Return to the Canyon - Red XIII/Nanaki fan club


Pro Adventurer
So...yeah, I just looked and it was that quote you posted that I was thinking of Manti. My bad, I knew I had read that somewhere, apparently it was here.

As for your reasoning though, I can see Nanaki as a lion. You`re right, he is too small to be a tiger, but since he`s just a teen, lion kinda fits. Well, lion-like, obviously he`s not an actual lion. I have to say though, considering he`s probably got some growing left to do, pantheréleopard is too small.

Then again, he doesn`t look any different in the 500 years later scene...


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
By all means, powerslave86. ^_^ Hope you enjoy your time in the Canyon.

Cannon_Fodder - lol, no problem. And, yeah, the fact that Nanaki's still immature does kinda negate any points about size in my arguement. :lol: Well, I agree that in the 500 years later epilogue, Nanaki doesn't look much different. However, I always felt he seemed bigger... Of course, without a human-sized character to compare him against (and some idea of how tall they are - Barret's about a foot taller than Yuffie, f'r instance), it's impossible to say for sure.

Still, his mane still looks more like a mohawk than a lion's mane - eh, just occured to me. I've always assumed that's how his mane grows naturally. What if he styles it?? :huh:


Pro Adventurer
Well, I agree that in the 500 years later epilogue, Nanaki doesn't look much different. However, I always felt he seemed bigger...
I always felt he had gray hair. He should use 'Just for Men'. Er, 'Just for Lion-like Superbeasts' maybe...

If he styles his mane, $20 bucks says his real reason for fighting Sephiroth was that stupid SOLDIER's refusal to share his hair care secrets.

Neutron Ronnie

From The Front of Armament
Thanks, Manti! Funny you should put it that way - I, er, used to pretend I lived in Cosmo Canyon... Yeah, I was a bit weird.

@ Cannon_Fodder: Seph's hair care secrets are revealed in Crisis Core... Actually I'm almost 100% certain it's a joke... And if it isn't, then you know Nanaki's real reason for fighting Sephiroth -
it's because Seph's insufferably GAY! *hides from Sephiroth fans* Oh, come on, people - ROSE and VANILLA??? :lol:

I'm sure you guys've read the translation of Case of Nanaki by now... What do you think? :D I was grinning my head off when I read the last few pages...

I love the bit where Yuffie hugs him - twice! - and he and Vincent laugh their heads off together...
NANAKI IS SO CUTE! Damn, I can't believe I said that. :D


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Thanks, Manti! Funny you should put it that way - I, er, used to pretend I lived in Cosmo Canyon... Yeah, I was a bit weird.
:lol: If your weirdness is all in the past tense, you won't fit in that well here.
I always felt he had gray hair. He should use 'Just for Men'. Er, 'Just for Lion-like Superbeasts' maybe...

If he styles his mane, $20 bucks says his real reason for fighting Sephiroth was that stupid SOLDIER's refusal to share his hair care secrets.
I'm sure that in the original character portraits from VII, Vincent's hair was greyish. So, y'know, Nanaki could always Vincent's stash. :P
@ Cannon_Fodder: Seph's hair care secrets are revealed in Crisis Core... Actually I'm almost 100% certain it's a joke... And if it isn't, then you know Nanaki's real reason for fighting Sephiroth -
it's because Seph's insufferably GAY! *hides from Sephiroth fans* Oh, come on, people - ROSE and VANILLA??? :lol:
Hey now, I don't see Nanaki as
a homophobe
. :P
I'm sure you guys've read the translation of Case of Nanaki by now... What do you think? :D I was grinning my head off when I read the last few pages...

I love the bit where Yuffie hugs him - twice! - and he and Vincent laugh their heads off together...
NANAKI IS SO CUTE! Damn, I can't believe I said that. :D
:lol: I couldn't believe Nanaki thinking
that the cubs were cute - it seemed unlike the sort of thing he'd think, to my mind

:huh: Also, interesting that it seems to now be canon that Nanaki doesn't like being called "Red" -- side note,
LOL at the kid who seemed to think he was in a Pokemon battle
:lol:. Personally, I've always had Nanaki not mind if he's called Nanaki or Red -- actually, TBH, I only ever saw Vincent being the only one to always call him Nanaki.

I loved all the scenes with Yuffie and Vincent, as Nanaki, Yuffie and Vincent are my favourite VII characters! ^_^ Plus, Cid's a good character (at least to write!!), too.


Pro Adventurer
I agree Manti,
I thought his cubs adoration was... a touch off. I liked the arc with the cubs, and all Nanaki 'learned', but it just went on too long. Their deaths were well done though, really detached. seemed fitting.

Personally though, I always saw him as hating the name Red. I thought that was a great touch!
Fair they call him that though. Gilligan? Really?!

