Things that piss you off

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fresh to death
my dad phoned me and said i was worthless because i was worthless
then mum phoned me and said the same
then my sisters text me saying that too
then my bf left me a voicemail expressing the same sentiment
then his parents sent me an airmail letter voicing the same concerns
then his one year old brother spelt it out for me with alphablocks

Ghost X

- I have some bad typing habits. One of them is when I type my email address, sometimes I'll automatically press tab and type my password. Never before have I accidentally pressed enter after that, at least where it submits the information. Today was a different story. Somewhere on an internet news site is one of the passwords I use for all to see, entered in the 'location' window. As you can imagine, I quickly changed my settings in all the sites I use the password with =p. Rather embarrassing though.


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
my dad phoned me and said i was worthless because i was worthless
then mum phoned me and said the same
then my sisters text me saying that too
then my bf left me a voicemail expressing the same sentiment
then his parents sent me an airmail letter voicing the same concerns
then his one year old brother spelt it out for me with alphablocks

bitch, i dun care.
rub my belly


Joe, Arcana
Having to get my hair cut short.

Seriously my hair does not look good short. I currently look like a very butch lesbian. And even they have a one-up on me, they have tits.



Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Goddamn fucking TVTropes has kept me up several hours past when I should have gone to sleep again >:C I know I already made a thread about this, stfu >:C
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Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Also, I just realised my last real relationship dissolved nearly five years ago and I still never got a definitive answer as to what I did to cause it to dissolve, or for that matter what I did more recently to make her stop talking to me completely. It's probably no wonder the idea of a romantic relationship seems pretty difficult to entertain right now. Still if you'd asked me five years ago I'd have expected I'd have gotten over it at least somewhat more quickly.


We have come to terms
What'd fucking me up is that A) I read that post by Alex RIGHT before I left tonight, and it says "eight hours ago", and B) the thing that didn't happen tonight. It's less that that last pisses me off...more that I'm kind of like "dang" ;.;
Mom's ex boyfriend is trying to get my mom to talk to him. This is depressing, because I know for a fact that nothing he says is going to get my mom to go back to him. He fucked up by cheating on my mom with another woman. God...the stupidity of people these days.


We have come to terms
How is that depressing, exactly? :huh:

So while we were out last night, I somehow managed to lose my beanie. My one and only beanie. >;

On the other hand, someone else I went with lost their nose ring. LOL


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
Snow. And getting stuck behind plows on the parkway. And people who don't clean their cars off before getting on the road. I've had enough snow now.

ffffuuuuu mother nature.

You are just lucky I look cute in my snow boots you bitch.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Long list of complaints and grievances today.

  • People who don't use their headlights in rain or fog. Not only is this shit illegal, it's dangerous. Are you idiots trying to cause an accident?
  • People who don't know how to use their four-way flashers. They're for when you're stopped on the side of the road. Period. Driving slow in rain is not an appropriate place to use your four-way flashers. In fact you shouldn't be driving much more slowly than the rest of traffic in rain at all, but if you're going to drive slowly the last thing you want to do is make people think you're stopped.
  • People who tailgate in the rain. Do these morons have any idea how brakes work?
  • Idiots driving side-by-side several mph below the speed limit at the same speed, blocking any chance of anyone being able to pass them. I was behind three cars doing this the other day. I wanted to smack them so hard.
  • People driving in my blind spot. Shit's fucking dangerous. Either pass or get the fuck out.
  • Glenn Beck: Will you just shut the fuck up already? Apparently it wasn't enough to accuse an anti-Communist, Jewish Holocaust survivor of being an anti-Semite and all but accuse him of being a Communist. Now he's spent a good portion of the last several weeks ranting about how a 79-year-old university professor is one of the ten greatest threats to America. Seriously? Get a sense of fucking proportion. It's no surprise that the professor in question has started receiving death threats since he started talking about her. I'm sure it's just a coincidence though, just like it was a coincidence when someone shot George Tiller after months of Bill O'Reilly ranting about him.
  • Stomach upsets during work. Gods damn it, body, can't you pick a better time to be sick? It's especially bad when there's a line in the bathroom, although luckily this hasn't been the case recently.
  • I'd been feeling steadily better for the last couple of weeks. Now I seem to be getting worse again. Feels bad man.
  • The way Tachy Goes to Coventry fucks up vBulletin's thread pagination. When I click on a link to a post I want it to take me to the page the actual post is on, not some random page that has nothing to do with it. Ridiculously sloppy programming. It's especially bad in threads like this one.
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alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer


Harbinger O Great Justice
The fact that I was sitting cross-legged while playing videogames last night, and since waking up this morning, I've noticed that the outer half of my right pinky toe is numb...

Beginning to get concerned that I may have tweaked up a nerve....


X :neo:

Ghost X

- Knowing that if I get a job in the financial services industry, 2 hours of my day, everyday, will likely be wasted on simply getting to and from work. That is until I find residence closer to work etc.


--Tamashi no Rufuran
Emiya Shirou, Oz Vessalius, LPod, Belldandy, L-Phone
Passing my most awaited, most hoped College Exam...sad thing is, my grandparents can't allow me to study on that specific College.. worst thing is, only chance can let me pass.. now that I have it, I just can't go on =/

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