So will Vincent age again?

Ravynne Nevyrmore

that one Lucrecia fangirl
Well, did his bullet wound heal before Lucrecica introduced Chaos? Probably, because she didn't mention that as being the issue. It was decomposition.

Redemption's stance is that his abilities are greatly reduced, but he's still pretty special because, you know, he turns into frickin' monsters. I don't think he should be able to fly anymore, though.

Also, in FF7, transformation to any form healed him completely, not just Chaos.


Lv. 1 Adventurer
What about Lucrecia? She also didn't age from 30 years back. From the flashback in DoC until now, she's still as young as ever. Is it because of the Jenova cells? Hojo did inject the cells into Vincent's body. I could be wrong about this, though.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
No..Vincent does not have Jenova cells. By the time Vincent was experimented on, they hadn't begun putting Jenova cells to make SOLDIERs and shit.


Pro Adventurer
What about Lucrecia? She also didn't age from 30 years back. From the flashback in DoC until now, she's still as young as ever. Is it because of the Jenova cells? Hojo did inject the cells into Vincent's body. I could be wrong about this, though.

I've played DoC a while ago and I don't remember how they depicted that particular flashback, but in FFVII she's some sort of ghost, which is probably why she doesn't age... I don't think it has anyhing to do with Jenova's cells since everybody else does age.


Lv. 1 Adventurer
In FFVII, if Cloud's team visits Lucrecia in the cave, she will say something about wanting to die because of her past but the Jenova in her wouldn't let her die. Maybe that was the reason why she sealed herself inside the crystals in that cave.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
No...she's not in between anything. She's as alive as anyone else.


Fiat Lux
No..Vincent does not have Jenova cells. By the time Vincent was experimented on, they hadn't begun putting Jenova cells to make SOLDIERs and shit.

It could have worked if Vincent was injected with the same Jenova virus that mutated the Cetra. That would explain his transformations, instead of Hojo just using random monster DNA.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I doubt Jenova made people morph into Jason Vorheese, Frankenstein, or Chaos :monster:


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
I don't know if Vincent will now age normally or not That's an interesting question. Though sometimes I have a laugh with the thought of 30 some years hitting him all at once, and suddenly he's an elderly man. :P

What about Lucrecia? She also didn't age from 30 years back. From the flashback in DoC until now, she's still as young as ever. Is it because of the Jenova cells? Hojo did inject the cells into Vincent's body. I could be wrong about this, though.

Vincent was used by Hojo in another type of experiment, that of merging creatures together. Hojo merged two (or four, depending on which game/storyline we're supposed to go by now) beings together with Vincent. It was a success, but Hojo didn't know it until they fought with each other on the mako cannon in Midgar. The only other success that Hojo had was Azul. As such, Vincent never received Jenova cells, only naturally impure mako and the beings inside of him.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Where does it say Vincent only has two forms in Dirge of Cerberus?


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
Where does it say Vincent only has two forms in Dirge of Cerberus?

It doesn't say it, but two are the only forms he changes into: Galian Beast and Chaos.

I'm just saying that whichever game we're supposed to go on for Vincent's limits...
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Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
That's only a gameplay mechanic and designer choice. That doesn't mean Vincent only has two transformations to go through in his body. The original FFVII shows he has four, and it's just another sad example of bad DC gameplay design choices.

But no, that doesn't say he only has two at all. That's like saying the only materia in FFVII is Fire, Ice, and Lightning due to DC. :monster:


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
That's only a gameplay mechanic and designer choice. That doesn't mean Vincent only has two transformations to go through in his body. The original FFVII shows he has four, and it's just another sad example of bad DC gameplay design choices.

But no, that doesn't say he only has two at all. That's like saying the only materia in FFVII is Fire, Ice, and Lightning due to DC. :monster:

Yeah, I know he has four in the original game - gods, I cannot recall the names of the 2nd and 3rd limit break creatures now... :P

I recall the retconning of Last Order to the original game -
did Tifa see and know Cloud was there in Nibelheim, or was she unconscious through the whole thing as in the original game
? There was supposed to be a comment that came from someone at Square Enix saying that we were to follow Last Order. Hence, I questioned the possible retconning of Vincent's Dirge of Cerberus limits to the original game's... This is my reasons for bringing this up in the first place.

Dirge of Cerberus had a lot of problems; retconning and character development be two of the major ones, in my opinion. :doh: >_>
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Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
It was Death Gigas and Hell Masker.

And Last Order isn't canon to FFVII at all. It's been retconned by CC and was already a separate OVA. They never said we were supposed to follow LO. In fact, it's just called a depiction from the perspective of Tseng's recollection of events. If anything, they would want you go by CC and FFVII proper.

But anyways, Vincent still has his transformations, even if for some reason they felt players only needed to go with Galian Beast.


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
And Last Order isn't canon to FFVII at all. It's been retconned by CC and was already a separate OVA. They never said we were supposed to follow LO. In fact, it's just called a depiction from the perspective of Tseng's recollection of events. If anything, they would want you go by CC and FFVII proper.

I don't know where I read my information, but thank you for clearing that up. :)


I Am the Darkness, I'm the Monster
I would look at him losing Chaos as a form of symbolism, as in the heavy burden of his past has finally been lifted off of his shoulders, thus, I also believe he would start aging normally again for that reason as well. Maybe he still has the other transformations, maybe not, but regardless, if you look at it as symbolism, he may very well just start aging again because Chaos was his moreso primary and strongest transformation, imho. It would make sense that way.

+ Angel-Winged Demon +


Mage-Like Girl
I don't think he will age, I just think he gets the indestructible body and the immortality from the other transformation that hojo gave him not from chaos,
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