Right, scanning progress has been very slow due to rl stuff and cases of cba, but it's time to scan shit regularly from now on otherwise shit will never get done.
So far I've got pages 1 - 11 and pages 25 - 71 (of 304). The first section was just character art which I skipped for now.
Good stuff. Are our translators ready/willing to start once this bad boy is finished? (not a rhetorical question; this means you, the translators post yes/no/maybe/etc)
It seems I'm pretty much done with all the text and timeline-heavy pages. The rest of the book seems to be mostly concept art with a couple of notes, so I'm gonna start uploading stuff now.
Tets, make as many under 200MB zip/rar files of the scans as you can and use Mediafire so I, Hito, and Tres can all get access to it and start looking at it in manageable chunks.
Good work, Tetsujin! I'm sorry I can't help with the translations, but I donated to help fund the purchase of the guide, so I'm keenly following this project's progress
A History of War and Peace, of Rise and Ruin - The Lives of Patriots
Presenting supplementary information for both scenarios, and detailed backgrounds and anecdotes for each character.
those who leave upon history their name
they are the victors, the holders of power
but even the vanquished, and the plebeian, have a history of their own—that of their lives
let us remember the lives of the patriots who lived in a turbulent era
サンダイル 歴史大網
Sandail – Outline of the History
The Ancient Civilization ~ The Founding of Quell Civilization
The Sandail calender......
This was established by the Hahn Empire
However, people have lived in the land of Sandail before the creation of the Empire,
and reside there still after its fall.
Then what is the history of Sandail?
Here, we shall look back at its distant past, starting with the birth of humanity
- Birth of Humanity
数万年前: 人類の誕生 - 南大陸で人類誕生
前二千頃: 術の発見 - ヴァイスラントで術発見
前400: クヴェル術文明の確立 - ハンの発展
Several thousand years ago (several tens of thousands of years ago): Birth of humanity – Humanity is born on the southern continent
Around two thousand years ago: Discovery of [Arts] – [Arts] discovered in Weissland
400 years ago: Establishment of Quell [Arts] Civilization – The expansion of Hahn
- The Ancient Empire
First Year: Founding of the Empire – Birth of the empire
374: The Rise and Fall of the Empire – Nika revolt
400: The Rise and Fall of the Empire – At this time, settlement in the southern continent proceeds
800: ??? - At this time, in the southern continent ???
1000: Development of [Arts] in Southern Continent – At this time, Tools are introduced to the southern continent
1987: The Height of Tool [Arts] Civilization – The Lord of [Bath], Gustave XIII, takes the island of Finney
1256: Gustave attacks a believer in Anima
1269: Gustave dies
1290: The Battle of Sailsbury
1303: King Sho of Na dies, peace talks begin
1305: The Battle of South Mound Top; the Hahn-Nova Convention
Has the same disclaimer as the other SaGa stuff I've done, in that I don't know the context very well. And can I just say how disappointed I am with the SaGa Wikia site. I use the FF Wikia when doing stuff which usually helps a lot when I need a reference for what the English names are (except those times when someone just seems to have plugged the English localized name into Google Translate and stuck it there like it's actually correct, annoying). There should be a more thorough resource, for my sake.
That ???????!11 bit is where I couldn't make out clearly what the scan said
I use '[Arts]' because that's what I think they call 'jutsu' in English, but I have seen looking at Japanese sources that it already uses the word 'Arts' for something else related to it. To give a rundown of the Japanese names as to help people halp me:
技 [waza] - attacks using weapons (or martial arts), cost WP
術 [jutsu] - abilities drawn from Anima, cost JP *this is what I have used 'Arts' for so far
アーツ [aatsu] - those abilities that the battle characters themselves can learn (not unique to equipment) through various means
Until I know what 'jutsu' is in English, I will keep using '[Arts]' to refer to it. So far I've not seen mention of 'aatsu' or 'waza'.
But here's some more updates:
人類誕生 BS400年~
the birth of Arts
The evolution from ape-men to modern man... It all began there. From individuals to groups, from villages to nations. Evolution marched ceaselessly onwards, and at this point the cornerstones of ancient civilization were complete. And then, people gain [Arts].
■人類の誕生 数万年前
■THE BIRTH OF MANKIND – several tens of thousands of years ago
The evolution of life presents one potential outcome. Several tens of thousands of years ago, on the southern continent that was at that time covered in shrubbery and grassland, various processes lead to the evolution from anthropoids to modern man. This is where mankind is born. What would follow was an insatiable desire to learn leading to further growth, and as they advanced with the everyday construction and use of tools, they spread out over the world of Sandail.
■術の発見 BS2000年頃
■THE DISCOVERY OF [ARTS] – Around 2000 B.S.
Mankind's progress took them across the seas. Humans spread throughout the world, and in temperate regions an agricultural civilization arouse. People started to lead a communal existence rather than a solitary one, and made villages, from which cities were formed and finally nations. At this time, a mysterious power was brought from the southern regions. This was called [Arts], and from the substance Quell they were able to manifest a power hitherto unknown to humanity. This marks the appearance of the Quell [Arts] on history's stage.
■クヴェル術文明の確立 BS2000年~BS400
Due to the migration of the southern races, whose populations had swelled thanks to the boons gained from [Arts], Quell flowed to the north. Quell would become tied with the ancient states to increase their level of production, and enhance their military force. And soon the knowledge of powerful [Arts] would find its entwined with the ruling classes, becoming kings and nobility and wielding tremendous authority. States like this would appear and vanish, and the fluid migration of people that occurred took the [Arts] civilization to the eastern continent.
are you proud of me now, mama mog
I'm not really sure if I like the sound of 'Arts civilization', I don't know if I've just stuck with it because I can't think of something else and now it just looks acceptable to me because of exposure.
It's page 27. A scan of the whole page isn't necessary, since it's just the part near the spine (the first green block on the timeline) that's fuzzy. I don't know if you'd rather wait to see if there's any others that need doing so you don't have to keep going back and doing it again if there's any more like that.