The Final Fantasy XIV Thread [Dawntrail - 7.00]


Consumed By Darkness
Raiding is something that I'd love to get into but most raid groups have set raid days and times, and due to my erratic work schedule I cannot commit to any raid groups. I attempted O8 on the day savage came out through party finder and had a Tonne of fun with the raid group on discord and progged quite far but haven't jumped back in since.

This has been the first proper day I've spent more than an hour on FFXIV before getting bored. Most of my FC have took a break to lack of interest in raiding and lack of content that keeps them wanting to play. I think we've all just bit the bullet and pretty much want to get through Pyros and get our weapon before Hydros and before 5.0 drops later this year.

on a side note. Blue Mage tomorrow!! though I'm at work til 5pm.


I for one am content with just doing the normal raids (Omega and co) and the big ones. I'll get back on it (4.5) at some point I'm sure. Maybe I'll be back when the new expansion launches. Maybe :awesome:.

Can't wait what they'll throw at us after Raubahn Ex.


Consumed By Darkness
hopefully they're smart this time round they know what the issue is so we won't run into it again.

Been levelling up Blue Mage since I got home, it's ridiculously easy and can be cheesed if you have a friend in a higher class job. So i'm already 40 and might possibly hit 50 by tonight.

I need a run of the new 24 man still as well as multiple runs of the previous two so I can get enough coins to upgrade my gear to 390. (think we worked out we need 11 of each coin from the 24 mans).

Yeah really enjoying Blue Mage it's just something nice and casual to run. If anyone does want to level it up and fancy getting it done quickly then feel free to ask me sometime. I have nothing better to do.


Ooooo nice! The TLS free company is on Cerberus (Chaos datacentre) but there are some who play on North American servers (Primal? I think?).

If you want your character to start in the Shroud you need to pick Archer (Bard), Lancer (Dragoon) or Conjurer (White Mage) as your starting class. Here's a table of the starting options:


Your character can level all classes on its own eventually. There aren't any "official" RP servers in XIV but some of them are unofficially designated as such (Balmung and Mateus on the North American servers). All the European servers like Cerberus are pretty mixed.

Have fun and be sure to post here with your progress <3


Kaiju Member
I don't know about that, I've heard that Yoshida has stated on record (though I am still looking for the source) that he doesn't like gender-locked races (like in FFXI apparently?). Also there was apparently as question about male viera and it was maybe teased that the Tokyo Fan Fest will reveal more about them?
Fingers crossed at least (maybe the Viera genders will be divided like how the other FFXIV races each have two sub-tribes, e.g. Sun and Moon seekers, Highlander and Midlanders, etc.)

I hope they don't end up being a playable gender-locked race, since the male viera concept art from when Heavensward was in development looked very cool. DyZfYcRU8AASdCQ.jpg

There does seem to be at least male youngling viera (probably for NPCs in the female Viera villages)
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Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
The most probably explanation is that the male Viera models aren't ready yet. Sharp-eyed people noticed that the female vieras they did show all had the same base face, which has led to speculation that what they showed was whatever was ready at the time. Given that they'd need to finish the base female Viera assets for Fran, that's what was probably done at the time.

I would not be surprised to see the male Viera turn up at the Tokyo Fan-Fest which would be after the last story patch of the 4.x series. So no more spoilers being held back then!


Kaiju Member
So the Tokyo Fan Fest Keynote just happened see here for a good summary:

Overall pretty excited with what was revealed, though there were a couple of mixed emotions for some of the reveals. Such as Dancer being a Ranged DPS instead of a Healer. But the Viera being female genderlocked and the Hrothgar (aka Ronso) being added but male genderlocked caused a bit of a rabble.
I am disappointed that the races are genderlocked but I can appreciate they didn’t try to use the “Lore” as the main reason for doing so. Apparently it’s more because they had the time/manpower to either create one non-genderlocked race or two races that were genderlocked, and since the dev team really wanted to have both Viera and Ronso they went with the latter option.
Hopefully they might patch in male Viera and female Ronso in the future is if there is enough fan chatter/pressure, since they did so previously with male Miqo’te and female Roe.

Also apparently this will be apparently the WoL’s objective for ShadowBringers.



