Statistic thrad


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
And I checked it, but the latest statistics report there is from February 1. I got that one. The one for the week of February 8 and on is the one I'm looking for.


ah, in that case, you won't be getting any :monster:. I've set it back to monthly (as was my original intention), it's more just and great and whatnot.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal

So THATS why I haven't been getting the emails.

Meh, I liked weekly more, because it showed more immediate results to what content was posted that week, but fair enough. :monster:


Woot. Last week we had a bit of a peak, this week our figures go into the negative again due to not having a peak, which is lulzy to see, :monster:.


  • Analytics_forums.thelifestream.net_20090223-20090301.pdf
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this is pretty nice, but i cannot see them cos the pdf will not load on ma computer for some reason, anyway, by your word things seem to be ok, cool, i'm glad.


I just checked out the stats on the analytics site, and holy shit, :monster:. Here's a run-down of some interesting stats, don't read this if you have a disliking for numbers / statistics.


In February (last month), the forums had 14,000 visits by 1,740 unique visitors, which all generated 196,543 pageviews and who spent an average amount of 18 minutes, 26 seconds on the forums. 10,87% of those visitors were new - which isn't that much, really, but whatever.

54,21% of forum visits were done using Firefox, the vast majority of those (62,34%) using version 3.0.6 (and 0.43% still at Firefox - upgrade now, you know who you are, :monster: ). Interestingly, after IE, Google's Chrome browser took 3rd place in browser usage - but that might've largely been my doing, :monster:. Wait, more details reveal that the most visitors with Chrome used version - I'm at the 2.x branch already (the beta / dev versions), which only started at 4th place at 2,80%. Those figures could be a bit skewed though, I dunno how often the thing updates itself.

I think that Analytics was updated or something, there's loads more info here than was there earlier. There's a page on visitor loyalty, which is very high for the forums - 25,95% of the visitors in February visited the site more than 201 times.

Back to an overview now. The forums started late November, in which it received a total of 509 visits, generating 4,413 pageviews.

December was a lot better, with 8,069 visits and 102,927 pageviews. That increased by 2/3rds (or so) in January, where we got 13,144 visits and 172,493 pageviews, which is probably the month in which we've seen the most increase. February saw a slighter increase in visitors and pageviews, 14,006 visitors and 196,543 pageviews.

Finally, the forums never received a visit from an iPhone, :(. Yes, it even reports that, lol.

Attached is a .pdf with all stats from November 21st to now, the graph shows the visitors and pageviews.


As can be understood, the frontpage statistics aren't as impressive as the forums - after all, the forums get a lot more repeated pageviews and whatnot due to its structure and usage and whatnot. Looking at February, the frontpage got 13,678 visits - which is comparable to that of the forums. Not surprisingly, the main traffic source of the forums is the frontpage - i.e. most people (63,26% of 75,05%) come to the forums from the frontpage. The frontpage did generate a lot less pageviews though - 45,264 pageviews, which is about 1/5th of what the forums are getting. Still though, that can easily be attributed to the fact that people will open more pages on here - every page of every thread you view will be counted as a pageview for the forums. The average pages / visits for the frontpage is 3,31.

58,50% of the frontpage's visitors immediately go somewhere else when they reach the frontpage (and this doesn't have to be the frontpage's index page, can be any page really) immediately leaves, without clicking through anywhere. That is pretty high, but it's not terrible - and could even be expected, based on our content and whatnot.

Compared to other, similar-sized size, our bounce rate is a bit higher than average, compared to other, similar-sized sites (which have a bounce rate of around 46%), but most other stats are higher than average - we get more than twice as much visits, twice as much pageviews (with a peak of 1,265.6% more traffic than average on February 20th, when the ultimania thingy (or something) was posted) and people stay 50-250% times longer on the site than average.

However, when it comes to pageviews / visit and the amount of new visits, we're a bit behind on average. Still though, that's not a bad thing per sé - it just means we get shorter visits by regularly visiting people, probably people who do a quick check for news or something.

As can be expected, the vast majority of visitors to the frontpage come from the US, at 6,231 visits from there in February. Clicking through, we get most visits (1,173) from California, 776 from Texas, and 744 from New York - them being the biggest visitors btw.

Second comes the UK, with 1,138 visits, and third comes Canada, with 1,012 visits.

As with the frontpage, most people use Firefox to visit the frontpage - 54,52%.

As with last time, most people find our site through search engines when looking directly for us (or the lifestream in general) - the three most frequent Google visits come from those search terms, for sheezy. Fourth comes a search for 'Dissidia english site', sixth comes 'dissidia ultimania', 8th comes 'advent children complete news', ninth comes 'advent children complete new short film', referring to that thingy with Denzel, and 10th goes to 'dissidia scan'.

Some history now, and I should wrap this up, Top Gear's gonna be on in a minute.

Visits have increased gradually since September 25th, when the site opened, getting only about 50 visits / day and it only starting to climb in early November, most likely due to the forums opening and people being more inclined to come visit. There have been significant peaks in visitors on January 31, at 557 visitors, February 12th at 842 visits, and February 20th at 836 visits.

