The Elite Order of Cloud


Do you say that with sadness? The troll that got a hold of my account has been taken care of! :-X When I was talking with you, though, that was me :-[



Higher Further Faster
lol @ that comic. Do I detect a Freudian reference? :duhard:

[quote author=spirit chaser link=topic=377.msg11211#msg11211 date=1232984964]
Gross title, but I can't not join.

Thought you was banned for good.

This is what I thought. And I'll just keep my comments to myself.

Either way, though, good to have more peeps in the club. Tell us why you like Cloud. :)


Be more well-informed!

I like Cloud because his plight is one that players can sort of identify with. Kind of like Hamlet.


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
Cloud may be an anti-hero, but he's still a hero; and, his imperfections make him all the more unique and special! I would like to be in the club. :)


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Why isn't anyone posting here damnit? >:(

I take it most have seen the latest ACC trailer right? Is it just me or are they doing Cloud's character a greater service in Advent Children this time around, or what?


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
[quote author=Makoeyes987 link=topic=377.msg12649#msg12649 date=1233356208]I take it most have seen the latest ACC trailer right? Is it just me or are they doing Cloud's character a greater service in Advent Children this time around, or what?[/quote]

I agree. It seems like he's more into his fights; more concentrated and more in control (at least of himself).


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Not just that but I love how he says he wants to protect Tifa and Denzel.


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
[quote author=Makoeyes987 link=topic=377.msg12655#msg12655 date=1233356633]
Not just that but I love how he says he wants to protect Tifa and Denzel.

I love Aerith dearly, but that's one shot down (amongst many) for the Cleriths! Actually, I loved the new trailer, but I'm not sure what else to say except I hope this movie will be more 'kick ass' than before. It was kind of calm before... Kind of.


Pro Adventurer
I loved this new line too, it's really sounds like what Cloud considers to be his goal for fighting against Sephiroth & Co.


Your Mom
It's too soon for me to judge, but I'm optimistic we'll see a more decisive, kicking ass and taking names Cloud this time. Already I like his arrival at the Bahamut fight better than AC. Throwin' swords and shit. Way to be a man, Cloud.



Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
[quote author=Isabella link=topic=377.msg12677#msg12677 date=1233358707]It's too soon for me to judge, but I'm optimistic we'll see a more decisive, kicking ass and taking names Cloud this time. Already I like his arrival at the Bahamut fight better than AC. Throwin' swords and shit. Way to be a man, Cloud.[/quote]

If the sword comes back to him, like Yuffie's weapons, I will be quite excited. ;D Eh - if not he can just roll up to it and pick it up. :P


Carpe Diem
G's Apple
Like most people, I really believe ACC will be way more kickass than the original, as well as giving Cloud more stuff to fight off and making him look even more badass. I have a feeling that the movie is gonna play on my PS3 all the time (that's of course... if I ever actually get one :'()

(A bit off topic, but does anyone know what's cheaper... a PS3 or a Blue-Ray player?)

Throwing swords, Rude with a rocket launcher destroying the whole highway (WTF, man!? xD), Elena and Tseng exposure, Denzel's story are also a nice touch...

And on the end of the trailer, Cloud takes on his battle stance from the game, I found that quite nostalgic (even thought I played the game only a few years ago xD)

And as for Cloud, am I the only one who thinks that he looks kinda hot covered in blood and mud? :duhard:


Your Mom
(A bit off topic, but does anyone know what's cheaper... a PS3 or a Blue-Ray player?)
Blu-Ray. I just bought one last week for $229 (U.S.). :monster:

My other Blu-Ray (yeah, I have two) cost nearly $500, so they've come down in price a lot in the last year.


Higher Further Faster
[quote author=Arianna link=topic=377.msg12315#msg12315 date=1233241163]
Cloud may be an anti-hero, but he's still a hero; and, his imperfections make him all the more unique and special! I would like to be in the club. :)

Yay! Welcome!

And while he isn't a Boy Scout, does Cloud really fit the description of an anti hero? It's not like he was ever a bad person who did bad things per say, unless you are referring to the reactors?


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
[quote author=Tennyo link=topic=377.msg12699#msg12699 date=1233363421]Yay! Welcome!

And while he isn't a Boy Scout, does Cloud really fit the description of an anti hero? It's not like he was ever a bad person who did bad things per say, unless you are referring to the reactors?[/quote]

Thanks Tennyo. :)

I think I miscommunicated my thoughts. Perhaps anti-hero isn't the right word, but - oh well, I used it.

What I meant was that Cloud is not the stereotypical definition of a hero. At times, be it under the influence of the powers gained from Jenova's cells or so deep into his own insecurities that he feels he can do nothing, he falters, being a total dork to a total airhead. He is not a loser, but he would never have gained if he was left to his own devices, in which would have defined him as such.

It took near supernatural means to give him the motivation to break out of his shell; admit that he's not what he bragged he'd be, but face that he's not hopeless and helpless like he believes he is. He may not be SOLDIER First Class, but then again, no SOLDIER First Class ever found it within him (or her?) to summon the strength to throw back the most powerful being in all of the Final Fantasy VII universe! Or at least Gaia (the Planet.)

Personally, I feel there is a special reason for Cloud's life, for his being. I just wonder if that's what SE's message is getting at too. (Fanfic ideas!)

Charming was truly the word (or at least better than 'unique' and 'special') I was looking for to describe Cloud. He's not perfect, he kind of fits the stereotype for blonds, and he's not totally the master of his own fate. He is in charge of it, but other external forces also play a great part in his life, leading him down paths he ordinarily would never have chose.

Man, typing that made me think of my own life. :P
If the only essential addition to Cloud's dialogue, which fleshes out his character, is his wish to protect the ones he love then ACC will not be as pleasing.
Sure I'm all for fight scenes. Hell I wouldn't mind if there was just one whole movie dedicated to Cloud in the Battle Area in Gold Saucer; but that's just me.

Like everyone else I am psyched to see his battle stance and the slight hint of red when his aura energizes. It is much more reminiscent of the game's colourful limit breaks.


Higher Further Faster
@Ariana: I see what you mean. He's certainly no Superman, and of that I'm glad. I like to compare Cloud to Spider-Man myself. :)

[quote author=Makoeyes987 link=topic=377.msg12649#msg12649 date=1233356208]
Why isn't anyone posting here damnit? >:(

I take it most have seen the latest ACC trailer right? Is it just me or are they doing Cloud's character a greater service in Advent Children this time around, or what?

Great justice indeed. :)

Pic in your sig is proof of that.

So anyway this club needs a new banner. The ones I posted are old from why back when I was a PS nub.

What do you all think of this one:


I really don't know what else to do with it. Is it even any good? I'm a poor judge of my own work. :/


Pro Adventurer
Judging by new trailer I think that the new kickass fight scenes are guarantied.

I want to see some more Cloud x Tifa & the children interaction.

I really don't know what else to do with it. Is it even any good? I'm a poor judge of my own work. :/

Great new banner, Tennyo!


I like it. The blue colors remind me of him going all over ninethousaaaaaand at the end of the ACC trailer.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
God, I love that banner. Way to go Tennyo!

I really love that at the end. That's probably the most badass he's looked in AC, ever. The stance, the look, everything. Him rushing Sephiroth head on was pretty epic.


Fiat Lux
Nice banner, Ten. The blue is very smooth and relaxing.

Only snags are the hilt of the stock has been chopped in half, and the vacant space in the top-left. Other than that, good job.


Pro Adventurer
Cloud looks so freakin' badass in the new trailer! I especially love this scene:


[/fangirl moment]

Gotta love SE for adding actual wounds and blood.
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