- My desktop pencil sharpener, which is probably older than me (for reals), has finally decided to kick the bucket. I really hate using the manual kind of sharpener, where the razor blade is screwed in, leaving a slit for the shavings to go through. They say that placing your pencil roughly down on the table breaks up the graphite / crayon thing in the middle (which it does), but I'm fairly certain those manual sharpeners apply pressure to the graphite / crayon thing, causing it to some times snap with each twist. In my latest drawing, that damn sharpener has literally consumed probably a total of over one full pencil, and I'm not even a third way finished yet. That's not very efficient. I might use a 10th of a pencil usually per full drawing, if that. The desktop variety have what I call grinders, and the pencil is held firmly in place, meaning less stress is placed on the graphite / crayon thingy (very technical, I am being).
- I hate that I have to re-login just after I login initially, when clicking "new posts". The page loads, and I'm logged out again. Happens almost every time now. Even refreshing the page doesn't help. Its like it functions as a log out button, and destroys my cookie =(. Dunno if anyone else has this issue.