'Star Wars: The Clone Wars' is coming back!


Harbinger O Great Justice
Oh man, I am SO excited and I totally think you're right that that's Caleb Dume AKA Kanan Jarrus on the right.

The reason that Anakin & Obi-Wan aren't a part of the Siege of Mandalore is that they get called away at the last moment to go rescue Palpatine – the start of Episode III – which is where we get the scene of the Clone Troopers of the 501st with Ahsoka's helmets gathered to go with her in their stead. It'll be really interesting to see where this leaves its end.

Also, there has been a hint from Sam Witwer that we'll see a moment here where Maul comes the closest he ever gets to breaking out of the Sisyphus character cycle that he's locked in, and oh my GODS I want to know what that is. I'm wondering if we'll get tease hints towards what to expect from the Obi-Wan series or anything about Crimson Dawn.


(Also, sorry that you still have to wait. If you lived close enough, I'd just invite you over. :awesomonster: )

X :neo:

Clement Rage

Pro Adventurer
NPC: Why would you leave?
Ahsoka: The Jedi are supposed to be peacekeepers, not soldiers.

Anakin: Wanna lead clones into combat to retake Mandalore?
Ahsoka: Sure.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Not really.

The core of the story with Mandalore is that it's been in constant conflict around remaining peaceful vs. wanting to choose a side to help fight back. That's the core of the thematic struggle around the role of the Jedi being corrupted when they became generals of the Republic's army.

Ahsoka finds out about Maul coming back to Mandalore, and what she discovers is what makes her finally reach out to Anakin again. Anakin & Obi-Wan were originally going to go take care of that – but Palpatine gets captured, so they can't go with her. Anakin has Rex and the 501st accompany her to help her stop Maul (hence the designs on her helmet), because he trusts them to keep her safe and wants to show her that he still cares about her.

What's important about the confrontation with Maul is telegraphed in his tone. Maul has been desperate for revenge against the Jedi, and it's his singular defining motivation... but his isn't dripping with anticipation of those events. He's sounds worn out and unsure. Order 66 means the deaths of the Jedi and the Sith getting their revenge... but he's not a Sith anymore. He's an outcast. And we know that Order 66 coming to pass is going to mean that the Inquisitors are going to be just as focused on hunting down and killing HIM now as well. He's the estranged former apprentice of Palpatine – just like Ahsoka is the estranged former apprentice of Anakin. He's at a turning point where his hatred of the Jedi is being shifted towards being hatred of Palpatine and the Sith. He's at a point where he might have been able to actually escape – but he plays the role of Sisyphus, so we know he won't.

He's acting as a mirror for Ahsoka and how she's eventually gonna take up the mantle of being Fulcrum. Interestingly... I sort of like the idea that they have a similar sort of role in that respect the way that Ben & Rey do later on as different reflections of those two's legacies (as I'm still warming up to the things in Episode IX).

X :neo:

Clement Rage

Pro Adventurer
Depends how it plays out, really.

I mean, if Ahsoka concludes during her walkabout that the Jedi were wrong to allow themselves to become generals, and then in the final arc takes command of Clones to free Mandalore because they're under the thumb of a (former) Sith Lord, we kind of have a thematic clash.

Maybe it won't happen.



She seemingly takes up the plight of the Mandalorians, and is with them when they contact Anakin, Rex and Obiwan.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Only one more week until I have to stop using a VPN to watch them on my computer. :awesomonster:

I'm really happy to be able to have all ya other Yurpeenz finally being able to watch this stuff too.

X :neo:


Higher Further Faster
So I have been watching Clone Wars. Currently watching season 6 episode 11. The overwhelming majority of the show is really really good. It is a phenomenal show, even if at times hard to follow because they're so many people and so many plot lines going on.

But dang I hate Anakin and Padme together. They're a horrible couple. They're each fine on their own, but not together.


Harbinger O Great Justice
So, the end of last episode, as soon as they started doing some ship combat, suddenly the cinematography from there to the end got really AMAZING. Like some of the stuff from Bad Batch, it was getting to the point of being film-level quality good, and makes me think that it's the result of a lot of experience that Dave learned from working in live action on The Mandalorian from being a part of all of that.

...and then this week's episode utterly blows it all away. This 4 part final arc is LITERALLY arranged like a full on film – the new opening, musical scores, and everything. I have no words for how blown away I am right now.

X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice
So, I cannot overstate how amazing Sam Witwer is when it comes to portraying the MASSIVE range of Maul's emotions in this episode. I really hope that we get some behind the scenes looks at his performance, because the previous glimpses at his performances in the past are just phenomenal. I cannot overstate how amazing it is seeing him and Ray Park giving us the complete Maul like this, and just… I hope those rumors about him getting a series live action or otherwise is true, because I have never wanted to see where his character ends up during the time between now and Rebels more than I have now.

Like I want to see this

Of this moment.

Speaking of which, this makes his moments in Rebels, and Ahsoka's realization about who Vader is and what that means about her choices hit SO much deeper. Like… we know why she goes away for so long after that confrontation in Rebels. She's got that Yoda & Obi-wan type guilt, because she had a clear chance to stop it but didn't believe it could happen.

X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice
It's super frustrating seeing Ahsoka's history with Maul making it so the two of them never join forces. You can feel that little bit of vulnerability and hope just lock itself away until little jaded fragments of it slip out around Ezra later on in Rebels. For Sam Witwer, it's gotta be pretty great seeing Maul take that Starkiller vibe in this episode though.

And yeah, everything about them being on a Republic-turned-Imperial ship for this episode, and the 501st hunting her down was super terrifying & heartbreaking. I am REALLY curious about how Order 66 reflects on Maul, given that he's not a Jedi, and I'm equally curious about that containment vessel he was in.

If only they could've used it to stop Anakin instead...

X :neo:
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