TLS Distand Worlds Weekender NL 2023

Cat on Mars

Actually not a cat
I don't know how to weed, lol :monster:. I mean there is a coffee shop in town but what, do I just rock up there and go "Yeah uuh, three days times twenty people of weed pls"?

I'm Dutch and I've never done weed.

A Dutch who hasn't smoked pot. I feel like I've found a unicorn.

I'm broke rihgt now, and thanks to Corona who knows when travel bans will be lifted... but even as newcomer, a TLS meeting sounds dope :awesome:


Erotic Materia



So uh.

2022, anyone? :monster:

Past me was an optimist :flipmonster:

I mean it's still early but anyway, potential idea for something to do next year?

Distant Worlds FF 35th anniversary concert on Friday, March 3rd 2023 in Amsterdam

"The producers of Distant Worlds: music from FINAL FANTASY are proud to present a new orchestra concert experience: FINAL FANTASY 35th Anniversary Distant Worlds: music from FINAL FANTASY Coral. Specially curated by Nobuo Uematsu, the program is a monumental, retrospective celebration of the incredible FINAL FANTASY music catalogue. Conductor and GRAMMY-Award winner Arnie Roth leads an orchestra and chorus of 100 musicians on stage, with exclusive HD video direct from creators at Square Enix."

Erotic Materia

Being from waaay over in Seattle, I feel like a voyeur... going to Amsterdam wouldn't be a "weekender" for me :mon:

That being said, what's the general consensus on considering a meetup in the future (and/or starting a thread to that effect)? Assuming the world doesn't end again, of course.


astray ay-ay-ay
Dayuuum.... I'd love to. Being cut off from the rest of the world sucks, so let's hope if it's really happening next year, I'll be able to travel and pay and finally see everyone irl :sadpanda:


Pro Adventurer
Ooh so nice! No dates in my country for now, I could consider going to another European city!


Right so uh, should we carefully try to restart this for around the Distant Worlds concert, March 3rd 2023? :awesome:

I've looked at the tickets, there's still plenty of seats available but they go for at least €90 each; I'd love to make reservations or buy up part of a row but that's a bit er, expensive and whatnot. Would people object to being seated randomly? Or else people may be willing to swap seats, idk how this thing works.

Of course, attending the concert is not mandatory; there's plenty of pubs, venues and public locations to hang out, although I will mention the location (AFAS Live) is a good distance away from the central station / old city center. Very accessible by puclic transit / metro though, about 20 minutes from central station. Various hotels around there as well, but I'd like to try to rent a house or something for the duration of the event.

That said, March 3rd is a friday, so if people are coming over it can probably be planned for an arrival on the day itself, then a weekend and departure on sunday or monday depending on how long people want to hang out for.

idk, stuff and shit.


Via pidgeon? idk :monster:

anyway I know I'm slow and lazy and shit, but I just ordered tickets for me and the family; if you want to attend, probably best to sort out the concert tickets soon as possible, about half the ones are gone already; if you want me to buy them for you, send me a ping on discord, I don't check the forums often enough!

As for the rest, I'm planning on organizing a place to stay; it'll likely be outside of Amsterdam because fuck that city, but ideally it'll be within 30 minutes driving of Amsterdam & co. Depending on whether people want to stay at that one or organize their own, we'll probably rent a van as well.

ANYWAY. PING ME IF YOU WANT ME TO BOOK YOU TICKETS, we'll handle payment one way or another.


Hot, :monster:. Oh by the way, we're on row 24, so far I've booked seats 17, 18, 19 and 20; if you have a ticket and can change seats, or still need to get yours, I'd try on that row (it's on the right-hand side)


I need people to keep annoying me about this beacause I keep forgetting <_<

Would be neat if I can get a rough number on how many people will show up, for arranging accomodation; with a big enough group we can get something entirely to ourselves, which would be ideal
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