The General Turks Worship Thread


Great Old One
I love that headcanons one :lol:

Regarding TsengxRufus, I only approve of it when Lic writes it. Then and only then. :shifty:

Anyway I bring more n00dz. Who wouldv'e thunk someone already did a piece of my two favorite smut girls of VII! (Okay so it's probably a hentai cover but what the hell. I tried finding that hentai btw, "Hoshi Wo Karu Mono". Didn't succeed in finding any torrents with an actual seed.)


Now lets see if Photobucket bans me for this :P


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
:lol: I do believe I read that doujin. Kadaj and Co decide to rape Elena, Tifa and Tseng in some misguided attempt to revive Sephiroth or some such shit. It was very stupid even by doujin standards. It was kind of funny though because Loz was depicted as an idiot and was berated by the others.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Yeah, I've noticed there is always a discrepancy between the prettiness of a cover and the actual content. :lol:

This is why we must make our own!


Why do I really want their nipples to touch., they are just to close together not to.
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I decided to celebrate the completion of my tax return by finding some Turk art I had never seen before. Using my elite Japanese skills (namely, the ability to type "Tseng" and "Turks" in katakana) I found a few bits and pieces.

These are for Octo:


Tseng: Ah, you're Octo, the new recruit. My office, stat.


Octo: is this how you like it, sir?
Tseng: Hnnngh... when you've finished frisking me, you can show me your handcuff skills.


Rude: Tseng-sama is busy training the new recruit just now, Sachou. He doesn't like to be disturbed.







Seriously, we should start our own doujin circle! Who says we have to leave it up to the Japanese with their bizarre censorship laws and glowing penises? Of course we have to find an artist good enough (and depraved enough) to draw this stuff first.:wacky:

I want in!!

Does it necessarily have to be hentai though? Not that I'm complaining :awesome:

Hmm when it comes to the Turks a funny comic always comes to mind... I always like to imagine them in some sort of Quentin Tarantino flick where the characters slaughter a bunch of peeps and act like not a single fuck was given..

It's hard to find an artist who's up for this unless she's also a huge Turk fan or she gets paid so I think it's ok to start writing the story, at least if you can't find an artist then you can always turn it into a long fanfic. :)
I thought Octo was writing herself a job description there - a "good enough, depraved enough" Turk fan. Fangu can draw as well. I don't know about Soak, but I am pretty sure she has some talents she hasn't revealed yet.

if only they made Play Arts figures of all the Turks, instead of just Rufus, we could make our own movies. But they don't. Sigh.


I also did my own Turk fanart after browsing through Zerochan, I'm not sure about posting here but maybe I'll post it in my DA after I have it scanned

Can't help it guys Octo's idea got me so horny excited :awesome:


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
I decided to celebrate the completion of my tax return by finding some Turk art I had never seen before. Using my elite Japanese skills (namely, the ability to type "Tseng" and "Turks" in katakana) I found a few bits and pieces.

These are for Octo:


Tseng: Ah, you're Octo, the new recruit. My office, stat.


Octo: is this how you like it, sir?
Tseng: Hnnngh... when you've finished frisking me, you can show me your handcuff skills.


Rude: Tseng-sama is busy training the new recruit just now, Sachou. He doesn't like to be disturbed.

Oh my god Lic these are awesome :glomp: the 'new recruit' even looks like me a bit :lol:

I want in!!

Does it necessarily have to be hentai though? Not that I'm complaining :awesome:

Hmm when it comes to the Turks a funny comic always comes to mind... I always like to imagine them in some sort of Quentin Tarantino flick where the characters slaughter a bunch of peeps and act like not a single fuck was given..

It's hard to find an artist who's up for this unless she's also a huge Turk fan or she gets paid so I think it's ok to start writing the story, at least if you can't find an artist then you can always turn it into a long fanfic. :)

Weeellll I just think there is a dearth of good Turk porn, especially het porn so I'd like to uh...fill the gap...If you'd excuse the expression.

But that doesn't mean to say that it would all have to be porn, and I do quite like the idea of semi-serious Turk comics with a lot of black humor and some gratuitous nudity :awesome:

I thought Octo was writing herself a job description there - a "good enough, depraved enough" Turk fan. Fangu can draw as well. I don't know about Soak, but I am pretty sure she has some talents she hasn't revealed yet.

I'm depraved enough thats for sure, but I think truly enjoyable hentai requires a flowing line that I am just not capable of. I'm more like Quentin Blake :lol: Fangu should be the guinea pig!

if only they made Play Arts figures of all the Turks, instead of just Rufus, we could make our own movies. But they don't. Sigh.
People do customised figures, theres like a whole fandom for that kind of thing. Only problem is I'd want all their hair to be combable :lol: And then we'd have the headache of stop-motion animation to contend with. Unless we did something like this and cut corners wherever possible:

Well you get the idea with that :awesomonster:

I also did my own Turk fanart after browsing through Zerochan, I'm not sure about posting here but maybe I'll post it in my DA after I have it scanned

Can't help it guys Octo's idea got me so horny excited :awesome:

I tend to have that effect on people :pimp:

Post it! Do it now!


