TLS (and Others lmfao) Rank... The Best VII CHARACTERS in Final Fantasy!!


With the votes for ‘VII Best Cinematics…’ underway, I reckon now would be a good a time as ever to start collecting nominees for…
vii best characters.png

I’m going to be running this event a little bit differently from this current one. One thing I’ve noticed (and what I’ve missed) is the interaction between folks as they talk about what exactly they’re voting for and the thrill of seeing the polls change live. I believe this is a direct result of moving the ‘voting’ to the surveys, which were created to help involve the public coming in from our YouTube channel efforts. I miss the forum polling, so I’m going to be bringing it back, but I’ll keep the surveys strictly for the discord and YouTube. :)

Anyway, now to get to the fun bit: nomming your favourite characters! Go ahead and give me a list (or just a name :wacky:) and feel free to say a few words on why this character is your favourite (whilst avoiding spoilers if you can help it :kermit:). It can be thoughtful or very shallow, indeed, it don’t matter.

As always, you might be quoted as we translate the results of these events into videos, but if you tell me, “No thanks.” I’ll completely respect your wishes. :)

Fun fact, I made this banner whilst on voice chat with Ghost and we noticed an overabundance of DICKS I’m sorry everyone.





FUCK I missed y’all!! Looking forward to it! :joy:

hmm I reckon you lot have till the end of April to nom nom nom nom nom!! I'll go ahead and kick off the list with my own nominations. Note that you can still voice your opinion on any character even if they're already been nommed. In fact, I encourage this. :megusta:

Thanks to Licorice's point and Claymore's suggestion, we're going to be dividing these characters into THREE distinct categories when it comes time to vote: Best Protagonist, Best Antagonist, and Best Supporting Character. Thank you!

What qualifies as what....

  1. Must be a main party member/member you can control in battle.
  1. Must fight at least one of the main party members (aka protagonists).
  2. Must have relevance to the storyline in some significant way (so don't be nomming random encounter enemies please lmao).
  3. Would prefer that they are not underlings of any sort (So, making the distinction between Rufus vs the Turks or the President vs Scarlett).

Supporting Characters:
  1. Basically everyone else haha. So your Dons, your Johnnys, etc.

When I find time, I'm going to group everyone who's been nominated into the category that they belong to. We can continue to discuss the distinction between these categories and make arguments for who belongs to what. Thank you for your patience.

