The Lifestream ranks Final Fantasy songs: nominations now closed

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Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
I noticed that none of us were including side-album tracks not included in actual games!

Symphonic Poem "Hope" is technically non-OST as it was only released (iirc) as an album separate from the original soundtrack. It's also technically like, 5 tracks :monster:

But it plays in the credits as one single track of several movements, so I figured to include it.

trash panda

I know...I wanted to nominate several songs from Pray and Potion because they're amazing recomposed versions of ye olde stuff. However...there are several variations of original songs that I absolutely love while the originals are not appealing to me at all. For example, I hated the theme from Balamb in FFVIII, however the acapella version in FF Vocal Collection is actually really good.

So I just went with OST stuff so I could choose based on the original piece. Then again...when choosing based on the OST, newer games have the advantage of quality...Hmm...


Pro Adventurer
I'm going to start updating the list of nominations in the original post now, because it's a bit out of date.

If we still don't have 256 by the end of this process then we can open it up even further. But with Howl making 20 already and Aaron still yet to make his own nominations, we'll be pretty close to the mark.
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trash panda

I readily accept the task of getting the nomination list to 256 if it turns out that nobody else can be bothered. *dancing* :joy:


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
I'll probably have some tracks to nominate after Flint updates the tallies in the OP, but it remains to be seen how close that'll get us to 256.

trash panda

(I secretly get two more nominations since I just scrolled up and realized that Ghost already nominated "The Castle" from FFVIII and "Immoral Melody" from FFIX.)



Pro Adventurer
Actually you made four duplicate nominations, Howl, but that still leaves you on 16 in total, which is the amount people were supposed to nominate in the first place. :P Now that I've counted the total number of nominations (174), I think there's no harm in letting everyone get up to 20 if they haven't already, so feel free to pick four new songs.

I'll just repeat that so everyone sees it: you may now make up to 20 nominations each, including your existing nominations.

I've updated and tidied the opening post. Some notes:

JasonTandro, you also made some duplicate nominations. You and Howl can both find which ones by looking for your names in brackets in the list.

Force, I know I've ribbed you about it already, but I hadn't actually counted up your nominations until now. You made 36, and one of them was from Advent Children, so I discarded it (Aaron said to mention "which game it is from"). I guess it's not a problem for now, but if we end up with over 256 nominations (e.g. if we're on 250 and someone makes 16 nominations at the same time), you'll probably have to cut yours before anyone else does.

I haven't checked the names of the songs. Some are taken from Youtube, which is notoriously bad at getting them right, and some are taken straight from posts in this thread. I suggest that we leave them for the time being and correct them all at the end from a reliable source (i.e. the soundtracks themselves).

I counted all parts of Dancing Mad as one song. It's either that or counting them all individually. Anything else could be farcical: if the complete Dancing Mad comes up against Dancing Mad (part 2) in a bracket, there's only going to be one winner.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
To be fair, counting all four tiers of Dancing Mad as one song isn't really fair to other songs, so I can see why someone would bristle at the suggestion. However, it's still one composition, so it'll just have to be unfair. :monster:

I'll try to tidy up the song names later, though some songs have multiple official names, which isn't particularly helpful, and some weren't translated accurately from the Japanese (i.e. Slum Shuffle, Another World of Beasts, etc.), which also isn't helpful. The fact that you've at least gotten them all down should be a huge help.


Pro Adventurer
Sure. I'm not too fussy about which names we go with; I expect we'll have the videos posted in each bracket so there won't be any confusion. It would be good to be consistent, by which I mean using the same source for all the names, but it's not absolutely necessary and I guess it might not even be possible.

Also, holy crap that took a long time. To those making new nominations, if you want to embed the video, please write the name of the song alongside it to make it easier for me or Aaron.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Thanks for doing that. I'd have gladly done tallies of everyone who posted the names of the tracks they nominated, but since you didn't that's one less thing I'll have to worry about.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Oh, completely forgot about FFXIII-2 nominations.

