- L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
I said good day, sir.
It's actually night here but...please
I said good day, sir.
Let me be more clear then.
Everyone knock it off.
No.Let me be more clear then.
Everyone knock it off.
You're waiting for a post. You know where you hope this post will take you, but you can't be sure. But it doesn't matter. Why doesn't it matter?I can only wonder where this thread will take us next.
I don't think anybody on the entire forum has the right to say 'lets get this thread back on track'
Oh so let's continue doing all this stuff about Ryu!
That'll help get the thread back on track!
I don't think anybody on the entire forum has the right to say 'lets get this thread back on track' after letting it go 10 pages without any discussion of awards or people actually casting or showing us their votes. Instead letting it descend into some monstrously unfunny 'who can make the lamest joke award contest LOL' and general spam.
I think people would be far more likely to listen if you'd decided to crack the 'lets get back on topic' whip a half dozen pages sooner and not just when Ryu's feelings got hurt.
Except for that part where my feelings were never hurt. Omega's delusional rantings- is that enough of an explicit denial for you, Omy?- are absurd and exasperating, but the screeching of madmen have never been something let hurt my feelings.
Has it ever occurred to you lot that we tend to try and flex out muscle softly first? If that's not enough, we could always become more draconian. I'm sure you'd love that.
Edit: Oh, wait, that's one of those big words people hate me using. Well fucking deal.