The Winner of Our Discontent — 2016 U.S. Election Results Discussion

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Random Nobody

local roach
Sorry, I don't get the zero hands part, though. :(

lmaooooooooo it just means they can't fight


Pro Adventurer
I've been hearing of traffic getting stopped, stuff burning in streets, and even some windows getting busted out of a building (and strangely a dumpster on train tracks) around the country and down in Seattle. Protesting peacefully, okay, but destructive protesting? What the heck is wrong with some people? :closedmonster:


~The Other Side of Fear~
A racist rapist was voted as the President of the United States.

Honestly, what did people expect? If no American protested, I'd have an even lower opinion of the country than I already do.

Yes, I know that's an unpopular opinion. I don't care.

Ghost X

Apparently it was a fairly average voter turn out for Republicans, compared to previous elections. Democrats on the other hand... not as enthusiastic. Sure hope they're uncharacteristically spirited in 2 years time, let alone 4 years time.

Random Nobody

local roach
What the heck is wrong with some people? :closedmonster:
I mean, if we somehow didn't already know before, Standing Rock and Ferguson have taught us that, at least for the marginalised, whether the protest is violent or peaceful, the State response is the same. So really, what difference does it make.

Besides that, it probably isn't any worse that the riots post 2012 election. Or the Trump constituents who are acting up already.


Higher Further Faster


What? No seriously, that's the way it's always been...

> _ >

< _ <

Actually my coworkers and I were joking about this earlier today. :monster:


~The Other Side of Fear~
I feel really sad for my American friends. I have several and they're all upset. Heck, my therapist is American. She's just devastated (she's also an abuse victim). But she's saying that there are good people there and they will not give up the fight to get this monster out of power. I'm proud of her, and them.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
Gotta keep moving, gotta keep fighting. Sometimes I'd love to just pack my shit and move. Canada is gorgeous. Hell, maybe I'd go back to Italy. But I can't give up on my country.

But when I was in the military I raised my right hand to fight for America, and I did. Now that I'm a civilian, I'll keep fighting, although in a different way.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
also, this played on the radio for hours this morning:

That same thing happened at my work too!

At any rate I've accepted it and I'm curious to see where it goes. Not much else we can do at this point... I don't think he can really take away our gay marriage or anything like that. I just hope he doesn't get impeached because I feel Pence would be even worse


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Is this good or bad? I want to say good but I know some people were afraid of this


Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
I've been hearing of traffic getting stopped, stuff burning in streets, and even some windows getting busted out of a building (and strangely a dumpster on train tracks) around the country and down in Seattle. Protesting peacefully, okay, but destructive protesting? What the heck is wrong with some people? :closedmonster:

Generally I agree with this idea.

I said the same thing about all the protests against all the police brutality and, frankly, state sanctioned slaughter of people of color. I said "peace will prevail" and that the system can, ultimately, be used to accomplish great things. Only by remaining civil can we achieve anything.

Then we, as a nation, elected Donald Trump.

And to make matters worse we ended up ceding control of the entire government to a political party whose central message of morality is around the subjugation of others. And now we as a people have to call this mysognynistic, racist, homophobic piece of human garbage our president.

Mike Pence has already confirmed they are going to begin undoing the protection Obama put in place for LGBTQ citizens. More atrocities will soon follow I am sure.

The right voted for him as a protest candidate. As one NBC anchor put it "using him as a molotov cocktail to burn down Washington." Well turnabout is fair play, I say.

I still think that humanity is at its best when civility is maintained. But there is nothing civil about our president elect. That said the election of this man was an act of war against anybody who isn't white and straight. I am not suprised and can hardly bring myself to chastise those who take out their emotions through destruction - so long as they are not attacking or god forbid killing people.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Mike Pence has already confirmed they are going to begin undoing the protection Obama put in place for LGBTQ citizens. More atrocities will soon follow I am sure.

I heard the opposite, I heard they weren't going to do anything about this. Mind you, I heard this from someone on youtube who was gay and voted for Trump but... I'm wondering if you can post a source?


