Return to the Canyon - Red XIII/Nanaki fan club


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
"I hated the fact I was caught by Hojo and taken back to the lab where they did all kinds of experiments on me...
But because of that I was able to meet you all...
People you meet... others you don't...... Strange, isn't it?"


This is a fan club for Red XIII, AKA Nanaki, the portector of Cosmo Canyon. Standard rules apply, such as:

~THOU SHALT NOT SPAM: seriously though guys, off-topic once in a while is OK, but toe the line most of the time, 'kay?

~THOU SHALT NOT FLAME: reagrdless if it's a fellow member, a character, fanfic, etc, etc. Criticism of works is allowed, but remember to play nice.

~THOU SHALT NOT POST ONE WORD POSTS: I remember seeing some posts on ACF where the sig was longer than the post, so, yeah.

~THOU SHALT ENJOY YOURSELVES: I think that's all we need to say. :)

Any fanfics or fanart you find knocking around the net or your computer drives, feel free to post/link. The two pics in this post came up as a result on my mobile phone search. I'm trying to find the bigger versions to post here.

Please let me know if you wish to join.

~Mantichorus, A/K/A Manti the Mad
~Nanaki (AKA: Indy)
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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
... Silly question- is shipping Red with himself against the rules, because that's what I thought when I first saw the thread title, and it's too hilarious not to exploit for the lulz


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
[quote author=Ryushikaze link=topic=277.msg6908#msg6908 date=1231532651]
... Silly question- is shipping Red with himself against the rules, because that's what I thought when I first saw the thread title, and it's too hilarious not to exploit for the lulz
[/quote]...Well, what you do in your own time is your own business...and seriously, you think that sounds like selfcest? Wait til you hear my name for Squall in KH (Squalleon. I kid you not).

But seriously, guys, just for laffs, or are ye in?


Higher Further Faster
I once came across a Cloud/Nanaki doujin on the intarwebz. I didn't read it but I did see one page of it and thought, "No, just no." :duhard:

That being said I love Nanaki! He's so cute. ^_^ Count me in! ^_^


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Welcome to the Canyon then, Tennyo! :) Hope you enjoy your time here.

O_O Completely..."no,". Or, "don't do that. No, really, don't do that".

Y'know, any other character, I could use that as an entry to start a discussion on pairings that are just wrong featuring that character. However, with Nanaki, anyone excepting Dinne or an original character of his kind is kinda wrong. But we need a topic.

OK, I've found a bigger version of one of those pics. Linkage below.


Fiat Lux
Yeah, sign me up. Gotta love Red XIII. I thought his scene with Seto was more emotional than Aerith's death.

It's a shame he's been short-changed in the Compilation into a mute furry. I know he's getting his own novella, but that's not saying much.


Lv. 1 Adventurer
Hey, Manti! You know I want to join. ^_^

[quote author=Masamune link=topic=277.msg10846#msg10846 date=1232803305]
he's getting his own novella[/quote]

Do you have a source on this? I'd love verification but I can't seem to find anything.


Lv. 1 Adventurer
Thank you. ^_^ I'm happy to see that. Pretty much the only thing that could interest me at this point is more Red or more Yuffie.

For a discussion topic, how about your first impression of Red XIII? I was young enough at the time that mine was pretty much "KITTY" (this was while watching my brother play, fighting random battles at that, seeing Red was what made me want to play FF7 though). On my own play through, I was pleased by his intelligence (his human companions didn't really measure up) but didn't think a whole lot of him. It took awhile for me to form more of an attachment/interest.

And some avatars (just older ones at the moment):



*join* The impression I got from him was young and wise, and his voice in the Japanese version was exactly as I pictured it! Light and airy. Kind of like Gabumon from Digimon


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer

Ahem. Of course, what I mean to say is, welcome to the Canyon, Masamune, leviathan (yeah, I know you and you wanna join) and haichinamie. Hope you all enjoy your time with us. :)

Masamune, that is most awesome news. Thank you! This is a completely unlikely hope, but if Neil Gaiman was announced as the author of it...

Thanks for bringing in those avis, leviathan. I particularly like 2 & 8. :)

My first impression was pretty much he'd be my favourite character. I was watching a friend's playthrough, and Nanaki being the first non-human character (the whole Cetra thing went over our heads), plus his wit pretty much made me like him. Unless they were attractive females, human characters kinda just bounced off me at the time. XD


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Welcome to the Canyon then, Arianna. :) I hope you enjoy your time with us.

So, Ari, re: leviathan's question, what was your first impression of Nanaki?


