Star Wars: Episode 7, 8... and BEYOND!


Harbinger O Great Justice
The one about Bloodlines? That's the new upcoming novel about Leia. Also, the bit about Snoke doesn't seem to be anything too new, but it is nice clarification.

X :neo:

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Snoke need not
be a Sith lord to be Plagueis. Palpatine took the Sith lord position and title from him, so obviously he was no longer Sith beyond that point.

Too much hints at him being Plagueis right now for me to be convinced otherwise by what could be clever wordplay.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Not to mention that
the Rule of Two would've cut him out of the picture on a technicality. Even if he shed his identity of "Darth Plagueis the Wise" to take up the mantle of "Supreme Leader Snoke" his old Sith Legend/Darth self would be as dead as Ben's, Anakin's, or anyone else's that Star Wars uses that particular turn of phrase for.

It's also VERY worth noting that Snoke makes a point of Kylo Ren being a product of the Light and Dark, so he's absolutely not heading down the path of the Sith. I think that the key here is both sides attempting to take control of the Balance of the Force. Further evidence is that neither of them have the classic Red & Yellow eyes that are indicative of being a Darth/Sith.

Personally, I think that this is serving as a foil to how Luke wasn't as dogmatically opposed to the temptations of the Dark Side as the traditional Jedi were. He falls to his rage, but he always overcomes its temptation rather than succumbing to it.

X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice
Maz is based on one of J.J. Abrams' old teachers, and you can totally tell in this video of her:

X :neo:

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
Got my digital download at about two this morning. I enjoyed it just as much as in the theater.

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
Eh, only special features I've scene so far were the deleted scenes. Nothing special really, I can see why they were cut. Although there is one thats pretty hilarious where Han is giving a bunch of stormtrooopers shit. I'm pretty sure they just let Harrison Ford improvise the fuck out of that scene.

Probably check out the rest after I get off work.
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