I got to level 40-something in Pyros then stopped. It's undoubtedly more fun/ interesting than Pagos (which was and continues to be the FUCKING WORST) but since I've been raiding again I haven't been able to justify spending any of my free time in Anemos.
Raiding itself is going OK - I cleared O11S some time in November and have progged a bit in 12, hampered somewhat by the Christmas break and looking for a new static. I'm with a new group now, they're a fun bunch. I'm close to the DRG BiS but the legs from 11 continue to elude me. I have the 400 tome weapon for now until I start clearing 12 for the 405. I've started gearing WHM and WAR with additional dropped gear from savage and extra books, it's funny how quickly you cap your main from the first two raids in a tier and then you're left wondering what to do with the books :/
Obviously hoping to clear 12 before Echo kicks in, it's more a question of availability rather than skill/ damage since the group I'm now running with is more than capable (the group I was running with before was aswell, they just weren't fussed about clearing the tier). Fingers crossed it'll only take a few more weeks
Finished up to the end of 4.5 MSQ, really enjoyed the uh, "political" side of the MSQ this patch. Looking forward to seeing what direction 4.55 goes in leading into the next expansion.
I've started doing the unthinkable and levelling all the classes, including the crafters. I've also maxed all the beast tribes, just got some ARR ones left. Once I realised how good the Moogle and Namazu beast tribe quests were for crafting exp, and how easy it is to just craft on your highest level class and hand in as the class you desire EXP for, I started getting them all to 50 then taking turns. I really need to remember to do all the collectible turn ins tomorrow for the weekly aswell, I'm terrible at remembering to do that.
Also how RANDOM is it they've decided to release Mahjong at the Gold Saucer?