The Avengers, AoU, Infinity War, & Endgame films


Higher Further Faster
Another thing spoiled for me
was that Quicksilver dies. Earlier in the week a post from a fan page I follow on Facebook popped up and asked what we would do with the MCU or whatever. Someone replied that they wouldn't have killed off Quicksilver.

This is why we need world-wide simultaneous releases...

So essentially both of the two biggest moments that I wouldn't have wanted spoiled for me were spoiled for me.

idk I should internet less...
Just saw the movie. Well worth the money.

This was me, in that scene. Without spoilers. I am ashamed that it took me two seconds to realize what everybody else recognized instantly. :lol:


Harbinger O Great Justice
Aside from being pleased that Hawkeye named his kid after Black Widow & Quicksilver, I noticed that his kid's name is incredibly close to my full name.



So, if you remove 2 letters from Hawkeye's kid's middle name and 3 from his last name, then add 2 letters to the end of his middle and 2 others to the end of his last name, and then swap his middle and first names -- you have my full name!

Also, the letters removed are B,T,O and the letters added are C,E,R.

X :neo:

Clement Rage

Pro Adventurer
I dunno if something was missing or if I've just seen too many Marvel movies. Liked it, but wasn't charmed.

Has the Marvel universe not learned that you can't beat the Hulk with force yet?

Didn't like Banner/Tasha, it was a bit sudden. Also, infertility is not equivalent to being a giant destructive rage monster. Like both characters, but didn't see them together.

Nice to see Clint getting some screentime. And the retirements in general made sense.

Helicarrier's arrival was pretty well set up by the TV show.

Bit with the hammer was a good idea. I'd rather Steve and Banner (as opposed to Hulk) could move it, though, and that Tasha and Maria got a try.

And my usual gripes about the effectiveness of non superheroes (Helicarrier showing up was a nice touch, but I'd have liked to have seen more from the Sokovian police than shooting Quicksilver.)

Called Quicksilver's death the moment I saw him, and that Scarlet Witch would either escape or be redeemed. I wasn't spoiled and knew nothing about rights, but they weren't going to kill the new female addition.

What surprised me the most was the new Avengers line-up:
• Nick Fury - Black Guy
• Maria Hill - Girl
• Captain America - White Guy
• Black Widow - Girl
• War Machine - Black Guy
• Falcon - Black Guy
• Scarlet Witch - Girl
• Vision - ...British A.I.

Maybe they'll eventually get to non-Americans. Tasha and Scarlet Witch maybe aren't US nationals, but they're both essentially refugees from more horrible countries, where terrible things happened to them.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Well, Banner helped Stark build the Hulkbuster armor, so clearly not yet, and I think that's proving that they did the best they could with the two top people working on it.

Natasha was comparing her infertility to Bruce's inability to have kids and showing that that wasn't a factor that was going to keep them apart, because it was never a possibility for either of them.

She was comparing the fact that she was built to be a ruthless, uncaring assassin who's killed a countless number of people to him being a rage monster.

Also, that last part isn't a "maybe" because Black Panther.

X :neo:

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Just saw it. Still processing everything, but I'm very happy.
Clem said:
Bit with the hammer was a good idea. I'd rather Steve and Banner (as opposed to Hulk) could move it, though, and that Tasha and Maria got a try.
I doubt if we've seen the last word on who can lift it. Oh, and Maria did give it a try, by the way -- it was a no go.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Kiss my street-level superhero ass. =P I like a lot of things.

Oh, and I need to comment on the Black Widow scene that
has gotten a lot of reviewers up in arms. The "infertility monster" thing.

I'll grant you that the delivery was slightly clunky, but even if Natasha is referring to herself as a monster at least in part because of that (rather than the life of killing she references in the same dialogue), why is that not a valid ordeal to portray?

That biological dysphoria is the experience of many women who live with infertility. I know because that has been the experience of one of my friends.

How awesome is it that there's a 14-year-old girl out there who has already had a hysterectomy because she's at risk for a hereditary condition who will see this? Or a 40-year-old woman who is one of the 10% of women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome who will struggle to conceive -- and, if the condition is bad enough, simply will not be able to?

How cool that they can see a woman as badass as Natasha Romanova (portrayed by a woman regarded as sexy as Scarlett Johansson) on the big screen (in a blockbuster film that "everyone" will watch) voicing that same anxiety they deal with! That's great!

I can see how folks may feel that the movie doesn't adequately address the issue after bringing it up if that is where she was going with it, but upon a second viewing, think about this: She asks Banner if he still thinks he's the only monster. He doesn't respond -- at least not until the end of the film, when he exiles himself.

He responds to her question silently, but he answers her very clearly with his choice: "Yes, I am the only monster here. No, you aren't one."

