Well now that I know that Celes didn't have a knife to HER throat, I'll post what I came to post originally
I felt really bad at work for two reasons.
1. Some lady had called complaining that her order was late... we told her 45 minutes to an hour and the first time she called, according to the computer, it had only been 37 minutes. I mean come on... the second time she called it had been closer to an hour but still not quite. I told her this and the computer said she had called 50 minutes ago and she insisted she had called at 4:45 when the computer said he had called and placed her order at 5:10. None of the other orders had been late at all so this made no sense to me. Having really getting sick of BS liars, I was kind of rude to her. I didn't give her any discounts, or free stuff for next time or any of that. It seems like I'm always doing that and I've just had it with people trying to get free stuff. So she got zippo from me. When the driver came back from that run, it was the same guy who took the call. I told him the lady was trying to get free stuff and lied about when she called....
well it turns out, she really DID call initially at 4:45, but she had called BACK at 5:10 to order some ranch dressing to go with her order. SO the computer was telling me the second time she called, not the first.

I felt awful, I almost called her back to apologize but I didn't have time. So yeah we probably lost THAT customer >_<
But who freaks out about a pizza like that anyway
2. A guy we call Seabass (cause his full name is Sebastian see?

) took an order over the phone today and the person gave him a credit card. Now we need to know the expiration date and type it in as a number (like if it's April 2014, we need to type 0414) and after he took the order he said something like, "I always feel weird asking them for what number the month is." Personally, I hate it when they give me the month name as well, because then I have to count it in my head really fast. I told him to just count it in his head as fast as he could and he said he didn't know the orders of the months. I honestly thought he was kidding because people are always telling me stuff like this then going, "LOL JAY KAY!" after I believe them. I must have asked him three times if he was serious before I realized... he was totally serious.
So I feel bad if I made him feel like an idiot. Cause he's not. I just really can't imagine what it's like getting by not knowing that. But if you can, that's awesome

It's like I want to ask him more questions about it but I don't want to make him feel bad... if I did. Maybe I didn't, it's hard to tell with him.
It was just over all a day of making others and myself feel bad. Well I guess there's always tomorrow... maybe I'll make Seabass some cupcakes or something