  1. Aerith Gainsborough - VII
  2. Algus - FFT
  3. Amarant Coral - IX
  4. Ardyn Lucis Caelum - XV
  5. Are Sick Guy - VII
  6. Aria Luricara - FFT-0
  7. Ashelia "Ashe" B'nargin Dalmasca - XII
  8. Auron - X
  9. Baku - IX
  10. Balthier - XII
  11. Barret Wallace - VII
  12. Basch - XII
  13. Beatrix - IX
  14. Biggs - VIII
  15. Bugenhagen - VII
  16. Carla Ayatsugi - FFT-0
  17. Cecil - IV
  18. Celes Chere - VI
  19. Cid - II
  20. Cid - X
  21. Cid - XI
  22. Cid Del Norte Marquez - VI
  23. Cid Fabool - IX
  24. Cid Haze - III
  25. Cid Highwind - VII
  26. Cid Kramer - VIII
  27. Cid Nan Garlond -XIV
  28. Cid Pollendina - IV
  29. Cid Previa - V
  30. Cid Raines - XIII
  31. Cid Sophiar - XV
  32. Cid of the Lufaine - Dissidia
  33. Cidolfus Demen Bunansa - XII
  34. Cidolfus Orlandeau - FFT
  35. Cissnei - VII: CC
  36. Clinque - FFT-0
  37. Cloud Strife - VII
  38. Corel Prison Gangbangers - FFVII
  39. Delita - FFT
  40. Delita Heiral - FFT
  41. Deuce - FFT-0
  42. Don Corneo - VII
  43. Dr Tot - IX
  44. Dyne - VII
  45. Edea - VIII
  46. Edgar Figaro - VI
  47. Edward ''Edge'' Geraldine - IV
  48. Eight - FFT-0
  49. Faris Scherwiz - V
  50. Fran - XII
  51. Freya Cresent - IX
  52. Fujin - VIII
  53. Gabranth - XII
  54. Galuf Halm Baldesion - V
  55. Garnet - IX
  56. Gilgamesh - V
  57. Godo - VII
  58. Goffard Gaffgarion - FFT-0
  59. Ignis Scientia - XV
  60. Jecht - X
  61. Jenova - VII
  62. Jessie - VII
  63. Johnny - VII
  64. Judge Zargabaath - XII
  65. Kain - IV
  66. Kefka Palazzo - VI
  67. King - FFT-0
  68. Kuja - IX
  69. Kunsel - VII: CC
  70. Laguna Loire - VIII
  71. Larsa Ferrinas Solidor - XII
  72. Leo - VI
  73. Marche Radiuju - FFTA
  74. Meliadoul Tengille - FFT
  75. Midgardsormr - XIV
  76. Mr. Dolphin - VII
  77. Mutsuki Chiharano - FFT-0
  78. Nimbus - FFT-0
  79. Paine - X-2
  80. Part- Time Worker Mary - IX
  81. Professor Hojo - VII
  82. Prompto - XV
  83. Quina Quen - IX
  84. Quistis Trepe - VIII
  85. Qun'mi Tru'e - FFT-0
  86. Raijin - VIII
  87. Ramza - FFT
  88. Red XII - VII
  89. Reeve Tootsie Roll - VII
  90. Reno - VII
  91. Rikku - X, X-2
  92. Rubicante - FF
  93. Rufus Shinra - VII
  94. Ryid Uruk - FFT-0
  95. Sabin René Figaro
  96. Seifer - VIII
  97. Sephiroth - VII
  98. Shelke Rui - VII: DoC
  99. Squal Leonhart - VIII
  100. Steiner - IX
  101. Stiltzkin - FF
  102. Tataru Taru - XIV
  103. Tellah - IV
  104. Terra Brandford - VI
  105. The Veritas - FFBE
  106. Tifa Lockhart - VII
  107. Tseng - VII
  108. Ultros - FF
  109. Vayne Carudas Solidor - XII
  110. Vincent Valentine - VII: DoC
  111. Vivi - IX
  112. Wedge - VIII
  113. Yaag Rosch - XII
  114. Yuffie Kisaragi - VII: DoC
  115. Zack Fair - VII: CC
  116. Zhuyu Voghfau Byot - FFT-0
  117. Zidane - IX

  1. Aerith Gainsborough - VII
  2. Amarant Coral - IX
  3. Ashelia "Ashe" B'nargin Dalmasca - XII
  4. Auron - X
  5. Balthier - XII
  6. Barret Wallace - VII
  7. Basch - XII
  8. Cecil - IV
  9. Celes Chere - VI
  10. Cid Highwind - VII
  11. Cid Pollendina - IV
  12. Clinque - FFT-0
  13. Cloud Strife - VII
  14. Deuce - FFT-0
  15. Edgar Figaro - VI
  16. Edward ''Edge'' Geraldine - IV
  17. Eight - FFT-0
  18. Faris Scherwiz - V
  19. Fran - XII
  20. Freya Cresent - IX
  21. Galuf Halm Baldesion - V
  22. Garnet - IX
  23. Ignis Scientia - XV
  24. Kain - IV
  25. King - FFT-0
  26. Laguna Loire - VIII
  27. Marche Radiuju - FFTA
  28. Midgardsormr - XIV
  29. Paine - X-2
  30. Prompto - XV
  31. Quistis Trepe - VIII
  32. Quina Quen - IX
  33. Ramza - FFT
  34. Red XII - VII
  35. Rikku - X, X-2
  36. Sabin René Figaro
  37. Squal Leonhart - VIII
  38. Steiner - IX
  39. Tellah - IV
  40. Terra Brandford - VI
  41. Tifa Lockhart - VII
  42. Vincent Valentine - VII: DoC
  43. Vivi - IX
  44. Yuffie Kisaragi - VII: DoC
  45. Zack Fair - VII: CC
  46. Zidane - IX