So.. this is the fanart I was talking about, just uploaded it in my dA and decided to share it here as well. Uhh don't expect much though, it's cartoonish plus I know jackshit about art, but anyway:

Also I have these impressions of them in my head that I kept thinking about while drawing them to help me bring the images to paper:

1. Rude is a cool and tough guy on the outside but is actually quite awkward and timid. Also a softy.
2. Reno is not necessarily loud all the time but he does not stop talking and is always hungry.
3. Rufus is a condescending son of a bitch to everybody else except the Turks, though occasionally he throws ridiculous demands and bitch fits.
4. Elena looks like a vamp and is every guy's fantasy until they hear her talk. Throws bitch fits more often than Rufus (though not in his presence) and is the most cruel.

And last but not the least

5. Tseng is a no-nonsense Good Guy Greg.

Alright now you can take turns stabbing me. :monster:
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Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
That's awesome Pug.

I've always imagined Reno as one of those lucky bastards with a 90mph metabolism who can just eat and eat and never get fat, and its all junk too :lol:


Thanks.. I always think my works are shitty and wish I can go to art school.. I also want to do my own comic but meh, I think I have to get better before I can do that

I really had fun drawing that though because their personalities are so diverse and not hard to imagine.. I actually want to do more haha

So you have any ideas for the story so far..? :monster:


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Thanks.. I always think my works are shitty and wish I can go to art school.. I also want to do my own comic but meh, I think I have to get better before I can do that

I say go for it, there are tonnes of resources online for improving your drawing skills and comic book art too. I never really felt like art school taught me very much and most of the improvements I've made have come from self-study. In fact the main benefit I got from art school was from life classes, so you could enrol in one of them cos they're usually one evening a week, so not too time consuming.

I really had fun drawing that though because their personalities are so diverse and not hard to imagine.. I actually want to do more haha
Run with it, theres nothing like it when you get all fired up about drawing. I'm in a bit of a fallow period right now :sadpanda:

So you have any ideas for the story so far..? :monster:
No :lol: Other than Tseng and Elena fucking on his desk of course, but that isn't much of a story is it?


I say go for it, there are tonnes of resources online for improving your drawing skills and comic book art too. I never really felt like art school taught me very much and most of the improvements I've made have come from self-study. In fact the main benefit I got from art school was from life classes, so you could enrol in one of them cos they're usually one evening a week, so not too time consuming.

Really? I think the free guides available online are actually a lot of help, but I always thought that it's kinda different if you actually attended art class... well now that you mentioned it maybe I should pay more attention to free tutorials online instead of waiting to get to art school :)

Run with it, theres nothing like it when you get all fired up about drawing. I'm in a bit of a fallow period right now :sadpanda:
Same here, that's actually the first one I did after a few weeks (or months?) of being stuck in a rut. I used to sketch photo references of real people and forgot about drawing cartoons but after browsing through Turk fanart I think I prefer drawing cartoons for now :D

No :lol: Other than Tseng and Elena fucking on his desk of course, but that isn't much of a story is it?

Lol, I have this thought about Elena getting bored most of the time and therefore likes to daydream about fucking every member (including Rufus) but she always ends up shaking her head in disapproval... and then she thinks of Tseng and drools :awesome:
That drawing is great, Pug. You did a fabulous job with their hair and their expressions are wonderful! I love looking at it and figuring out what they are all thinking.

My head-canon agrees with you about Elena. Square also characterises her that way, especially, as far as I can gather, in the new novella. She takes no prisoners. Rude and Reno take no prisoners either, but only because prisoners are too much hassle. In my head canon, she was a wild child and a bit of rebel without a cause, military school drop-out who had a pretty crazy (and dangerous) sex life and a lot of one-night stands, working her way through men until she met Tseng. Of all of them, she is the one most likely to kill you just for looking at her funny. She has a lot of prickly pride. I really hate stories that characterise her as clumsy, awkward, shy, and worst of all innocent or sweet. Innocent sweet girls do not work for the Turks. But she's no tom-boy, either.

Reno's actually quite laconic in the game. I think he got the reputation as the mouthy one because he talks more than Rude. Canonically Rude's been let down in love several times and I think that's made him more reserved. I think their partnership is one of wordless mutual understanding. I totally agree that Reno is always hungry and I agree with Octo that he eats stacks of junk food.

I won't get started on Tseng.

FWIW, I recently invited a graphic artist/comic book artist to give a workshop at my school, and he told me, and the students, that the best way to learn to draw is through life drawing classes. At our local, very prestigious animation college, the students spend the whole of their first year life drawing. I don't know about where you live, but at my small local art gallery they frequently run life classes in the evening, and they are very inexpensive.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
My head-canon agrees with you about Elena. Square also characterises her that way, especially, as far as I can gather, in the new novella. She takes no prisoners. Rude and Reno take no prisoners either, but only because prisoners are too much hassle. In my head canon, she was a wild child and a bit of rebel without a cause, military school drop-out who had a pretty crazy (and dangerous) sex life and a lot of one-night stands, working her way through men until she met Tseng. Of all of them, she is the one most likely to kill you just for looking at her funny. She has a lot of prickly pride. I really hate stories that characterise her as clumsy, awkward, shy, and worst of all innocent or sweet. Innocent sweet girls do not work for the Turks. But she's no tom-boy, either.