Also think about how much positivity the film builds around her if she is living with that question. The gentleness she demonstrates to Banner, even when he's in Hulk mode. The fondness Clint's kids have for "Aunty Nat" (indication of a motherly side perhaps?). The last scene of the movie showing her looking at the birth announcement for Clint's new baby before getting to work with Cap in preparing *the next generation* of Avengers.

The movie says nothing but positive things if that is a struggle we are meant to understand Natasha as dealing with, and it is a struggle a lot of women in the real world will be able to see their reflection in. I'm not going to go so full-on fanboy as to claim that "Avengers: Age of Ultron" is one of the deepest movies ever made, but any time a TV show, movie, comic or gum wrapper can speak to someone about something like this, that's art.
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Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.


Chloe Frazer


Harbinger O Great Justice
Sooooooo, there's an ULTRA NSFW .gif that was created long before the second film, but I ran across it again (thanks tumblr) and it's made much more… relevant by certain events in Age of Ultron, such that it almost seems like an alternate ending. I can't stop laughing and I felt compelled to share it, because apparently I'm terrible and going directly to hell.

(Feel free to ignore this post completely)

X :neo:

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I just watched it a the second time. :monster:

I stand corrected on
Maria Hill trying to lift the hammer. I would have swore I remembered that, but, nope, where I had inserted her was when Banner gave it his shot. I thought there was a jump cut there with first her, then him, but there wasn't one.

Maybe I looked away for half a second. :monster:

I feel doubly certain now, though, that
Natasha actually was referring to her infertility as part of her view of herself as a monster, and I'm glad of this for the reasons I went over last night. The delivery of her lines definitely suggests that's what she was referring to after all, and we have both visual and spoken references to the "ceremony" that sterilized her even earlier, when Wanda put her under that vision spell.

Whedon definitely goes out of his way to associate maternal traits, kids and that plot point about infertility with Natasha -- first, with her being the one capable of calming Hulk; then with her vision; then the "Aunty Nat" thing with Clint's kids; Clint's daughter coloring a picture for her; lingering on her looking at the birth announcement for Nathaniel; and then her participating in training the second generation of Avengers.

It was definitely deliberate.


Chloe Frazer
Just saw it, sat at the very back of the theater, instant win. Seriously I bought the tickets on Friday and got there 2 hours before the film started because I hate sitting in front that much. I think the first one was better but still very much loved this one.

Also that image X, cannot be unseen.
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Harbinger O Great Justice
This is why I made sure that no one could see it accidentally (and also probably why I felt compelled to share it). :monster:

I'm thinking I may try to go watch it again.

X :neo:

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I can't decide whether I prefer this or the first one. I will say that this one went by faster than I thought it did the first time, though.

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Sooooooo, there's an ULTRA NSFW .gif that was created long before the second film, but I ran across it again (thanks tumblr) and it's made much more… relevant by certain events in Age of Ultron, such that it almost seems like an alternate ending. I can't stop laughing and I felt compelled to share it, because apparently I'm terrible and going directly to hell.

(Feel free to ignore this post completely)

X :neo:

As scarlet witch said. She wants the Big One.

Clement Rage

Pro Adventurer
I had never heard of Black Panther, now I'm really looking forward to that movie.

Yeah, but the two aren't really comparable. Infertility is an aspect of Bruce's problem, but the bigger issue is that if he retires to a farmhouse, sooner or later he will wake up in a giant crater having destroyed everything within five miles, probably including any kids he did have, if he could have them. If that happens to Black Widow, she didn't do it by accident.

I can't decide whether I prefer this or the first one.

Definitely the first one for me. Now that I think about it, Ultron was rather closely modelled on it, I think.

Villain uses mind control to turn avengers against each other, Hulk goes on a devastating rampage to buy time while villain puts together an evil plan. The Avengers get a bit down for a while, but rally after an inspiring speech from Nick Fury in time for a massive dogfight in the middle of a city.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Scarlett Johansson was pregnant while filming, so there's probably some points about that interaction between her & Banner that were building off of that. I'm not finding any interviews or anything that touch on that part of the film in detail (probably because spoilers), but I'd be interested to see what she has to say on the subject.

X :neo:

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
I had never heard of Black Panther, now I'm really looking forward to that mov

My sweet summer child. Bask in the glorious insung hero of the marvel universe that makes Loki look like an angsty teenager.

I'm seriously hoping they use this theme to show how badass he can be as well as Wakanda's glory. Klaue
was lucky to get out alive as normally he'd be dead with that mucb vibranium stolen.


I wonder why. The internet is rampant with speculation but no reason was given.

Although being a prominent creator means having constant abuse hurled at you no matter what you do which is enough to nope the fuck out of anything.


Higher Further Faster
It was because people assumed he was a misogynist because they didn't like the way Black Widow was written, then decided it was a good idea to send him death threats and challenge him to physical fights.
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