Pro Adventurer
I don't agree with you post, Jason (didn't quote to save space), but we all have our different opinions.
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AI Researcher
yeah i'm sure putin is suddenly going to turn things around and stop all the corruption in his government and the suppression of the press and anti-lgbtq policies and all that

or he could just give trump/pence some pointers about how to install their own christian-centric regime and how best to crack down on the press and the gays


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Okay I googled, some sources say he COULD undo what Obama did but they don't know if he will for sure. (Obviously)

But he can't undo legalizing gay marriage as it was the Supreme Court and I would hope any discrimination laws just don't even go through. We're better than that.. right?

Right? :(

. That said the election of this man was an act of war against anybody who isn't white and straight.

I'm so sick of hearing this. My facebook was full of "DAMN THE STRAIGHT WHITE MALE!"... no.. stop

Almost 60 million people voted for Trump. I guarantee you they were NOT all straight white males. The fault, again, lies with the DNC and a broken electoral college. Period.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
That said the election of this man was an act of war against anybody who isn't white and straight.

I'm a black male and I'm sort of sick of hearing this. Yes, the election of Donald Trump was a failure that can be directly attributed to white people. But the identity politics that culminated with "Blame White People For Everything" is partially what led to this mess in the first place and hanging on to it will do absolutely no good to anyone.

White people, it's true, you guys sometimes fuck shit up. A lot, yeah. But we're going to need to come together to fix our shit. There comes a point where even if something is your guys fault, blaming you for it won't help it get fixed. Let's just fucking fix it.

Mike Pence has already confirmed they are going to begin undoing the protection Obama put in place for LGBTQ citizens. More atrocities will soon follow I am sure.

Source? I loathe Pence, but I need a source, man!

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
. That said the election of this man was an act of war against anybody who isn't white and straight.

I'm so sick of hearing this. My facebook was full of "DAMN THE STRAIGHT WHITE MALE!"... no.. stop

Almost 60 million people voted for Trump. I guarantee you they were NOT all straight white males. The fault, again, lies with the DNC and a broken electoral college. Period.

White straight males:

- Are not at risk of having their right to marry stricken.
- Are not at risk of having their protection from discrimination stricken.
- Are not at risk of having their religious liberty violated.
- Are not at risk of mass deportation.

I don't care what brainwashed idiots voted for Trump or why they did it, but now all are punished. Fucking. Period.

Random Nobody

local roach
It wasn't just white men. Ms Hillary could not even get white women to vote for ha and that is what? Hilarious.
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Random Nobody

local roach
@Dashell: SCOTUS rulings can be overturned by subsequent SCOTUS rulings or amendments. And whilst we (or I, anyway) don't know if unravelling marriage equality and further restricting reproductive rights are things to be actively pursued by the Trump administration (because again, no real policies), the whole Republican Congress and Mike "Conversion Therapy" Pence in the upper echelons of government is nagl. Then there's still the question of Court appointees.

the system can, ultimately, be used to accomplish great things.

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
I don't care what brainwashed idiots voted for Trump or why they did it, but now all are punished. Fucking. Period.

And that is why you are not in charge of anything.

Impressive counter argument. Really that must have taken you ages to come up with that childish snappish retort.

Actually I'm "in charge" of a family, with a bisexual, Mexican wife who is now at risk for greater discrimination (even if being married to me she might not show the bisexual side of herself). I have a daughter who may choose to be a full blown lesbian when she grows up and god bless her. Or maybe she views herself more as a he. Thanks to the damage this government can now do to her, that future along with the future of millions of others is now compromised and this is why people of all walks of life are, rightfully, angry.

So if you want to snipe and be a contrarian go right ahead. I'll start planning for the worst while hoping for the best.

Edit: No, I'm going to go with this. I countered Dash's argument. While we are obviously on different sides of the spectrum, I was attacking her point. Your counter was literally nothing but an ad hominem attack with the intellectual value of a Youtube comment.

If you are not able to express yourself better than this, maybe you don't belong being a moderator.

@Random Nobody: Did you even read the rest of that post?
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Random Nobody

local roach
@Random Nobody: Did you even read the rest of that post?
I shole did.

Not to sound like an embittered radikool, but Trump's election is a culmination of sentiments that have been fermenting for 8+ years. And the legacy surrounding that sentiment is a lot older than that. The fact that this country hasn't been burnt to the ground yet is honestly the real miracle. The anger people have shown that's led to this new wave of protests these last few years is not only justified, but necessary.
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