Star Wars: Episode 7, 8... and BEYOND!


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
So am I right in thinking
Did Harrison Ford say he wanted to be killed off? Like he cba doing any more of the films or something?

tbh kinda pissed me off that Han and Leia's relationship went the way it did, like how Venkman and Dana weren't together at the start of Ghostbusters 2 IT AIN'T RIGHT I TELLS YA

And not really relevant to anything but my cousin has a life sized Han Solo cardboard cutout in her room and it spooks me every time. Every. Fucking. Time.


Save your valediction (she/her)
So am I right in thinking
Did Harrison Ford say he wanted to be killed off? Like he cba doing any more of the films or something?

tbh kinda pissed me off that Han and Leia's relationship went the way it did, like how Venkman and Dana weren't together at the start of Ghostbusters 2 IT AIN'T RIGHT I TELLS YA

And not really relevant to anything but my cousin has a life sized Han Solo cardboard cutout in her room and it spooks me every time. Every. Fucking. Time.

He actually wanted to get killed off in Empire. But... since he became a deadbeat dad and brought a Sith into the world, maybe the galaxy would have been better off if he'd stayed in the carbonate... Unless of course, Rey is his daughter (!!!)

Although after watching it a third time (second time was pure confirmation bias of Rey as Leia's daughter) I can now see that she is probably Luke's.

trash panda

IIRC there was an interview with Lucas wherein he stated that a bunch of things wouldn't happen with Star Wars:

1999 Interview said:
There will definitely be no Episodes VII–IX...Once Vader dies, he doesn't come back to life, the Emperor doesn't get cloned and Luke doesn't get married...

Well, VII came out and VIII/IX are on the way, so we can cross that off the list. :monster:

Next to come will be the return of Vader, cloning of the emperor and the revelation that Luke got married and had baby Rey. :monster:


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Jedi's are just as prone to drunken one-night-stands as anyone:monster:

Though if he is Reys father he better have a damn good reason to have dumped her where he did. I mean, Obi Wan was pretty bad 'Hmm Leia, oh yeah I'll give her to the king and queen of Alderaan. And er...Luke...oh yeah those losers who live in a hole on Tatooine, they'll do...probably'

Maybe they think shitty desert planets are character building? :monster:

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
^More like they're so boring that nobody wants to visit them and everyone on them wants to leave (usually). It makes for a pretty good set-up where no one is going to go looking for someone but the person they're looking for isn't going to want to stick around once they've actually grown up enough to defend themselves.


First she scarred his face. Then she scarred his heart. Now he scars the whole internet. :D


Save your valediction (she/her)
I don't see what the problem is. Worker got injured working for a bajillion dollar company. Bajillion dollar company should maintain a policy of compensating injured employees.


Double Growth
That's not what's happening though, it doesn't sound like. It sounds more like the company is being criminally charged's hydraulic door malfunctioned I guess.

trash panda

I'm not on either side of this, I just thought it was force-karma that he broke is leg after saying he didn't want to come back to Star Wars. :monster:

*brings up Rey's parents*
So, Rey's got green eyes:

Trying to link this to other characters in the SW universe who also have green eyes because, you know, green eyes are a rarity. (Not sure if that's true in the Star Wars universe), but I'm working with a trail of breadcrumbs here. :monster:

One other character who had a famous set of green eyes in the Extended Universe was Mara Jade (Luke's waifu). However, the EU is no longer canon, right? Why un-canonize the Extended Universe if you're just going to pull parts of it right back into the canon universe? It seems like Disney & J.J. are trying to go in a new direction with this since they scrapped the EU's version of Han & Leia's family of three children. Plus, Luke & Mara's child in the EU (named Ben) has been merged with Han & Leia's child from the EU (Jacen). Leading me to believe that the idea of Luke having a child has been scrapped.

I don't fancy the idea of Luke having a wife and child because fear of loss (of Padme) was the straw-that-broke-the-camel's-back and caused Anakin to turn to the dark side. Having no attachments is part of the Jedi code and I see Luke as the Ned Stark of the Star Wars universe when it comes to doing what's right. :lol:

Unfortunately, it seems like the sequels may in fact go in the direction of having Rey be revealed as a Skywalker because:
Rey resembles a few other women linked to the Skywalker line by marriage/smex/immaculate conception

Thoughts? :kermit:

Also, this is a Finn reference, not a Rey reference, but I have to. I just HAVE to:

Sorry, I had to.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
That's not what's happening though, it doesn't sound like. It sounds more like the company is being criminally charged's hydraulic door malfunctioned I guess.
Yeah, Ford has nothing to do with this. It's just the production company being fined because they didn't take proper precautions/because money (pick one).

Howl said:
I don't fancy the idea of Luke having a wife and child because fear of loss (of Padme) was the straw-that-broke-the-camel's-back and caused Anakin to turn to the dark side. Having no attachments is part of the Jedi code and I see Luke as the Ned Stark of the Star Wars universe when it comes to doing what's right.
The Jedi did a lot of stupid shit, though. One could argue that their idiotic adherence to stuff like that monastic lifestyle -- and insistence upon every other Force Sensitive who wanted to be a good guy adhering to it -- created that situation.

Anakin was a dumbass, but the Jedi absolutely failed him.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
^And that's the other thing I'll never forgive the Prequels for. The image of the Jedi built up in IV-VI in no way matches what the Jedi actually were in I-III. And you'd think it should have been the opposite (the Jedi were actually good guys, and the Empire spread bad propaganda about them).

The prequals pretty much made the situation be that the Jedi don't have a leg to stand on as for why they're all that better then the Sith in the application of the force.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Ok so Mr Octo thinks (and maybe this has already been discussed) that
Force awakens is kind of a New Hope rehashed? And I guess thinking about it it is kind of (though no less enjoyable)


Oh and, how did Kylo Ren find Darth Vaders skull? The Death Star was totally blown up right? Disregard I just remembered he got burned on Endor but still


Save your valediction (she/her)
Agreed however, they had to play it SO SAFE because of how much was riding on it being a success. Using a formula that works was really the only way to go with this movie, and I didn't expect anything else. The movie looked gorgeous and the characters were fully realized. Rey is very different from Luke (although they share... certain... similarities...).

The only time I felt that it was a little on the nose was the moment when they were like "No no no it's nothing like the Death Star. This was the Death Star! And THIS is the new super big bad thing! It's way bigger and therefore nothing at all like the last thing."

Fortunately, what this movie did to distinguish itself was a really good set up for Episode VIII, which is basically already launching itself forward into unfamiliar territory. Rey is a rogue class adventurer, her Obi-Wan figure was Han Solo! She flies the Falcon with Artoo and Chewie, *and* she gets to become a kick ass Jedi. Meanwhile, we have a great B-Plot with a redemption story for Finn (and Kylo??) and the Resistance.

The movie was very beat-for-beat A Newer Hope, it was the Star Warsiest Star Wars ever. But its conclusion lays down a very different forward path and there are lots of interesting places for the story to go.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
I stand by my whole "like it a lot but I wish I loved it" angle, but I will definitely say that I'm certainly excited for Episode VIII and interested in how they'll move the plot forward. What disappointment I had in my expectations for VII definitely hasn't dampened my enthusiasm for the new trilogy :monster:

trash panda




Okay I didn't like episode VII all that much but I NEED to know how the story unfolds because: answers. :monster:
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