It really did.
This entire season has been extremely enjoyable. I really enjoyed them returning to their roots so to speak, with the conflict between angels and demons. Benny, Kevin, Metatron, Naomi, and all the other new characters this season felt really interesting and enjoyable. Such a shame Supernatural kills almost all of them, as usual.
It just felt really well done and fleshed out, unlike seasons 6 and 7. The mythology was amazing too. I'm glad they expanded on the whole "Word of God" tablets. Because it did seem awfully convenient for there to just be this silver bullet recipe for the invincible Leviathans. I figured there would be others for it to make sense.
Crowley played his role as true-blue villain amazing too. And Abbadon is I eagerly await our new Queen of Hell
My only criticism of this season would be Sam once again being the chosen one for the whole trials. Ever since the beginning, Sam has been the chosen one for every conflict. The special child. The chosen one to kill Lillith. The chosen one to stop Lucifer as his vessel. The boy with no soul. And now the one to do the trials. It would've been AMAZING if it were Dean that had to do all these trials and Sam was the one supporting him. It just seems boring to constantly have Sam have all the weird shit going on.
Oh, and Charlie. I'm sorry, but can we please just not throw her in for fan service? I mean, this season was still 22 episodes. The entire episode with her in it was fucking pointless. You could skip that whole episode and it'd not change a thing.
But all in all, Supernatural definitely got its magic back. I can't wait til season 9. It's had an amazing run for being around for this long. I'm really very impressed.