The General Turks Worship Thread


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Post warning - if you hate mpreg (like I normally do!) or sprogs in general you might want to ignore this post...

I find Mpreg hilarious as a concept. As for sprogs, well I do pretty much hate kids, even though I'm incubating one as we speak. I'm hoping this one will be different /wishful thinking. :monster:

I don't know whether to be amazed or terrified right now :lol: How come they look more realistic/human than their parents did?

The Rufus/Tseng baby just looks evil, like its missing a little devil beard or something :lol:


Great Old One
Soak said:

But where's Tseng and Elena's baby? That I wanna see!
Yes exactly - you're missing the most obvious baby of them all :lol: (Not that I would believe Tseng and Elena to ever have children...)

Also, re mpreg - I dunno, I would have an extremely hard time even writing stuff lik "Elena and Reno in Glee" so I don't think I could even touch mpreg. Not even tickle it. :P But it does call for great comedy, doesn't it. If you can pull that off I'd admire you greatly :lol:
Once again we blur the boundaries of what is real and what we wish was real!

Rufus and Tseng's baby is The Omen. Very confident, yes. I think he has Tseng's nose. Reno and Tseng definitely have the cutest - what a little angel.

I always knew Tseng and Aerith would have the most adorable children. Their daughter looks very practical (and maybe a bit bossy), and their son looks like a real dreamer. He's also inherited his daddy's ears. But what about Zack and Aerith? (Just to prove that Tseng really is the right man for her, you know?)

If I see Tseng and Elena's babies I will start to get broody. They would be the cutest of the lot.

And what about (snicker) Cid and Vincent?


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
One thing I don't come the Reno/Rude baby doesn't have a beard/goatee? Doesn't the morphing program pick up on beard hairs?

I only ask because Mr Octo has a beard and I'd be tempted to give this a go except I'm afraid of what I might see :lol:

Anyway, I have this weird theory that Tseng was a really fat baby for some reason. Probably because of all those fat chinese babies they keep going on about on the news :lol: I can just imagine him sitting in his high chair giving everyone dirty looks.


Great Old One
From the pics posted here it looks like there's a database of children. Probably the "baby making engine" (wow!) searches specific features on the adults, and then finds the children in the database that's most suitable and then merges them together. So I'm pretty sure face hair isn't taken into consideration :)

Edit: Also, Lic, I read the latest review on your fic and I think I sorta misunderstood a couple of things, mainly I didn't get that Aerith had an agenda. Yay you found your stoopid reader. If you want to idiot proof your fics guys, send them to me :monster:
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Alright so I got Tseng and Elena's baby


And omg I couldn't help it but I soo regret I did it because it's so ugly but here is Mine and Rude's baby! lmao



Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Nah, that baby ain't ugly, just blurry! Also I can kind of still see Rudes beard there :lol:

I didn't expect Tseng and Elenas baby to be quite so smiley!


Great Old One

And omg I couldn't help it but I soo regret I did it because it's so ugly but here is Mine and Rude's baby! lmao

Okay I take back what I said. Tseng and Elena would have babies.


Also that baby is not ugly! Just because... no babies are ugly :monster:

Octo said:
I didn't expect Tseng and Elenas baby to be quite so smiley!
Well all is well and nice and aww now, so :3 It would transfer to the baby :3


Omg I can't stop laughing. Tseng and Elena's baby is sooo adorable! They really should reproduce. And my baby looks like its mentally challenged. Come on, Stop being so nice. lol


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
And my baby looks like its mentally challenged. Come on, Stop being so nice. lol

This is unscientific! :monster:

Anyway, if you tried it again with some slightly different shots you might get better results. It kind of looks like Rude's shades we're getting in the way a bit :lol:


Pro Adventurer
Ah I told you it was addictive! The quality of the photos makes a massive difference. To be fair, I think Tseng and Rufus' baby is so scary (Omen-like as Licorice said!) because the only picture I could find of Rufus without bandages is at an odd angle. And I did retouch Rude and Reno's baby to remove the beard!

I think it's because the anime style is quite feminine anyway that if you do daughters they look much better. Here are a few I tried.


Tseng and Elena's daughter is beautiful. She looks quite like Marlene. They should have children. Aerith and Zack's is cute too. Vinny and Cid's looks surprisingly normal. I haven't dared try mine and Reno's yet!

Another game you can play on that site is morphing people with each other to make a hybrid. That's fun too!

The realism of the babies is scary isn't it? I'm sure Fangu's right - there must be a database of real photos.

But all babies are cute. Soak - it's funny you said Reno and Tseng's baby looks like a pigeon. She looks very like my second daughter did - and I used to call her pigeon until she filled out a bit!


Great Old One
Wow those are awesome! And yes this is quite addictive and I haven't even made any myself yet, I ask Soak to do them for me :lol: They look a little older than the ones Soak sent me, can you decide which age the babies is to be?

Also... do you have those in a bigger size? :3
Turks.. the next generation.
I sense limitless possibilities.
I'm pretty sure there's also a program where you can input a kid's picture and see what the kid will look like when it's grown up. Like the one they use for kids who have been abducted, to show what they'd look like now, ten years later.
All those kids are just so cute. But you know little kids use cuteness as a disguise to hide their conniving, evil natures. Just try taking any one of them past the sweet rack in the local supermarket.
I agree that Tseng would have been a fat baby, with those rolls of fat around his wrists and ankles like rubber bands are digging into his flesh, and a double chin and red cheeks. Reno would have been long and skinny and looked more like a kid than a baby. Elena could have been a diaper model.


Great Old One
I love the contrast from the first to the second :lol: From artsy and tasteful to OH HEY!

I didn't see the last one when I was looking at the Turks tags. I like it.

Also I have to stop surfing that site... but it's so crazy :lol:


Great Old One
OMFG Soak is doing morphs of us and the Turks - it's hilarious!!!!

This is me and Elena - scary as hell!!! Soak/Elena looks awesome though!



Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
That second pic, I dunno why but I got the giggles when I saw Rude's socks :lol:


Pro Adventurer
Thank you for the Reno/Rude pron!

Right - I'll stop with the babies after this post. As requested I do have a bigger one of the girl babies:


And here are my babies with Reno:


If I have a baby with Reno I hope it's a girl!

And my babies with Tseng:


I now want babies with Tseng!

You get the option to make a baby, a boy or a girl on the site. The girls look older for some reason. I think the girls and the boys are supposed to be toddlers, but most of the boys still look like babies. Just to see how accurate the site is I uploaded a photo of my partner and made our virtual children. The baby one wasn't far out, especially compared to my younger daughter!


That Turk merge is great!


Wow, You make such awesomely cute babies! Me and Rude, are baby, was the ugliest thing ever. hahha. Lucky you!


Great Old One
Oh wow. You definitely see the similarities between 'virtual baby' and 'real baby'! I sent the baby of my bf and I to his email, all "hahaha look haha lol" but like... wow! Our baby might actually look something like the pic Soak made. That's crazy.

Tseng babies <3<3<3

Okay so to bring this full circle and go back to porn again :lol: here are some NSFW Elena/Tseng and Elena. Explicits on the bottom. (I just like her face so much I had to add it :lol:) You have been warned...


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