All in all, I liked the story, though my favourite part was Yuffie and her hugs. Do NOT know why....


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
I agree Manti,
I thought his cubs adoration was... a touch off. I liked the arc with the cubs, and all Nanaki 'learned', but it just went on too long. Their deaths were well done though, really detached. seemed fitting.
No, I thought that was sweet, but
the fact he just thought "how cute..."
seemed slightly OOC.
Personally though, I always saw him as hating the name Red. I thought that was a great touch!
Fair they call him that though. Gilligan? Really?!
Well, as he says in the game (taken from GameFAQs game script), the name has "no meaning whatsoever to me", I took it that he really didn't care one way or the other. But, as he never introduced himself as Nanaki at that time, I think the rest of the party must have nicknamed him that. I actually have Vincent in one fic correct Cloud for calling him "Red" in place of Nanaki merely to wind Cloud up. Nanaki is pretty amused. :)
I actually misread that at first, and thought he was hanging out with Vincent in Galian Beast form. :monster: And, at least they point out in the story how stupid it is. Vincent even laughs.
All in all, I liked the story, though my favourite part was Yuffie and her hugs. Do NOT know why....
:lol: I think everyone loves Yuffie hugs.

Neutron Ronnie

From The Front of Armament
No, I thought that was sweet, but
the fact he just thought "how cute..."
seemed slightly OOC.

I just realized that's a part of him we never find out about in FFVII. I mean, you even find him thinking
that the human baby he can hear crying must be very cute.
I feel vaguely cheated that I didn't know that Nanaki seems to
have a weakness for baby animals
all these years, but better late than never. :D

OK, way too many spoiler tags in here now.

I'm just glad the story makes me love Nanaki more than ever. :awesome:

PS: I'm sure Nanaki isn't a
homophobe (neither am I :P). But if Sephiroth really did use vanilla and rose shampoo, I'd like Nanaki to have bitten a chunk out of him. Inexplicably, I find myself losing a little respect for Sephiroth when I consider it.
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Pro Adventurer
Well, as he says in the game (taken from GameFAQs game script), the name has "no meaning whatsoever to me", I took it that he really didn't care one way or the other. But, as he never introduced himself as Nanaki at that time, I think the rest of the party must have nicknamed him that.

Hmm, when I read that, I just saw it as Nanaki more or less being extremely suspicious of Cloud et al. Hojo made him feel somewhat suspicious of humans, it'd be a little weird if he just opened up to Blondie, Flowery and Big Ones...
I always thought Nanaki was very focused on his own issues until Cosmo Canyon, he didn't think of telling the others how he felt about the name. I guess the long story short of it is that at first, he didn't care what they called him. As soon as he considered them friends however, I think he'd want them to use his real name.

Yes, that is a hell of a lot of interpretation, but that's just how I saw Nanaki after he joins the party.
On that note, am I the only one who thinks Nanaki has the single best intro in the original game?

Neutron Ronnie

From The Front of Armament
I guess the long story short of it is that at first, he didn't care what they called him. As soon as he considered them friends however, I think he'd want them to use his real name.

That's what I thought, too. Shame they didn't give you the option of renaming him, like they do in FFIX (kinda).

On that note, am I the only one who thinks Nanaki has the single best intro in the original game?

Probably not. I like what he says about things on two legs, lol.


Pro Adventurer
That's what I thought, too. Shame they didn't give you the option of renaming him, like they do in FFIX (kinda).

Probably not. I like what he says about things on two legs, lol.

I loved that part of IX!
If you're talking about the unveiling of Garnet's true name that is. I thought that scene was well done, perfect as an optional thing, and just all around awesome.
I think something like that should've been done for Nanaki. Really stubborn of the group to call him by his slave name when they know his real one, huh?

And my favourite part of his intro was how strong he was compared to everyone in my party. I don't know if I was underleveled or something, but he just blew all of my guys out of the water...

Neutron Ronnie

From The Front of Armament
Really stubborn of the group to call him by his slave name when they know his real one, huh?

I always change "Red XIII" to "Nanaki" when I play FFVII.

Even though it messes up things a little at the beginning, as an additional bonus it makes Cloud look a little silly when he hears Nanaki being called Nanaki for the first time. :monster: Not that he didn't earlier, taking as long as he did to catch on that Nanaki was Red XIII's real name... :D


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Hmm, when I read that, I just saw it as Nanaki more or less being extremely suspicious of Cloud et al. Hojo made him feel somewhat suspicious of humans, it'd be a little weird if he just opened up to Blondie, Flowery and Big Ones...
I always thought Nanaki was very focused on his own issues until Cosmo Canyon, he didn't think of telling the others how he felt about the name. I guess the long story short of it is that at first, he didn't care what they called him. As soon as he considered them friends however, I think he'd want them to use his real name.
No, Nanaki may have been suspicious of humans in Midgar, but it was pretty obvious by how determined he was of getting back to Cosmo Canyon that he wasn't simply suspicious of humans. After all, Nanaki is the only non-human there! (OK, it's not quite clear what's up with Santa Bugenhagen, but I presume he's human.)