  1. Algus - FFT
  2. Archbishop Thordan VII - XIV: Heavensward
  3. Ardyn Lucis Caelum - XV
  4. Beatrix - IX
  5. Caius Ballad - XIII-2
  6. Cloud of Darkness - III
  7. Delita - FFT
  8. Dyne - VII
  9. Emperor Palamecia - II
  10. Exdeath - V
  11. Gabranth - XII
  12. Garland - IX
  13. Gilgamesh - V
  14. Golbez - IV
  15. Jenova - VII
  16. Kefka Palazzo - VI
  17. Kuja - IX
  18. Nimbus - FFT-0
  19. Nidhogg - XIV: Heavensward
  20. Professor Hojo - VII
  21. Rufus Shinra - VII
  22. Seifer - VIII
  23. Sephiroth - VII
  24. Seymour - X
  25. The Veritas - FFBE
  26. Ultros - FF
  27. Vayne Carudas Solidor - XII
  28. Yaag Rosch - XII
  29. Yotsuyu - XIV: Stormblood
  30. Zenos yae Galvus - XIV: Stormblood

  1. Are Sick Guy - VII
  2. Aria Luricara - FFT-0
  3. Baku - IX
  4. Biggs - VIII
  5. Bugenhagen - VII
  6. Carla Ayatsugi - FFT-0
  7. Cid - II
  8. Cid - X
  9. Cid - XI
  10. Cid Del Norte Marquez - VI
  11. Cid Fabool - IX
  12. Cid Haze - III
  13. Cid Kramer - VIII
  14. Cid Nan Garlond -XIV
  15. Cid of the Lufaine - Dissidia
  16. Cid Previa - V
  17. Cid Raines - XIII
  18. Cid Sophiar - XV
  19. Cidolfus Demen Bunansa - XII
  20. Cidolfus Orlandeau - FFT
  21. Cissnei - VII: CC
  22. Corel Prison Gangbangers - FFVII
  23. Delita Heiral - FFT
  24. Dr Tot - IX
  25. Don Corneo - VII
  26. Godo - VII
  27. Goffard Gaffgarion - FFT-0
  28. Fujin - VIII
  29. Jecht - X
  30. Jessie - VII
  31. Johnny - VII
  32. Judge Zargabaath - XII
  33. Kunsel - VII: CC
  34. Larsa Ferrinas Solidor - XII
  35. Leo - VI
  36. Meliadoul Tengille - FFT
  37. Mr. Dolphin - VII
  38. Mutsuki Chiharano - FFT-0
  39. Part- Time Worker Mary - IX
  40. Qun'mi Tru'e - FFT-0
  41. Raijin - VIII
  42. Reeve Tootsie Roll - VII
  43. Reno - VII
  44. Rubicante - FF
  45. Ryid Uruk - FFT-0
  46. Shelke Rui - VII: DoC
  47. Stiltzkin - FF
  48. Tataru Taru - XIV
  49. Tseng - VII
  50. Wedge - VIII
  51. Zhuyu Voghfau Byot - FFT-0
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1. Prompto . XV
2. Fran . XII
3. Balthier . XII
4. Garnet IX
5. Vivi IX
6. Tifa Lockheart . VII
7. Rufus Shinra VII
8, Celes Chere VI
9. Edgar Figaro VI
10. Edward "Edge" Geraldine . IV

For what it's worth, it seems to me characters fall into three categories: main protagonist (eg Cloud, Lightning); main antagonist (eg Kefka, Ardyn), and all the supporting players. Supporting players can easily get edged out by the fact that the protag and antag are always the most important characters. I've only nominated supporting players. I will fight anyone for Rufus' place on this list.

PS edited to add Vivi. I don't know how I could have forgotten him!
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For what it's worth, it seems to me characters fall into three categories: main protagonist (eg Cloud, Lightning); main antagonist (eg Kefka, Ardyn), and all the supporting players. Supporting players can easily get edged out by the fact that the protag and antag are always the most important characters. I've only nominated supporting players. I will fight anyone for Rufus' place on this list.

Licorice, I love that you've brought this up because it's so true and it's actually been a fear of mine. :wacky: I reckon we're going to break up the characters into those three categories when it comes to voting and have winners for each one! I'm especially interested in seeing how supporting characters turn out. Thank you so much (and big shoutout to Claymore for suggesting to me that go through with this very thing haha). Hype!

Generally speaking, the list has been updated with the latest noms from both the forum and discord. Interestingly enough, Cloud has yet to be brought up. :wacky:


Thank you for your noms! As I'm considering how to divvy up the categories, I reckon we're gonna go about it this way:

What Qualifies As What

  1. Must be a main party member/member you can control in battle.
  1. Must fight at least one of the main party members (aka protagonists).
  2. Must have relevance to the storyline in some significant way (so don't be nomming random encounter enemies please lmao).
  3. Would prefer that they are not underlings of any sort (So, making the distinction between Rufus vs the Turks or the President vs Scarlett).

