The Winner of Our Discontent — 2016 U.S. Election Results Discussion

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Double Growth
Of course, this is the second time in FIVE elections that a Democratic candidate has won the popular vote but not the presidency. And the Democrats have had 16 years since the last time to do something about it, but they didn't, and they won't, because they know the system works for them too. I think some of us have turned a blind eye to their corruption because they're clearly still the lesser of two evils, but in the cold light of day, it's pretty hard to refute. What if you actually had more than two viable choices at an election? Plenty of other countries manage it. Change your damn system. Get angry at the Democrats. Do everything you can to make sure this doesn't happen again.

For a little while there Clinton had an electoral lead and Trump had the popular vote. I was ready to be very amused watching both parties be completely hypocritical in their previous stances about it.

Anyway I'm pretty stunned. I was 100% wrong at every step of this election. I thought all the way until the end that she was gonna get it. Just goes to show how much the DNC screwed the pooch effectively forcing such an unlikable candidate through the process. But I didn't expect even that to matter. A not-insignificant part of me enjoys seeing the establishment of both parties so utterly defied, but I do wish it had been almost anyone else to do it.

As others have said, that was a much better speech than I expected, and absent context, it would seem pretty hopeful. I agree with others that I don't think some of his more ludicrous proposals will ever actually happen if for no other reason than sheer impracticality. But like I said I've been wrong about everything else, so I'll just be over here playing Final Fantasy.


Yeah, Clinton is currently holding the popular vote title, but only by 151,000 votes. That's INSANE. I kept saying to Force last night that I just couldn't believe how CLOSE this ended up being. I am gutted.

Response to Ite's post from like a million pages ago:

Guys I have to fly into this country in January.... am I gonna be okay?

Seeing how you're a white dude who doesn't exude homosexuality or "thug" behaviors, yeah, you'll be juuuuuust fine. Fucking can't believe people have to seriously question whether they'll be safe visiting our country anymore.


Great Old One
I told my bf this morning 'the fuck I'm going to the US now considering how I'm Foreign. Even if I'm what equivalents to white in the US.' Like, I was scared to go there before, Hell in the No I'm going there now.

Random Nobody

local roach
I told my bf this morning 'the fuck I'm going to the US now considering how I'm Foreign. Even if I'm what equivalents to white in the US.' Like, I was scared to go there before, Hell in the No I'm going there now.
As an immigrant kneegrow with moozlamic and Izlumic ties who just got mines citizenship, I'm gonna say it's that serious, but it's also not that serious. We were gonna get fucked either way, and people were gonna wile post-election either way.

The wazungu walking around the city with ARs though. Lmaoooooo.

Clicky Person

Pro Adventurer
Nanny Ogg
Well all I can think of is, fuuuck, am I still going to be able to get the birth control I want?

I'm sure there are larger issues but well everyone is a little egocentric.

It does have a weird sort of echo though. Bill Clinton won his first term even though Bush Sr. had the popular vote.

Clicky Person

Pro Adventurer
Nanny Ogg
Huh, weird. That's what my mom always said. I was just a wee little sprout at the time so of course I didn't pay attention.


Pro Adventurer
Only two things ever get this much attention on TLS: Donald Trump winning and the Final Fantasy VII remake being announced. :D


(Aside: still need to fix that Skype image)


Pro Adventurer
Obama will also be giving a speech shortly:

Edit: I'm going to miss him. Both of them, really (Obama and Biden). I think America will too, with time.
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AI Researcher
if you assume he won't go through with his more outlandish proposals (that weren't simply him repeating "it's a beautiful plan, we'll be winning so much" 50 times), what happens to the anti-establishment vote then? what happens when you don't get a mexican border wall (or you get one that mexico won't give you $25 billion for and you're stuck footing the bill for), no instant deportation force. if you assume that the system is going to keep him in check, what was the point of voting to shake that system up? if it ends up being basically just another republican presidency because most of the people in government are still the establishment

albeit another republican term with republicans in control of every part of government and congress and perhaps the supreme court soon so get ready for funeral services for miscarriages and abortions and the righ to discriminate against people if you just believe hard enough and why not put prayers back in schools while you're at it

i could see most of his promises going nowhere since i live in the land of 2016's previous biggest democratic pants-shitting, brexit. most of those promises were torn down within a week of the eu referendum. no £350 million a week for the health service, no access to the single market without free movement of eu citizens, it turns out businesses aren't rushing to trade with you when you tank your economy without you offering them more in return. but at least we got control of our country back! until the courts you wanted to regain their power rule in a way you don't like then those people you wanted to give power back to are the enemy of the common folk

turns out a lot of nationalistic nostalgia for a past deemed to be greater than the present isn't always too great

and for a lot of people, that past wasn't a great place to be the first time around


Joe, Arcana
Obama will also be giving a speech shortly:

Edit: I'm going to miss him. Both of them, really. I think America will too, with time.
That was probably the most positive and inspiring thing I've heard this whole election period.


Pro Adventurer
^ Hm, I guess I agree with parts of that. It is absolutely one of the benefits of a representative democracy that people don't have to worry about politics every day of their lives... but I think America could and should be doing a much better job of choosing its representatives in the first place, and then holding them accountable, which won't happen if everyone just switches off for four years at a time between presidential elections.


Harbinger O Great Justice


Is it bad that I also enjoy doing this with KitKats, specifically because it drives other people mad? :awesome:

Still just in the place where I am about the election. It's just motivated my to double check that my plans to expatriate to Sweden in 2.5 years are clearly in place still (because I was going to do that regardless of the election results). Been having conversations with my brother about things.

This's helped a bit:

X :neo:


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I'll have to watch Obama's speech when I get home from work. I think he did well, I know Obamacare is a mess right now but that's NOT because of him. I hope we get to keep gay marriage and trans people keep their rights too. That's the thing I'm most afraid of.

I woke up today hoping this was all a bad dream and it wasn't
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