Statistic thrad

When you see some of these gals with there clothes off youll be asking for noods as much as aaron :monster:

Until proven otherwise, all TLS girls are fugly when nekkid :awesomonster:

But more importantly, since this is the statistics thread, I hope we'll see some more activity once the OTWTAS translations come up. What's the next step beyond that though, I wonder? What focus will the site have when there are no compilation news for at least a year or so?


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
How can I be homo when your n00dness have not yet transformed me so?

Take Aaron as a shiningg example. He constantly asks for n00dz, but he remains optimistic that everyone is hot.

Ergo, you homo.

I'm simpy assuming that FFVII nerds are of, shall I say, lower nood quality. :neom:

orly? Go look at the mug shot thread, you'll find we have tons of hotties, Tennyo, Bex, millenia, munatik...

Ergo again, you homo.

That is...unless you want to prove otherwise. :pics:

Nah, I'm okay thanks. :monster:




Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
May 14, 2009		1537
May 15, 2009		1052
May 16, 2009		734
May 17, 2009		1133
May 18, 2009		1256
May 19, 2009		1372
May 20, 2009		775
May 21, 2009		877
May 22, 2009		920
May 23, 2009		898
May 24, 2009		999
May 25, 2009		786
May 26, 2009		1379
May 27, 2009		865
May 28, 2009		856
May 29, 2009		749
May 30, 2009		1529
May 31, 2009		1442
June 01, 2009		1802
great justice is great.


iCan, :monster:. We're at about 4000 pageviews a day now for the frontpage (which was at 8000 last month or so), and around 15.000 to 22.000 pageviews per day for the forums.

The weekly stats that get emailed to me show a stable, but gradually declining graph for the past few weeks.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Maybe now that ACC is officially out we can release some new content and shit? Though I dunno lol. Hopefully when hito gets done with the other OtWtaS translations that'll help traffic a lot, and maybe FFXIV can as well :monster:


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V

June 02, 2009		1394
June 03, 2009		1249
June 04, 2009		1319
June 05, 2009		1270
June 06, 2009		827
June 07, 2009		977
June 08, 2009		1598
June 09, 2009		1422

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
Okay, I has another stats question.

What's the total number of views we have for all the threads in the forum? :monster:

I noticed that the LTD thread has 128,366 views, which is pretty close to the total number of posts in the forum (130,049). I kinda got curious. :awesome:


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Looks like 1,019,784.

Though that's not completely accurate since threads that get merged don't have their view counts added (or at least didn't in old versions of vB), while threads that are split are listed with the same view count (or at least that's the way it worked in old versions of vB).

also, recent poasts per day:

June 10, 2009		1447
June 11, 2009		1395
June 12, 2009		969
June 13, 2009		948
June 14, 2009		638
June 15, 2009		1269
June 16, 2009		1019
June 17, 2009		651
June 18, 2009		635
June 19, 2009		885
June 20, 2009		598
June 21, 2009		680
June 22, 2009		655
June 23, 2009		1103
June 24, 2009		1489
June 25, 2009		988
June 26, 2009		1225
June 27, 2009		601
June 28, 2009		582
I blame database errors for the recent drop in activity. Though that doesn't explain today's activity (not calculated yet), which is probably just because Alise has actually been poasting again.


Reviving this thread because relevant; the FFVII remake announcement definitely did boost our visitors by quite a bit.



Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Also, new poasts since the start of the month:
June 01, 2015		84
June 02, 2015		130
June 03, 2015		142
June 04, 2015		93
June 05, 2015		135
June 06, 2015		174
June 07, 2015		102
June 08, 2015		95
June 09, 2015		86
June 10, 2015		102
June 11, 2015		111
June 12, 2015		107
June 13, 2015		99
June 14, 2015		107
June 15, 2015		162
June 16, 2015		843
We're back to old levels of activity again.

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