Snow White and the (Huntsman: Winter's War)


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Charlize Theron

ngffh that everything
L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
I just find it hilarious that she plays the major character yet every trailer I have watched shows every other cast member talking except her.


Higher Further Faster
Yes, but is that a nod to her acting, or is it the marketing team trying to put as much distance between this movie and Twilight as they possibly can?

I don't get a huge impression that she'll be the main focus, though. Yes, she's important, but I think it will be more about people getting her where she needs to be and what THOSE people go through rather than her own journey that she makes herself.

Of course, I haven't watched the vids that X just posted for fear of spoilers so maybe I'm wrong. :monster:


I just find it hilarious that she plays the major character yet every trailer I have watched shows every other cast member talking except her.

That's because someone on that marketing team has enough brains.
I'm pretty sure she's only brought in for the twilight fanbase anyway and judging by what's shown of Kstew (face and "specialness"), they know that fanbase pretty damn well.

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Harbinger O Great Justice
Oh, hey! This comes out tomorrow night. (It really comes out morning but I see all my films on Thursday at midnight). :awesomonster:

I'll let you know what I think when I see it (spoiler-free, unless you want nitty gritty details).

FYI: I'm a pretty optimistic film goer.

X :neo:


Higher Further Faster
Really? I didn't realize the release was upon us.

Now if only I could get someone to go with me. :(


go by yourself bb.
I don't get the social stigma attached to seeing movies on your own. Granted, this is probably the kind best enjoyed with pplz so you can, I dunno, laugh at Kstew & drool over Thor


Higher Further Faster
I feel odd being in a theater alone. Especially if it is packed.

And yes, it is more fun to have someone to whisper to and laugh with and all that.


There's a social stigma?
I went to the theater by myself a bunch of times. Yeah, it's more fun with friends, but sometimes it just doesn't work out and I don't wanna miss having seen certain movies in the theater.


It's awkward and stuff, yes, but I've done it a handful of times, and last time (watching The Avengers) I didn't give a fuck and just had a good time on my own, so thar :monster:.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Well rats in hats, it looks like my movie pals bailed out on me for tonight, so I won't get ta see it yet, since I'm not close enough to wander to a theater and back with only my chevro-legs. I shall hold my anticipation and avoid any reviews and such.

X :neo:


Higher Further Faster
I've only seen one movie all by myself in the theater, and that was because I was having a bad day and didn't want to go home because I was really mad at someone. It was very spur of the moment.


Movie-watching in theatres is a pretty solitary act anyway. You sit in silence and watch and the whole fucking point is to not be distracted by the outside.


I once skipped class and went to watch POTC: OST alone. My friends were like "Huh you watched all by yourself that's weird and lonely hurr durr" and I just went "Fuck y'all I wanna do a movie review of this shit, I want to concentrate!". IMO there's nothing wrong with it, but it depends on what you're gonna watch.

Anyway I'm not really up to watching this on the theater knowing that KStew will most probably piss me off, so I'll just wait for a review before I can decide


wangxian married
why do people who dislike kristen stewart bother watching a movie with her as the main character

we just don't know


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
maybe they think everyone else can carry the movie :monster:

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
i watched it yesterday. first off, i don't think anyone is a bad actor in this film
though kstew's last line was super cheesy in the fight scene ok.

so here are my feelings about it
it was kinda disjointed. like the sanctuary scenes didn't really have a good place in the film. i didn't like them much, i thought there had to be more scenes than what were shown. i thought the brother was a completely useless character and he shouldn't have been in it. one, cause he looks like a weasel and two because it's never really explained what his connection is.

the true love's kiss scene: idk if this was 'the one snow white would rather date wakes her up' or the more traditional 'the truer love wakes her up'. because the second is basically 'the love of a widower is stronger than the love of a childhood friend' or to put it in fandom terms 'Carth Onasi>Tifa Lockheart' which seemed sorta dumb? idk maybe she was mad at william. maybe it was cause he was thor and he zapped her back to life. idk

'you can't have my heart' was just executed so badly as a line. the last battle was pretty good until they got up to ravenna and then it was just... idk a little boring.

overall i enjoyed the first half of the movie, but the second half wasn't as good imo


Pro Adventurer
I'm actually very interested with this but for some reason I just don't like how Kristen acts, there's something in her that makes her not... flexible (I dunno how to describe it). As much as I dislike Twilight I don't dislike the actors because of it (I love Pattinson as Cedric in HP.)

But I want to give her a chance so one day I'll definitely watch this when the rent is available. Sorry Chris, my budget is for the Bourne Legacy.


Titties 'n' Beer
Am I the only one who's incredibly bored with this sort of CGI wank fests. Not trying to sound snobbish or something, but for me it's impossible to find any appeal in films like this. I don't find it visually appealing in anyway, it looks so.... plastic or something. Made to look beautiful but to me it's just like plastic. Fake. But then again, imho Fantasy as genre and cinema don't mix very well....

Dark and Divine

Pro Adventurer
Saw this movie a few days ago. It was entertaining, not jaw dropping oe anything, but fun nonetheless.

I was surprised how well Charlize Theron played the Queen's role. Definitely the best character in the movie, imo.

The others were good, but nothing memorable.

Beyond that, i liked a lot of the sceneries and the clothing used by some of the characters.
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