.. ? ..
- King of the Potato People
Thought of an example of FFVII's sexually oriented humor:
In the Nibelheim flashback, you can go into Tifa's house & panty raid her.
I guess FFVII was more adult than I remember it.
I found a post on another forum about that:
So after so many years of playing this game (but never getting much farther than the end of disc one) the mysterious "orthopedic underwear" you find in tifa's house during the flashback bugged me enough to actually look up orthopedic, because I slept during english class the day the teacher taught us that word. here's what I found:
or·tho·pe·dics Listen to the pronunciation of orthopedics
Variant(s): also or·tho·pae·dics Listen to the pronunciation of orthopaedics \-ˈpē-diks\
Function: noun plural but singular or plural in construction
Date: circa 1853
: a branch of medicine concerned with the correction or prevention of deformities, disorders, or injuries of the skeleton and associated structures (as tendons and ligaments)
So...does Tifa have some sort of deformed pelvis...or something? And how the hell is underwear going to prevent/fix a friggin bone deformity? Uh....Final Fantasy...
It does make you wonder what the developers were thinking about weh they wrote the script....