very simple actually if your willing to take out certain things and balance others. Summons have to go first. Either that or don't take a full minute to do damage. Magic just has to be balanced. Status effects can still be in the game. Just don't ask for shit like frog/mini and expect more reasonable status spells that won't break the game. Commands would have to be balanced. Some could stay others might not.
Now your prob going but how do I have 3 different characters fighting on the field of battle at the same time? Won't the AI suck? Simple. You don't. Only 1 character should be fighting at any time. The one the player controls.
BUT HOW DO I HAVE A PARTY THEN?! Simple. Each party member has their own health gauge and can jump in an out of battle by switching with the main character whom you control with a tap of a button. When their not in battle they just simply disappear to some alternate dimension inside cloud's pants.
Also it doesn't have to be just what I listed above but that's my own idea I came up with in a few moments.
Secondly, as revolutionary as it was back then, it's not terribly new anymore. How can they be assured that pouring a great amount of work and money into something with a continually diminishing base will pay off?
FF13 sold a million + despite all the flaws. Their are millions of morons who every day spam gaming news sites and youtube demanding ff7 to be remade. Do I need to go on? Also while JRPGS haven't advanced much or at all really since FF7 western rpgs have been quite the opposite. Bioware could and would make this game incredible by today's standards. Sadly Bioware will never remake ff7 so this is all pointless conjecture.
Not that it won't do well, but I don't think it'll revolutionize Squenix. Personally I wouldn't mind if they fell. They've been dead to me for years anyway. I mean, Resident Evil got the remake treatment, it did well, but it's not as huge as RE4. Innovation pays off more than polishing a classic.
I don't care about revolutionizing squenix. Me and most of the other guys in this topic want a FF7 that doesn't suck.
Also the resident evil remake was just a graphical update. All they did was polish off a classic. Which sucked by the way. RE4 is where Resident Evil as a series actually got GOOD.
What I am suggesting is for Bioware to rip FF7 apart and build it up in their own vision. Bioware has excellent writers and can easily keep the main storyline in the game while still offering plenty of choice for those looking for something different. Bioware remaking FF7 would be like the ultimate west meets east and on some levels is highly innovative if Bioware was given true freedom but had to keep the main storyline for those wanting to re-experience the original game.
Also, the only thing I'm getting from this article is, "We don't want to make a game as expansive as VII (and those like it) anymore." :/
I can't argue with that.
Relying on Bioware for all our RPG needs is also a bit risky as, as SE and hundreds of other companies have proven, any developer can fall from grace. I'd rather see one pick itself back up.
And I don't necessarily think a Bioware JRPG would be all that great. Sonic Chronicles was JRPG-ish and that was pretty terrible.
Sonic Chronicles wasn't good your right about that. Bioware's level of involvement though wasn't that high though. I believe they actually went and contracted a smaller dev team and not Bioware's own inhouse devs to make it.
Any dev team can fall but many can also stay prominent.