Yeah, I don't agree when stories characterise her like that either. Not that she can never exhibit those traits, after all she's only human. But not all the time.

The way I see her, she is that wild child with a hair trigger temper, she joined the Turks to prove she was better/as good as her sister. But then she got all these gooey feelings for Tseng and she doesn't really know how to deal with that as she's always been a 'fuck and throw away' kind of gal :lol: So if she is ever awkward/clumsy its just Tsengs fault!

And yeah, shes not really a tom-boy or a girly-girl, she's in touch with her femininity (nail varnish and lipgloss for fucks sake) and knows how to use that to her advantage. ;)


That drawing is great, Pug. You did a fabulous job with their hair and their expressions are wonderful! I love looking at it and figuring out what they are all thinking.

Thanks! That's exactly what I wanted people to notice. I very much enjoy drawing faces that I tend to focus on them more because for me they convey much of the characters' feelings and even show their personalities.

My head-canon agrees with you about Elena.

Agree with your version of Elena. I always thought of her as some sort of femme fatale but not being too mysterious and alluring (on the contrary she is feisty and acts like a spoiled brat). That's why I have a problem with how her face was rendered in ACC-- it's too soft for me and it's not exactly how I imagined her during the OG. On top of that she sounded like a valleygirl in the english version. Just... no.

Reno's actually quite laconic in the game.

I noticed this too and was even surprised that he plays the comic relief in AC, but I think it worked. A lot of the characters are quite laconic in the movie already so he made a good difference.

I won't get started on Tseng.

Tseng always strikes me as an interesting character albeit the lack of involvement (compared to Reno and Rude). As for the Good Guy Greg description... I don't know, I just thought of him as empathetic in a way, sure he does not decline to do some dirty work but does not do unnecessary evil (unlike Elena)... Like, I imagine this scenario where they are doing a search and while everybody else is turning everything upside down, Tseng takes his time to return things back where they belong.. :awesome:

FWIW, I recently invited a graphic artist/comic book artist to give a workshop at my school, and he told me, and the students, that the best way to learn to draw is through life drawing classes. At our local, very prestigious animation college, the students spend the whole of their first year life drawing. I don't know about where you live, but at my small local art gallery they frequently run life classes in the evening, and they are very inexpensive.

From where I come from students are taught jackshit about art :awesome: Seriously, in my school most of the art lessons involve projects that don't involve drawing, painting or anything of the sorts, so whatever talent I had since childhood was left undeveloped. I'm considering going to art school when I finally arrive in the US and as I've said before it wouldn't hurt to learn from artists online :)


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
I always found Reno to be a bit sardonic too :lol: Maybe its just my fucked up brain but I always imagined him to be a bit like Bill Murray in Ghostbusters personality wise. Whereas AC made him out to be a bit more slapstick. *grumble*

One of my favourite parts in the game is where he's drilling Rude for information on who he likes, it always annoys me when that conversation gets cut short :doh:


I think Reno is naturally funny without being clumsy/idiotic, but goes on slapstick mode whenever he's with Rude because they have this certain chemistry.

Slapstick Reno isn't so bad after all, I mean there isn't any other Turk (in the main group) who's clumsy and shit so it helps in so far as them having different sense of humor imho :monster:


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Yeah, its not entirely bad I guess. It's kind of like Reno is a crazy cat that nearly always lands on his feet :lol:

I guess my overall beef with Reno and Rude being used as comic relief was that I felt like SE were letting fandom dictate their personalities. In the OG they weren't 100% serious but they certainly weren't total goofballs, even though I read many pre-AC fics that depicted them as such, particularly Reno. But then that just goes for AC in general I think, much of the characterisation was fanservice/based on fan depictions (though I guess they drew the line at Tifa having sex with a Malboro :monster: )
Poor Barret is reduced to comic relief in AC as well. In that fight with Bahamut his gun keeps jamming, and he nearly gets killed three times (I think) and has to be saved by various team-mates; the last time by Cloud. I actually hate that more than what they did to the Turks, because the Turks are still cool no matter what Square does (and anyway, they were the bad guys] whereas I feel Barret really deserves more respect. I nearly always had him in my party and I didn't like seeing him reduced to someone almost useless just because he's the least bishie one.


Yeah. If there was no AC then definitely I'll prefer FF7 Reno over AC Reno because his OG personality fits more with my head canon of the Turks being comparable to Tarantino characters.. I couldn't say that they totally ruined him in AC because I still find him likable and made him standout from the mysterious and dark characters in the film, but yeah it's total fan service because they turned him into a pretty boy (I don't know if it's just me but I remember him having a long ugly face in the OG)


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
He was definitely more scowly and ratty in the OG, maybe not ugly ugly (cos otherwise all that pre AC fanfiction makes no sense! :lol:) I think he was more like, someone who could have been good looking, but too many late nights and bad habits had given him a weatherbeaten look.
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