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
[quote author=Manti link=topic=277.msg12794#msg12794 date=1233399385]So, Ari, re: leviathan's question, what was your first impression of Nanaki?[/quote]

Hard question, but not in any bad way. I wasn't at all surprised and/or shocked at him. I have to admit to being intrigued by his father's name 'Seto'. As well, I found his part on the Shinra ship going over to the Western Continent really cute and a bit funny, plus I love the song that's played at that time (It's Hard Standing On Two Feet). I absolutely adore Cosmo Canyon; if I lived in the world of Final Fantasy VII, I'd probably make a home there. There's nothing really striking for me to say, I'm very sorry to everyone about that; but, I do love him! :)

PS: Does anyone know what 'Set'/'Seta'/'Seto' means in Japanese? I know there's a city called 'Setagaya' - or it's a part of Tokyo. I would really appreciate if anyone could find out...


AI Researcher
If you set a Japanese keyboard to 'katakana' input, 'Seto' is what you get when you type 'PS' (as in PlayStation).

Jun Akiyama was in charge of Red XIII's scenario (he was the one who gave him the name 'Nanaki'), and I don't know if he's ever said anything about it. That 'PS' thing was mentioned by an interviewer (10th Anniversary Ultimania).


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Hey, I didn't know that hitoshura. Thanks for the info. :) Oh, sorry, I forgot to ask before - do you wish to join?[quote author=Arianna link=topic=277.msg12846#msg12846 date=1233428702]Hard question, but not in any bad way. I wasn't at all surprised and/or shocked at him. I have to admit to being intrigued by his father's name 'Seto'. As well, I found his part on the Shinra ship going over to the Western Continent really cute and a bit funny, plus I love the song that's played at that time (It's Hard Standing On Two Feet). I absolutely adore Cosmo Canyon; if I lived in the world of Final Fantasy VII, I'd probably make a home there. There's nothing really striking for me to say, I'm very sorry to everyone about that; but, I do love him! :)

PS: Does anyone know what 'Set'/'Seta'/'Seto' means in Japanese? I know there's a city called 'Setagaya' - or it's a part of Tokyo. I would really appreciate if anyone could find out...
[/quote]I don't think many were shocked by him...but I know what you mean about it being a had question. Sometimes it's hard to pin down what you like about a character. :)

#It's Hard Standing on Two Feet# is one of the lightest pieces of music in the game (as well as being good). It's a bit throwing when it switches to the ominous music after the Jenova-form arrives. But, Cosmo seems to be one of the msot peaceful places on the Planet - apart from the attack by the Gi, it even managed to avoid Kadaj's gang and the DG SOLDIERs' attentions.

I just took it to be a standard Japanese name...especially after seeing a Seto in YuGiOh (although, my first reaction to him was "hey, a guy named after Nanaki's dad!").


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
I guess one of the better answers I could give for why I like Nanaki is that he's a talking animal. I've always loved animals. :) That, as well as he strives to be honorable and do good.

[quote author=Manti link=topic=277.msg14150#msg14150 date=1233684059]#It's Hard Standing on Two Feet# is one of the lightest pieces of music in the game (as well as being good). It's a bit throwing when it switches to the ominous music after the Jenova-form arrives. But, Cosmo seems to be one of the msot peaceful places on the Planet - apart from the attack by the Gi, it even managed to avoid Kadaj's gang and the DG SOLDIERs' attentions.[/quote]

Actually, we're not too sure of that one. It just was never mentioned in Advent Children and Dirge of Cerberus.

From the storylines though, I thought children were taken from (almost?) everywhere in the world in AC, and in DoC, Deep Ground attacked everywhere as well, collecting those with no contamination within them for 'the cause'.

I think it was more they didn't mention the place more so than they were actually ignored. Even in the original game, it seemed everyone has heard of Cosmo Canyon, even if only for the fact they study the planet and live being one with the planet as best as possible.

Although, one would hope it would escape major damage...

[quote author=Manti link=topic=277.msg14150#msg14150 date=1233684059]I just took it to be a standard Japanese name...especially after seeing a Seto in YuGiOh (although, my first reaction to him was "hey, a guy named after Nanaki's dad!").[/quote]

Well, the reason why I ask is because a long time ago I was given the name of Seta. It's very special to me, and I like to try to find out what the word means in different cultures when I come across it. I also know there's the name 'Setsuna'...


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
[quote author=Aerina link=topic=277.msg14225#msg14225 date=1233698078]
*pops in* A Nanaki club? Oooh count me in :)
[/quote]Very well, I count you as number seven. :) Welcome to the Canyon, Aerina. Hope you enjoy your time with us.