Supporting Characters:
  1. Basically everyone else haha. So your Dons, your Johnnys, Tsengs etc.

Later today, I'm going to group everyone who's been nominated into the category that they belong to. We can continue to discuss the distinction between these categories and make arguments for who belongs to what. Thank you for your patience. Oh, and I've missed this!! :)
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Then I'll add Kefka, Rubicante, Galuf, Fujin, Raijin, Biggs and Wedge from VIII, Jecht, Kuja, Gabranth, Meliadoul, Gaffgarion, Delita, Shelke, Kunsel and Cissnei, Eight, King, Deuce, Cinque, Aria Luricara, Zhuyu, Carla Ayatsugi, Mutsuki Chihanaro, Ryid Uruk, Qun'mi Tru'e, Nimbus, Tataru Taru and the Midgardzormr from FFXIV.


I appreciate his laid back yet opinionated attidute. Wish he'd been used to greater effect rather then most of the game just being Zack, Angeal and Genesis encountering each other in one location after another.


*wipes sweat from brow*

Okay, first of all, fuck all of the Cids there are too many of them and looking them up and sorting them out hurt my fingers.

Second of all, I take it back, I was just feeling a little bit vulnerable just then.

I've sorted these characters after giving quick glances at a bunch of wikis, which are like notorious for spreading misinformation, I know, but be easy on a Fancy cuz I don't know better and I swear I'm tryin' my hardest lmao.

Anyway, point being, have a glance at the list of each category and make your cases if you think a character has been mis....grouped? You know what I mean. :wacky:

  1. Aerith Gainsborough - VII
  2. Amarant Coral - IX
  3. Ashelia "Ashe" B'nargin Dalmasca - XII
  4. Auron - X
  5. Balthier - XII
  6. Barret Wallace - VII
  7. Basch - XII
  8. Cecil - IV
  9. Celes Chere - VI
  10. Cid Highwind - VII
  11. Cid Pollendina - IV
  12. Clinque - FFT-0
  13. Cloud Strife - VII
  14. Deuce - FFT-0
  15. Edgar Figaro - VI
  16. Edward ''Edge'' Geraldine - IV
  17. Eight - FFT-0
  18. Faris Scherwiz - V
  19. Fran - XII
  20. Freya Cresent - IX
  21. Galuf Halm Baldesion - V
  22. Garnet - IX
  23. Ignis Scientia - XV
  24. Kain - IV
  25. King - FFT-0
  26. Laguna Loire - VIII
  27. Marche Radiuju - FFTA
  28. Midgardsormr - XIV
  29. Paine - X-2
  30. Prompto - XV
  31. Quistis Trepe - VIII
  32. Quina Quen - IX
  33. Ramza - FFT
  34. Red XII - VII
  35. Rikku - X, X-2
  36. Sabin René Figaro
  37. Squal Leonhart - VIII
  38. Steiner - IX
  39. Tellah - IV
  40. Terra Brandford - VI
  41. Tifa Lockhart - VII
  42. Vincent Valentine - VII: DoC
  43. Vivi - IX
  44. Yuffie Kisaragi - VII: DoC
  45. Zack Fair - VII: CC
  46. Zidane - IX

  1. Algus - FFT
  2. Ardyn Lucis Caelum - XV
  3. Beatrix - IX
  4. Delita - FFT
  5. Dyne - VII
  6. Edea - VIII
  7. Gabranth - XII
  8. Gilgamesh - V
  9. Jenova - VII
  10. Kefka Palazzo - VI
  11. Kuja - IX
  12. Nimbus - FFT-0
  13. Professor Hojo - VII
  14. Rufus Shinra - VII
  15. Seifer - VIII
  16. Sephiroth - VII
  17. The Veritas - FFBE
  18. Ultros - FF
  19. Vayne Carudas Solidor - XII
  20. Yaag Rosch - XII

