- Fancy
Welcome to TLS Movie Night, where we watch a series of films nominated and voted for by your community on the last Saturday of each month.
Da (Unofficial) Rules
Da (Unofficial) Rules
- At the start of a 'movie night month' (typically the months with major holidays), we'll take about a week to a fortnight to gather nominations.
- Afterwards, these noms will be listed in a survey, which we vote on to determine our top 5 films. The number 1 film will be shown twice.
- In order to participate on the day of 'Movie Night,' you need an account on Discord and join The Lifestream Social.
- At the time of the event, all you need to do is hop into the voice chat and join the live stream.
- If someone on the voice call is too loud and/or annoying to you, you can just mute them. If everyone is too loud for them, you can mute your headphones! That's the beauty of discord.