To be quite honest, I found XIII-2 to have a fairly... average soundtrack.
Even though I enjoy departures from traditional Final Fantasy tunes (Final Fantasy X-2 did well in this regard, I think), I felt there was too much dull ambience (often brought on by repetitive electronica and meandering, repetitive melodies) going on in FFXIII-2.

That said, going through the original soundtrack, within the huge volume of "alright" are some superb, masterful gems that really stand out - sometimes by virtue of being a great melodic theme or having a unique flair and energy to them. They often show up on the tracklist bookended by compositions that are completely inferior in terms of theming and instrumentation, and shine all the brighter for it.

A couple off the top of my head:

Full Speed Ahead
Caius' Theme
Countless Partings

Also, re: namings, I just pick whatever's on a tracklist. The transliteration of the Japanese track name for Full Speed Ahead is "Dash", so either would be kosher imo :monster:
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Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Sure, I'll have to change the "edited by" note every time I do that, but I'll try to remember to do that in the future :monster:

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
Turns out JasonTandro had already nominated that, but I put it under Final Fantasy XIII by mistake. Feel free to nominate something else instead.

Caius's Theme is god-tier. One of the best villain themes in all of video-gaming.


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
Easy listening, mostly
*All asterisks are just different formats of same songs--don't include in list



*Vocal version
*OG version


Harvest Dance


Relm's Theme

*The Orchestra Version would be awesome if not for those damn bagpipes
*The Vocal Version

Crisis Core FFVII

Moonlight Wandering


Someday the Dream Will End

*Orchestra Version



*Orchestra Version


The Phon Coast


Sunleth waterscape
Vanille's theme
Pulse de Chocobo


An Arrow Through Time

Crazy Chocobo

Lightning Returns

The Wildlands
Sunset Path

Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo Dungeon

Door Crawl (Shameless pop song entry)


Pro Adventurer
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Pro Adventurer
Also I wanted to point out that the list has Black Mage Village from IX twice. Someone should probably fix that. :)
Done. I also updated the nominations list. We're up to 222 now!

I'm starting to think we should have put this all in a spreadsheet. :monster:


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
We probably should have. Maybe I'll try to make one later :monster:

I'll nominate tonight or something :monster:


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Final Fantasy IV:
Illusionary World

Final Fantasy V:
Fate in Haze
Tenderness in the Air
The Four Warriors of Dawn
Prelude to the Void
In Search of Light

Final Fantasy VI:
Aria di Mezzo Carattere (seriously guys, no one nominated this? I guess Celes' theme is a variant but still)
The Wedding Waltz~Duel
Devil's Lab
New Continent
The Fierce Battle
Kefka's Tower
Balance Is Restored (Reviving Green)

Final Fantasy VII:
One-Winged Angel (seriously guys, no one nominated this either?)
Those Chosen by the Planet
Shin-Ra Corporation

Final Fantasy IX:
Cid's Theme
Rose of May

Final Fantasy X:
A Contest of Aeons

Btw, both Force and Jason nominated "My Home, Sweet Home" from FFV. Also, both Jason and Splintered nominated "Terra's Theme" from FFVI. I think that means Jason gets two extra nominations if he wants them.

I've updated the tally correspondingly. Hopefully I didn't make any mistakes.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Note: We only need (and I'm probably only going to accept) sixteen more nominations total. So if you care, hurry up. :monster:


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Just noticed three more dupes. "The Veldt" and "Wild West" are the same song, and the boss battle theme from FFIV was also nominated twice. Kuroto, you have two more nominations if you wish (I believe you have four total remaining). Also, two people nominated "Phantom Forest" from FFVI, meaning that Doran Martell also has an additional nomination. This also means there are nineteen nominations left before the threshold of 256 tracks is reached.

I also changed one of my nominations because apparently no one nominated FFVI's ending theme. Really now.
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