Time to say goodbye


Waiting for something
Well everyone it's been a long time coming but sadly the time has come for me to say goodbye for the forseeable future. I really haven't been able to be that active in recent weeks and I've had some very exciting news happen.

Just last week I went for an interview for a promotion in my company and I got the job the job is back home in Belfast and is a brand new store in our company so I'm not moving back to the same store. I am finally the manager of my own store and team which I get to build from scratch! This is something that just under 4 years ago when I did my career profile and started managing , it asked me where I'd see myself in 5 years time and I said wanted to be running my own store, that dream has finally happened and I am so overjoyed and excited with my new promotion.

Sadly with my brand new responsibilites I have to knuckle down completely and show I'm taking the lead on this and as such I'm saying goodbye to everyone here and putting a lot of my current social life on hold so that I can get as much work as possible done in prep for this. My next 8 weeks are filled with getting recruitment done, packing, communicating constantly with my new regional manager that I've never worked before with, working in a couple of different stores related to my new one, juggling my prep for my new store along with for the next 2.5weeks still working in my current store covering my store manager's holidays, organise inductions and training and management training, yeah it's insane, after that I'm into halloween and Midterm break and the run up to xmas, and my plans need to be 4 weeks in advance. In between that when I'm not working I'll more than likely be spending free time with friends and family.

Perhaps from time to time in the new year I can pop my head in but I doubt it and I'll probably still check the front page for remake or FFXV news, but my days of posting are pretty much over I think and after this weekend this is more than likely the last you'll hear from me on the forums.

Can I just say I have always enjoyed my time here, the people, the atmosphere, everything about this place. I feel it's one of the best and close knit communities on a forum I've ever experienced. There are some people I've known since the ACF days and some people I met on this forum and thanks to you guys, community playthroughs, introducing me to the wonderful world of Skype and the TLSchat group, It's been a wonderful 10 years that I've got to know some of you so well and I've experienced as you've gone through life forging friendships, and sharing personal experiences of life both the good and the bad. So many of you have listened to me when I've been upset about something when no one else would, given me advice and just in general offered words of support and encouragement, it's meant a lot to me and I can't thank you enough for giving me that.

I would love to individually say something about so many members on this forum because so many of you have had an impact on me here but that's just it, there are so many of you, so all I can say is I hold every single one you in the highest regard and respect, you deserve the best in life and I wish you all the best.

Thank you so much TLS, it's been amazing!
Gemma xxx

trash panda

Nooooo don't gooo. ;___;

I'm so proud of you and happy for you but I really hope that you come back because we are all famiwry here. :kiss:


Pro Adventurer
We've never really had a chance to meet on here or get to know each other, but that doesn't mean I can't say goodbye! Sounds like you have a busy and exciting time ahead for you in life! I hope everything works out great and that you have a ton of success in your career! :)


Chloe Frazer

Gemma you are one of the coolest, nicest, most fabulous people I've ever met on the internet. I'm so happy you finally got that promotion you really wanted and I wish nothing but the best in your future.

If you ever have some free time and want to catch up, you have my skype and facebook, I'm really going to miss you wonderful Irish. :glomp:

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
Congratulations and all, though you'll certainly be missed! :-)


I don't know what to say.

You were possibly the first person to be openly nice to me on this board and I still fondly remember hanging out in IRC with you, Flint, Fangu and Yop back in the day, playing VII over Skype together, talking about all sorts of random shit and we became friends quickly because we have a similar sense of humour and share some patter.

This is sad. I am sad about this. There are very few things that have happened on this board that have made me sad before, but this is one of them. You will be sorely missed.

It sounds melodramatic because I can always chat to you on Skype or FB if I feel the need but I feel like a part of me is leaving the board. Please stay in touch or hit me up on another channel if you want to catch up <3


We have come to terms
I wish you nothing but the best - it's great that you've got something so wonderful happening for you, because you absolutely deserve it!

Hope to see you around sometime in the future!
I'm so glad your dream came true and that your company has shown how much it values you - although you will be much missed here. All the best!

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
Sprites, you were always so nice and kind, all the time. I've always enjoyed seeing you post, and I'll miss you.

Congratulations! I mean it.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000

I mean, it's fucking awesome about your job, you really deserve it. But it's not going to be the same without you around Gemma. I'm really going to miss you. Good luck with everything, take care :properhug:
I know we didn't interact much over the years Sprites, but you are one of those members I've always had a soft spot for. Your presence was always one of warmth and kindness.


To you I wish great fortune and great happiness. :salute:


Joe, Arcana
Congratulations on the awesome job news! Hope everything goes well with your move and work in general.

Sad to see you go but we're always here if you ever need to drop by! :properhug:


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
Congrats on the new job, Gems! I'll be sad to not see you around anymore, but I'm so happy you've got what you've wanted. Don't be a stranger on here, Skype, etc and good luck! :)

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Along with my son being born a few days ago, this is one of the coolest things to happen all year. Congrats, good luck and keep up the good work. :monster:

Alex Strife

Well done, Gems!! Great job, seriously. It shows that hard work has its rewards :D

It really is a shame you'll be going for good. But I say, even if you don't post regularly, pop up and say hi!! Everyone will be happy to see you :) .

Also, once you get used to the new position and work demands, etc. I'm sure you'll have a bit more time! Enjot it all, it's a cool ride.
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