How about school, in general?Getting up for school at the time you usually like to go to bed on the weekends. <_<
Can't you flatmate with your bf?
I hust found out who my first flat mate is!
It's a chav.
When the X-box360 you bought to replace the one that got the red ring...gets the red ring.
4kids pisses me off.
why didnt you send it back to Microsoft?
The warranty expired. I'm gonna send the newer one back, though.
The old one lasted pretty good, it's just funny that I got two red rings in a week and a half.
My brother got it three times in a row.The warranty expired. I'm gonna send the newer one back, though.
The old one lasted pretty good, it's just funny that I got two red rings in a week and a half.
That's the only putting in and pulling out you've ever done in your life. ;D
Omega, Jr., imoTwo doctors and a probe feeling up my vagina in the last three days, more than my bf has.
....then again situations like that scar a person. ;-;
At least you'll have a closet to raid when you need plaid...I hust found out who my first flat mate is!
It's a chav.
Going out to a nice little romantic spot with the bf to watch the clear starry sky and full moon... and getting cock blocked five mins in by some chatty old man for 40 minutes.
....and then driving room and running a VERY YELLOW LIGHT and getting a ticket for it.
That's why you use Windows XP.Windows Vista . . . (Not Responding fast enough to meet your needs).