[quote author=Arianna link=topic=277.msg14621#msg14621 date=1233804003]
I guess one of the better answers I could give for why I like Nanaki is that he's a talking animal. I've always loved animals. :) That, as well as he strives to be honorable and do good.[/quote]Well, those are all good reasons. :) Plus, talking animals - always popular. 'Specially if they're smart. Studio Ghibli and Disney woulda gone belly up long ago, otherwise.

[quote author=Arianna link=topic=277.msg14621#msg14621 date=1233804003][quote author=Manti link=topic=277.msg14150#msg14150 date=1233684059]#It's Hard Standing on Two Feet# is one of the lightest pieces of music in the game (as well as being good). It's a bit throwing when it switches to the ominous music after the Jenova-form arrives. But, Cosmo seems to be one of the most peaceful places on the Planet - apart from the attack by the Gi, it even managed to avoid Kadaj's gang and the DG SOLDIERs' attentions.[/quote]

Actually, we're not too sure of that one. It just was never mentioned in Advent Children and Dirge of Cerberus.

From the storylines though, I thought children were taken from (almost?) everywhere in the world in AC, and in DoC, Deep Ground attacked everywhere as well, collecting those with no contamination within them for 'the cause'.

I think it was more they didn't mention the place more so than they were actually ignored. Even in the original game, it seemed everyone has heard of Cosmo Canyon, even if only for the fact they study the planet and live being one with the planet as best as possible.

Although, one would hope it would escape major damage...
[/quote]Hmm, that's true. Heh, didn't think it all the way through. I just found it interesting that they seemed to mention the other main regions (although AC seemed to omit Nibelheim, if I remember correctly).

Ah, it seems nothing's sacred any more...

[quote author=Arianna link=topic=277.msg14621#msg14621 date=1233804003][quote author=Manti link=topic=277.msg14150#msg14150 date=1233684059]I just took it to be a standard Japanese name...especially after seeing a Seto in YuGiOh (although, my first reaction to him was "hey, a guy named after Nanaki's dad!").[/quote]

Well, the reason why I ask is because a long time ago I was given the name of Seta. It's very special to me, and I like to try to find out what the word means in different cultures when I come across it. I also know there's the name 'Setsuna'...[/quote]Ahh...well, if it were anyone else, I'd suggest maybe you try Google, but as it's you, Senpai...

SETO - masc, Japanese, variant of Seth, which means "compensation".
What this might signify in the context of CoFFVII, I dunno.


AI Researcher
The meaning of 'Seto' would depend on how it's written (from Wikipedia, that Yugioh one is 'person of the shoal'). But Seto in FFVII isn't written in a way which has a specific meaning, it's just sound-based.

'Setsuna' isn't really related to those (it means 'instant, moment'), though.


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
[quote author=hitoshura link=topic=277.msg14786#msg14786 date=1233860552]
The meaning of 'Seto' would depend on how it's written (from Wikipedia, that Yugioh one is 'person of the shoal'). But Seto in FFVII isn't written in a way which has a specific meaning, it's just sound-based.[/quote]Well, that's interesting to me, anyway. I never knew that what a name means in Japanese depends on the form of the characters used to write it..., when turned into Romanji, do some names lose their meaning?

Still, it's a pity. I like things to make sense and have meaning. (Not a play of "Seto Naikai", then?)


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
[quote author=hitoshura link=topic=277.msg14786#msg14786 date=1233860552]The meaning of 'Seto' would depend on how it's written (from Wikipedia, that Yugioh one is 'person of the shoal'). But Seto in FFVII isn't written in a way which has a specific meaning, it's just sound-based.[/quote]

Hmmmm... Okay. Thanks.

Like Manti, I also like things to make sense. :)

But I guess 'PS' for PlayStation would make sense, in a PS game...

And, wasn't FFVII the first of the games made for the Sony PlayStation?


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
FFVII was the first FF game developed for Sony. I think all the previous ones had been on Nintendo consoles.

Everyone's proably already seen this, but what the heck.
Nanaki's 10th anniversary profile. Cool portrait pic, huh? :) Pity you-know-who is there, too...

Just a placeholder til we have another convo...

EDIT - this post has just seen me become a Jr Member. :)


Fiat Lux
What I like about the FFVII characters in general is how unique they all were. The world is very much a hodgepodge of different cultures and designs, but there is still a distinctive flair that separates it from other games.

I thought Red was very calm under pressure, and - with his background - he was also a wise character to have in the party. This was also nicely offset by his naivety.

Do you think Red has much of a future in the Compilation? I think the excuse about his fur being hard to animate is nonsense, when they have the same problem animating bishie hair but that doesn't stop them giving Sephiroth & Yazoo more screentime. I'm sure they could simplify the way it's animated too.

I have a feeling that Red isn't Nomura's kind of character, and may well be limited to more token appearances in the future. I hope not, but it feels that way.
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