  1. Are Sick Guy - VII
  2. Aria Luricara - FFT-0
  3. Baku - IX
  4. Biggs - VIII
  5. Bugenhagen - VII
  6. Carla Ayatsugi - FFT-0
  7. Cid - II
  8. Cid - X
  9. Cid - XI
  10. Cid Del Norte Marquez - VI
  11. Cid Fabool - IX
  12. Cid Haze - III
  13. Cid Kramer - VIII
  14. Cid Nan Garlond -XIV
  15. Cid of the Lufaine - Dissidia
  16. Cid Previa - V
  17. Cid Raines - XIII
  18. Cid Sophiar - XV
  19. Cidolfus Demen Bunansa - XII
  20. Cidolfus Orlandeau - FFT
  21. Cissnei - VII: CC
  22. Corel Prison Gangbangers - FFVII
  23. Delita Heiral - FFT
  24. Dr Tot - IX
  25. Don Corneo - VII
  26. Godo - VII
  27. Goffard Gaffgarion - FFT-0
  28. Fujin - VIII
  29. Jecht - X
  30. Jessie - VII
  31. Johnny - VII
  32. Judge Zargabaath - XII
  33. Kunsel - VII: CC
  34. Larsa Ferrinas Solidor - XII
  35. Leo - VI
  36. Meliadoul Tengille - FFT
  37. Mr. Dolphin - VII
  38. Mutsuki Chiharano - FFT-0
  39. Part- Time Worker Mary - IX
  40. Qun'mi Tru'e - FFT-0
  41. Raijin - VIII
  42. Reeve Tootsie Roll - VII
  43. Reno - VII
  44. Rubicante - FF
  45. Ryid Uruk - FFT-0
  46. Shelke Rui - VII: DoC
  47. Stiltzkin - FF
  48. Tataru Taru - XIV
  49. Tseng - VII
  50. Wedge - VIII
  51. Zhuyu Voghfau Byot - FFT-0

Thank you <3
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Save your valediction (she/her)
This is awesome, and an enormous undertaking lol. I don't imagine any of the side characters will make it in the top 20, but I can dream! Go Bugenhagen go!

I have a few nominations of my own:

-Cecil (protagonist). Right from Scene 1, Cecil feels like a perspective-character in ASOIAF. He begins the game conflicted, at odds with himself, and his arc and journey is excellent. His relationship with Rosa (although somewhat flat) is a nice change of pace in fantasy fiction. He begins the game in a solid and loving relationship, and the plot never threatens or challenges that. I'm sure there's even more nuance to his character in the japanese script, but I always found him likeable and straightforward, never an edge-lord like Kain but with a kick ass design.
-Kain (protagonist). In defense of edgelords, Kain is the OG. His design is so dope it's the logo of the bloody game! I'm not sure whether to nominate him as a protagonist or antagonist, because he starts out as a party member and friend, but (early-game spoiler) quickly turns heel and opposes you. I enjoy him most as a party member (lancers/dragoons ftw).

-Faris (protagonist). (note: I think they are erroneously listed as an FF4 character) Basically, I second this. FFV is pretty light on character development, either that or I wasn't taken with the main cast, except for Faris, who starts awesome, has a few secrets to reveal, and then, like Freya in FFIX, is nigh silent for the second half of the game. Still rad.

-Leo (supporting). Not everyone in the Empire is a Bad-Guy! A wonderful foil for Kefka, Leo serves at the pleasure of the Emperor, but has a sense of honor and decency.
-I second Edgar and Celes.

-Jenova (antagonist). Eldritch Horror from Space. Symbiote. Hive Mind. Soul Eater. She'll read your mind, appear as your loved ones, turn you into a mad killing monster, then ultimately destroy and devour you. That's hot.
-Reeve (supporting). In the same vein as Leo, Reeve is a character who was born on the wrong side of history. He's obviously good, so good in fact that he can't ever cotton to AVALANCHE's actions, despite his objections to Shinra's methodology. He's vaguely aware that the status quo isn't working, but has no real answer as to how to change it, so he remains impotent.
-Don Corneo (supporting). What a weird NPC: a horny slumlord, total coward, a fop. Someone with no skill but all the power. He's a direct result of the iniquity of Midgar's society.
-Godo (supporting). An emperor puppet, breathing only because Shinra allows him to. Unlike Reeve, Godo's inaction stems from utter defeat. He at least tried, and was trounced. His relationship with his willful daughter is the fulcrum of Wutai's story, and the payoff of the pagoda boss-gauntlet.
-I second Tifa, Aeris, Barret, Cloud, Red XIII, Rufus, Hojo, and Bugenhagen.