TBH, I always thought that the reason he didn't tell them his real name was because of his shame about Seto. His real name associated him with his father, so he was quite happy to put it to one side for a while.

LOL, yeah, I loved his intro, too. Especially how he just opens up and talks without any warning. And the way he just casually says to Tifa "I'll talk all you want later, miss." I think the comment about not trusting two-legged things was made jokingly, as they were questioning whether they could trust him, IIRC.

And I've renamed him Nanaki most times, too. And, yes, it's hilarious when Cloud starts asking who Nanaki is. That should have been the group's first warning there wasn't something right with him, shouldn't it? :D

The Namingway renaming feature in FFIX was kickass, it should be in all RPGs.


Pro Adventurer
*feels stupid* I didn't mean Nanaki doesn't trust any human, just that he isn't too keen on those who work at Shinra/are around Shinra. I know that's not what I said, but it's what I meant...:loopy:

One interesting thing I've noticed about this club as opposed to others like Cloud's or Tifa's is the replacement of suggestive fan art with character discussion. It's clearly because we, as a group, are smarter. :awesome:
It certainly has nothing to do with beastiality :no:


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Lol, OK. Really, it seemed to me kinda like country boy vs city boy - they're all people from a strange town, so Nanaki suspects their attitude might be (to quote The Jam), "I don't know, I don't care, and I gotta go mate".
One interesting thing I've noticed about this club as opposed to others like Cloud's or Tifa's is the replacement of suggestive fan art with character discussion. It's clearly because we, as a group, are smarter. :awesome:
It certainly has nothing to do with beastiality :no:
:lol: Well, I could have a look for some if you like. :awesome:


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Nice offer, but please God no... :no:
:lol: Well, God wasn't offering, it was me...

I was just wondering... how much do we know about Dinne, other than she's possibly the only other surviving member of Nanaki's tribe? :huh: I mean, I've never played BC, or found a translation of it, so I really have no clue...

Neutron Ronnie

From The Front of Armament
Well, someone on this forum has a picture of Nanaki with two lovely ladies in his signature. :awesome:

Btw, Manti, did you check here?


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Lol, yeah, but that pic isn't that...suggestive. :lol: Or, at least, it doesn't suggest anything.

And, ah, no, no I hadn't checked there, powerslave. Mostly cos I didn't know it existed. :monster: Thanks for sharing.

Hmm, interesting: I can discern a couple things from the script. One, Deneh/Dinne seems to have a similar relationship to Nanaki as Tifa does to Cloud - being childhood friends (and we see Nanaki acting very childishly in the BC script -
refusing to take part in the ceremony so that Deneh won't "go away"
). Two, Nanaki seems to have spent a year in the ShinRa's custody before meeting Cloud and co., as at the end, we hear a report of two samples escaping from Nibelheim - almost certainly
Zack and Cloud
. Due to the different dates mentioned in CC, this would put it at about a year before the beginning of FFVII.
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Pro Adventurer
I'd love to hear more about all this Dinne/future of the species bit in another Compilation title, but more than that I think they should just stop making these games while they're ahead
if only barely...


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
I'd love to hear more about all this Dinne/future of the species bit in another Compilation title, but more than that I think they should just stop making these games while they're ahead
if only barely...
inorite? :monster:

Seriously, I think they'd be better off just releasing like a source book, containing all the Ultimania info, and the OTWTAS short stories, along with info from the perspective of the game's universe - e.g., myths, biological info, etc. I bet there's some interesting folklore surrounding Nanaki's kind.

For example, I'm not sure how many of you are aware of this, but there's a legend in England that if ravens leave the Tower of England, err, LONDON, tragedy will befall the country. Wonder if something similar exists about Nanaki's kind and the Canyon, hmm? If there is, they must've been worried when the ShinRa captured him. :lol:
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"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
That's a really good idea Manti. Give us the info we want, without ruining everything else we already like, haha.
Yeah, unfortunately, they probably wouldn't, as many people outside of Japan probably wouldn't buy the book...even if it was translated!

Hmm... we need a topic. Does anyone know of any Nanaki/Red XIII fansites? Also, would anyone be interested in pics of my Nanaki action figure? :)


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
OK, I'll take some pics to post on Saturday. Oh - with or without Cait Sith, who comes bundled? XD
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