See the attached .pdf for the report from September 25th to now, for great justice and a climbing line. Top Gear's on, have fun.


meh. The figures for this week are climbing again though, with the new translations, so gj and whatnot.


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Great justice has been served. The stats started climbing last Wednesday, most likely due to our news on the US release date on Advent Children Complete and the interview with Nomura on ACC, ending up at 736 visits.

(note: our previous record was at 842 visits halfway February with our translation coverage)

Last Thursday, our previous record was broken with our news on the new ending theme for ACC, having got 979 visits throughout the day (or 577 unique visitors).

And that record was broken again yesterday with our report on a new interview with Nomura in the next Dengeki, but moreso due to the new ACC trailer (speaking of, didn't embedding it on our page work?). We ended the day with a grand total of 1,143 visits by 681 unique visitors.

Looking at detailed stats, here's the most popular articles posted from the last few days according to Analytics, measured from March 24 (Tuesday) to today (march 28):

Famitsu interview with Nomura - 776 pageviews (or 933 visits according to the frontpage software - I think Google has a tighter definition of what constitutes as a 'view' though)

Upcoming Nomura interview with Dengeki - 459 pageviews

Dirge of Cerberus artwork collection - 446 pageviews

Advent Children Complete US release date - 431 pageviews

However - and I just realized this halfway through writing that list - this is not representative for the actual amount of readers for each article. Several articles are fully visible on the frontpage, which means that while they probably were read, they didn't count in those pages' individual pageview stats. For completeness, our frontpage received 4,905 pageviews in the four-day period.

Attached are a few reports:

1. Frontpage report, whole month of March
2. Forums report, whole March
3. Frontpage report, this week
4. Frontpage report, content overview by title, top 25, last week
5. Extra added bonus: Top 500 content of all time.

(Note that the last one has two entries at the top - these are both our frontpage, but we've changed our front page's title thingy at one time, so it shows up as two separate stats)

Especially the last one puts things into perspective. That our frontpage is the most popular page isn't a surprise, but the other ones are more interesting - the Dissidia news is popular, the 10th anniversary translations are / were, and ACC is. I find it a bit odd that Dissidia seems to be the most popular content instead of ACC, but eh, I won't complain.

Have fun, lolz. There's far too much figures for me to handle, :monster:.


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We got 1,615 visits yesterday, just fyi. That's more than double than we had a good week ago (March 25th). Pageviews were upped almost 4 times in that period (2,228 > 7,886), almost breaching the 8000 pageviews mark. Awesome peak and great justice. See attachment for some stats for an arbitrary amount of time, :monster:.


  • Analytics_thelifestream.net_20090325-20090402_(DashboardReport).pdf
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As I've said on another topic, the Nomura PS3 TVCM I've posted before is now at Kotaku (there's a link to TLS on the video's description at youtube). I think this should give us some visitors to us, I'll keep using my channel to bring some members to TLS.

It would only be prudent if they linked back to us as the source, imho. Btw, where did Kuraudo get that trailer from?


Site Staff
It would only be prudent if they linked back to us as the source, imho. Btw, where did Kuraudo get that trailer from?

Sony official videos site via FF7AC reunion.... I think Kotaku has probably seen our video as the most viewed and the first being uploaded and picked up to use..... it doen't shocks me. Indirectly, everyone who enters on the video at youtube will see the link to TLS, and also, I've sent an e-mail to FF7AC reunion owner to put the TLS link as source of the youtubed videos (he'll probably see it later night)
Last edited:


Harbinger O Great Justice
We got over 2000 views on the frontpage yesterday, I think that the link back from FF7AC Reunion helped up out quite a bit, as that linked news article about OCA Cloud & Sephiroth's Wing now has 1,553 views.

X :neo:


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  • Analytics_thelifestream.net_20090312-20090411_(DashboardReport).pdf
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:awesomonster:, even. I'm going to check out the analytics myself now.

Edit: Win, our visitor count has pretty much doubled over the last month.


Yeah, we had loads of forums visitors yesterday - we got a record 57 new members registering, even. The last record was from a day earlier at 15, and before that, 10 :monster:.

Holy shit, I'm a bit surprised by that actually.

As for the site itself, we got 2,642 visits yesterday - which is just 300 more than our previous record of 2,311 on April 11th, but still. Another article like that and we'll get to 3000, :monster:.


Haha, Bluehost is rueing the day they decided to offer everyone unlimited bandwidth and storage, :monster:. Yesterday around this time (minus an hour and some), we had used 80 GB this month (which is already twice as much as the whole of May), and now, 25 hours and some later, we're at 112GB already and counting, :monster:. 32 GB in 25 hours is quite a lot. But then, the screenshots we posted in yesterday's article are all at least 1 MB in size.

According to the same page, we're using 'only' 374 MB of storage for all our content. This means that all our content has been downloaded 299,46524064171122994652406417112 times just this month, :monster:.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I think we've done very well with keeping up with ACC and being a news source for it.

Now just wait when it comes out in the states and then Dissidia finally makes it to the US :awesomonster:
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