-Algus (antagonist). Here's someone you want to punch! His inclusion in the story is a great way to hammer home the fervor of the class system's supporters. He acts as a foil for both Ramza and Delita, and their relationship is duly strained by his fuckery.
-Delita (antagonist). Here's a Shakespearean tragedy. Sigh.... please play this game.
-I second Ramza (he's the main character btw, not supporting) and T.G. Cid (probably supporting? He can die right after joining your party if you let him, so I guess he's supporting)

-Laguna (protagonist). This is technically a seconding, but Laguna's a main character, not supporting, c'mon! Ahhh you're making my leg cramp.
-Seifer (antagonist). Unlike Kain, I had no confusion about which category to put Seifer in. He starts out as a party member, sure, but there's never any question that he is your enemy. He wants to be, I imagine because he, like everyone else, is having his memories eaten by his GFs and so is walking through life trying to make sense of his own story. Despite it all, I never wanted him to die.
-I second Squall. That sweet, stupid boy.

-Zidane (protagonist). I can't believe he hasn't already been nominated! The thief with a heart of gold! The philanderer who is looking for love and acceptance. The wanderer who longs for home and stability. He's cute af and he wears a cravat. A CRAVAT.
-Steiner (protagonist). Lawful stupid. Great arc. Extremely useful in battle, especially when paired with Vivi.
-Beatrix (antagonist). She's a real Leo. I don't mind losing to her over and over, cause she's a BAMF, and her theme song is great. I can't say more without spoilers.
-Dr. Tot (supporting). I really like his design. I have no idea what kind of bird he's modeled after, like a kind of tucan?
-Baku (supporting). Here's a complex character, hard to notice under his buffoonery. He's like Fagan from Oliver Twist, abusive and self-serving and manipulative, but in the end he did take these kids in and give them a better life than they would have had, so...? His relationship with the Regent is also very curious, one of those unexplained morsels about the game that makes the world feel so real, just so slightly out of reach.
-Part-Time Worker Mary (supporting). Here's an NPC that pops up now and then throughout the game, and has an everyday life through-line that runs parallel to the plot. You run into her as you control different characters, so it's only the player who might recognize her, not the characters. It makes the world seem alive to know that people are just doing their thing.
-I second Dagger, Vivi, and Quina.

-I second Auron and Jecht.

-Basch (protagonist). I thought this might be a spoiler, but he's on the cover art, so his initial Ivalice-appropriate ambiguity is er, unambigued. Not a huge fan of his costume design, but his dialogue and plot are so so jazzy.
-I second Balthier, Ashe, Gabranth, and Zargabaath.


wow like people had to sit down and dream up all of these names and give them backstories and roles in the game and give them designs and life n shit and like, tbh this whole process has made me realise a) how many fucking characters are in these games b) that people had to sit down and dream up all of these names and give them backstories and roles in the game and give them de-YOU KNOW WHAT I'M SAYING.

Is this making any sense? I'm having a moment y'all. Like. Wow. Fuck. Characters, man, wow. Creation is a beautiful process.


Might not FFVI's Ultros go up to antagonist? He eventually lands a job at the Colosseum but he's not really an underling to another villain. He's his own boss for more of the game then Seifer, or Hojo or Nimbus or even Kefka, really.


Might not FFVI's Ultros go up to antagonist? He eventually lands a job at the Colosseum but he's not really an underling to another villain. He's his own boss for more of the game then Seifer, or Hojo or Nimbus or even Kefka, really.

Weirdness, I initially had him as an antagonist so I'm not sure where I mixed shit up and he ended up on supporting ? But then, at some point, I realised I had Zack "Dreams and Honour!" Fair under antagonist :wacky:. Might've been subconscious on my part...

Thanks for the catch, sweets!

I'm really gonna have to run these lists through a second or even third pair of eyes before I start sorting the polls eh? :wacky:
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5 days till closing, lol.

I reckon we're going to kick things off with supporting characters and work our way up from there :)

Remember to state your case for why you're voting the way that you are for an exciting and interesting event!!!

We have 51 supporting characters now... but only ONE can come out on top as the best!!

Oh, and full disclosure here: I'll be implementing the use of seeding for these upcoming polls. Best cinematics was random knockout and I reckon I didn't care for the style. So.. yeah.

That's all I wanted to say I think. ^^ Looking forward to it!
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