They did actually double down on the whole "viera males don't leave the wood" nonsense as an explanation, and I'm one of the people who is furious about the gender locking. I'd rather they had male viera now and released "Hrothgar" in the next expansion. They basically said "we tried to make male viera but we couldn't get them to look right so here have skimpy female viera and fugly bara ronso dudes". I'm mainly annoyed because I've been waiting to see male viera in FF for well over ten years.

Also they've been down this idiotic path of gender locking in 1.0 when they had female only Miqote and male only Roegadyn, they came out when ARR released saying "we know gender locking races is dumb, here let us fix this and never do it again" and look where we are again.

From my own POV they'll just be losing out on a fantasia sale because I have no desire to change my character now.

As for Dancer being a dps - I'm not fussed, but I definitely would have preferred it was a healer. I'm still excited to play it. There should absolutely be a new healer though, whether it's dancer or not.


Kaiju Member
They did actually double down on the whole "viera males don't leave the wood" nonsense as an explanation, and I'm one of the people who is furious about the gender locking. I'd rather they had male viera now and released "Hrothgar" in the next expansion. They basically said "we tried to make male viera but we couldn't get them to look right so here have skimpy female viera and fugly bara ronso dudes". I'm mainly annoyed because I've been waiting to see male viera in FF for well over ten years.
Oh I know they did give a paltry “lore” explanation as well. I just meant that wasn’t the sole justification they gave, and also spoke about the Doylisitc reasons why the genderlocking happened.
I agree that IMO it would have been a better choice to do female and male Viera for ShadowBringers and then make male and female Ronso for the 6.0 expansion, but I do at least appreciate that they did give a Doylisitc reason (and not use “lore” as their sole excuse) even if I ultimately disagree with their decision.


Pro Adventurer
Hey everyone. I just wanted to let you know that I (Kaylan Greyashe in-game) will likely be switching to a North American server (possibly Malboro where ForceStealer and Avec are) when the data center changes are implemented next week. I have thoroughly enjoyed playing on the European server with everyone, love our house, and will miss playing with the airships and submarines I spent a bunch of time and virtual resources making. But lately, and likely for the foreseeable future, my schedule for playing is between 1:00-5:00 in the morning GMT (late evening for me), which makes it difficult to do group content.

I have the rank of Kalm Traveller in the FC right now, which allows for management of all aspects of the FC - though I tended to basically watch over the house during periods when we have not had many players actively playing. My first choice for passing this rank would be Obsidian Fire (Kharagal Mierqid in-game). Obs is very active in-game and trustworthy. Feel free to voice any opinions on who should be handed this rank in the FC, though.

Thanks to everyone for making the Lifestream FC a welcoming place the last few years, and I hope you all enjoy Shadowbringers!


Hey everyone. I just wanted to let you know that I (Kaylan Greyashe in-game) will likely be switching to a North American server (possibly Malboro where ForceStealer and Avec are) when the data center changes are implemented next week. I have thoroughly enjoyed playing on the European server with everyone, love our house, and will miss playing with the airships and submarines I spent a bunch of time and virtual resources making. But lately, and likely for the foreseeable future, my schedule for playing is between 1:00-5:00 in the morning GMT (late evening for me), which makes it difficult to do group content.

I have the rank of Kalm Traveller in the FC right now, which allows for management of all aspects of the FC - though I tended to basically watch over the house during periods when we have not had many players actively playing. My first choice for passing this rank would be Obsidian Fire (Kharagal Mierqid in-game). Obs is very active in-game and trustworthy. Feel free to voice any opinions on who should be handed this rank in the FC, though.

Thanks to everyone for making the Lifestream FC a welcoming place the last few years, and I hope you all enjoy Shadowbringers!

I read this before I left for work this morning so I've had a few hours to think about it - as the founder of the FC I would like Kalm Traveller back when you go. I realise I've had absences from the game in the past which is what led to you becoming KT in the first place (with the blessing of myself and other FC members of course) and you've done it well, so thanks for that.

In terms of my activity I haven't had an absence longer than a month since stormblood released, and I haven't had an absence longer than a week for over a year (I think I've played every day for the last 6 months and don't foresee any long absences in future).

I would be happy to give Obs the Turk role which grants all the same permissions (with the promise that she's not going to sell or demolish the house of course :P) but unless there are serious objections I'd like the founding role back.

The FC needs an overhaul in general but I'm hoping that with the new discord and community push we can attract fresh people and make it a bit more active.
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