

Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
There isn't a lot of activity, to be honest. Maybe we should ask the mods to merge any Turks/Rufus related fanclubs?

Oh no, I don't want to tread on any toes or anything :lol: I just want a place I can squee have serious discussion about Tseng the Turks without impinging on the uh....more balanced areas of the forums.


On the subject of Reno smoking. I disagree with smoking in principle, not so much because of health risks, just the bloody expense! It seems that most of fandom thinks Reno and indeed the other Turks smoke. Sadly, it does look kind of cool, I suppose the kind of guy who jumps from great heights after getting beaten on the sector 7 pillar probably doesn't give a shit about his health.

I don't think Tseng smokes though....I get the feeling that he's a bit of a health nut, and to paraphrase Patrick Bateman*; cigarettes and alcohol dry your face out and make you look older.

Oh and incase anyones interested, theres a load of fanart that I harvested. Probably alot of it you've seen before. Its mainly Turk stuff, with a few other characters thrown in. Quite a bit of yaoi, but theres nothing you'd need eye bleach far as I can remember anyway. Actually theres 2 of my own fanarts there, which you may need eye bleach for, just because they're so bad! :D

*No, I am not drawing parallels between Bateman and Tseng....well, maybe a bit.... sometimes. >__>


Double Growth
If he smoked we'd have seen him smoke. He doesn't. For some reason there's this idea that all rebels/badasses/badass rebels must smoke. I don't care either way, but he doesn't.
But the fans have spoken, and as Square knows, the fans are always right.

Octorawk, I don't think there's a Tseng fanclub, though there IS a Tseng/Aerith shipping club. Let's start one for Tseng! He so deserves it.
Oh and incase anyones interested, theres a load of fanart that I harvested. Probably alot of it you've seen before. Its mainly Turk stuff, with a few other characters thrown in. Quite a bit of yaoi, but theres nothing you'd need eye bleach far as I can remember anyway. Actually theres 2 of my own fanarts there, which you may need eye bleach for, just because they're so bad! :D

*No, I am not drawing parallels between Bateman and Tseng....well, maybe a bit.... sometimes. >__>

That's a real treasure trove! I've been looking for ages for that one where they're digging Rufus out of the rubble. Thanks so much!

Double post. Too bad.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark

You know, he's very cute and all, but I'm not a pedophile, and I preferred seedy-crack-addict-meths-drinker-slit-you-with-a-broken-bottle-for-two-pins, and I can't even be fagged to stand up straight while I do it, adult male Reno.


Jump Rope Champion
Vivi, Setzer Gabbiani
The frog. THE FROG.

In all seriousness, that is a very nice fanart. Thanks for bumping this club!
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Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Both of those are amazing! The second one has a sort of woodcut quality :lol: Thats my next goal. Woodcut fanart!
They do have that woodcut look, don't they? I have no idea if they actually are woodcuts. I should ask her. She's Russian, but her English is good enough. If they were woodcuts I could order prints....

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Found an oldish oneshot. This has all the Turks in it, but Reno is the main character.

House Edge

"Hit me."

Tseng raised an eyebrow as he passed a card to the redhead. Reno was strangely serious, considering they were off at the moment, and usually a strangely serious Reno meant something had to be up, but…

Maybe Tseng was just off his game or his groove had been thrown out of whack, or whatever the other Turk had been known to say.

Perhaps he had been on one too many stakeouts with him.

"I'm good." Elena looked particularly serious as well, but that wasn't surprising.

"Rookie knows how to play?"

"Of course." She tapped her fingernails on the table and smiled.

"Rookie thinks she's gonna win?"

Tseng sighed. It was like overseeing a game of Crazy Eights between children. "Reno. Shut up."

Rude folded, and Tseng thought – maybe he had some sense.

Especially compared to Reno who kept raising wagers and half the time seemed to be in another world before declaring that he could really go for another card. But before Tseng got the chance to scowl and ask if he actually knew what the hell he was doing, Reno somehow managed to win.

Much to the surprise of everyone.

An hour and a half and several wins later it was clear that this was not beginner's luck.

Another half an hour later and Elena had had enough, grabbing her things and all too sweetly saying goodnight to Tseng. Rude followed suit soon after, officially ending their first – and probably last game night. This left Reno and a very suspicious Tseng.

"You're card counting, aren't you?"

His silence was all the answer Tseng needed. And though he knew he should have been a bit more responsible in his response to such actions, he couldn't help but think of black and white movies, smoky casinos, and the fedora he kept hidden away back at his apartment.

"I hear Gold Saucer is interesting this time of year."

Reno blinked in surprise, then grinned. "Now you're speaking my language, boss."



Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
I demand to know which one you are Licorice! :kermit:


Jump Rope Champion
Vivi, Setzer Gabbiani
I'm going to assume she's the blonde blushing next to Tseng, because of the close proximity to both Turks. :monster:
I probably should be, but, because of my myopia, my hair and my impatient temper, I'm the one with the glasses angrily fighting her way to the front of the book queue that Elena and Cissnei are managing. I meant to get there earlier, but lost track of time while surfing the Internet. Story of my life.

If their world were our world, there is no doubt whatsoever in my mind that Reno would be a celebrity.

Here's a story about Reno and Vincent that I like, written by notraffic at livejournal. Reno's curiosity has become an obsession. Not yaoi.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
In that case I'm the one slightlly above you and to the right, the weirdly detatched looking person biding her time until she can leap upon Tseng and steal his gametes! :awesome:
Time to breathe some life into this thread. I went a-pixiving and this is what I found:


I wonder what he's looking at.

I like this next one because it's sharply drawn and the lighting is good:


All of that was just an excuse to create a post in which to put my own fanart, for which I make no excuses. It's Reno and Knives from my fic. I've never managed to get her head quite right but I'm pretty happy with the rest; it turned out like I wanted. The sketchier, the better.


She's just run to catch up with him because she has a funny but complicated story to tell him about her day. While he kind of likes having her around as a sort of background noise, he's not really listening.

based on this picture:
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