The X-Files


Higher Further Faster
Was there an X-Files thread? I can't find it. Please merge if someone can find it.

But anyway.

First set pics from the new series.

I am very wary of this whole process. Was X-Files my jam during its glory days? Yes, yes it was.

But did it spiral into a hole and leave fans hanging at the end? Also yes.

Will this new series wrap up all the shit the Cigarette Man was talking about in the series finale and give fans the answers they deserve? If it doesn't I will riot.

That is all.

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
ngl it could be 6 episodes of mulder and scully shopping for new socks and i would probably buy the bluray

i'm pretty certain even chris carter isn't chris cartery enough to fuck up this chance at wrapping up at least the major plot points of the original series (
namely doomsday

also, fuck yeah for skinner coming back.

also also, gillian anderson's hair is not nearly red enough tbh idk if they died it or it's a wig but whyyyyy


Higher Further Faster
@X: I sure hope that is a sign of things to come. The Cigarette Man was very clear that
the alien invasion was still happening and there was nothing anyone could do to stop it.

I think it was supposed to happen on December 21st 2012, and the movie that came out after the series ended didn't even touch the alien plot. It was basically an extended monster of the week episode.

Ugh /rant

@KitKat: Gillian is wearing a wig I do believe. I'm not sure why but I think she talks about it in the issue of Entertainment Weekly that they are on the cover of. I have a subscription but I haven't read it yet.


Higher Further Faster

It barely shows anything but the hype train is leaving the station. If the military is raiding their office then you know it's gotta be alien shenanigans.


Higher Further Faster
This one shows just a tiny bit more.

Ooooooo it gives me chills. I'm getting excited!!!!!!!


Higher Further Faster

No more waiting. Gonna find out what's going on.


Higher Further Faster
Ugh so this stupid game needs to end now. Still 7:25 left in the third quarter. :/

I don't even give a shit about either of these teams.



Higher Further Faster
And it just ended. Quick thoughts:

-Old school opening credits. Cut short, yes, but still highly appreciated. :)

-I got giddy over seeing old names and faces. When when it said "Directed by Chris Carter" and "Music by Mark Snow." haha

-Had a very classic vibe to the entire episode.

-Scully being skeptical again. But at least she has good reason.

-Mulder was kind of pissing me off in this episode a bit. Trying to remember that this is his life's work and he's just passionate, and probably desperate.

-Cigarette man outta nowhere! Still wondering he he's still alive. It was pretty apparent that he was blown up in the series finally.

All in all, a decent start. I just hope each episode is about the alien conspiracy and we don't have any monsters of the week. I don't know whether they plan to keep this show going after this. Not sure if I want them too. Just wrap it up, please.

Ghost X

I think there was a half an hour long documentary covering what sort of structure the episodes will be like. Possibly what Pixel mentioned. As for what this series will be like...
I've heard it being critically panned already.


Higher Further Faster
Well, I'd rather have low expectations and be surprised rather than high expectations and be let down.

Wow that's really pessimistic isn't it...


I don't know why I am like this over X-Files.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Well, thank fuck for the first 25 minutes of my DVR recording being football postgame. I have no idea how the episode ended, or really what happened after Mulder & Skully had a big chat out in front of the girl's house…


X :neo:


Pro Adventurer
Yeah, that football game delaying the episode sucked. Fortunately, I watched it as it aired. It was good to see Mulder and Scully back again and the use of the original intro. Looking forward to watching tomorrow's episosde.


The Pixie King
The writing was a bit on the nose, as usual. You'd think Chris Carter would have had time to iron some of that shit out. Seemed the whole episode was info dump, which I guess it had to be. But it could have done with some nuance.


Higher Further Faster
Well, thank fuck for the first 25 minutes of my DVR recording being football postgame. I have no idea how the episode ended, or really what happened after Mulder & Skully had a big chat out in front of the girl's house…


X :neo:

Ew that sucks.

But yeah after that game was over they just kept going and going and going...

Apparently the next episode is tomorrow. Maybe they'll show the first one again.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
The game was pretty damn awesome, though, guys, come on. Panthers may not take the Super Bowl, but they already had one hella memorable game getting there.

Oh, and the episode was fine, though definitely taking the mythology in an unexpected direction.


Higher Further Faster
What little of the game I did pay attention to the score wasn't even close. The Cardinals got completely slaughtered. :monster:

I wish the second episode wasn't tonight. I have plans. :/


Harbinger O Great Justice
The first episode isn't scheduled to reair any time in the next two weeks&#8230; >______<

X :neo:
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