TLS Instagram: Call for Content

solo player sab

normie trash
Oooh! Maybe ya'll can post videos/pics to the TLS IG story of your various Kupocon shenanigans, and any other meetups that happen, to bolster that sense of community? I believe if members DM videos or pictures to the TLS account, the TLS account holder can add it to the IG story and tag the member it came from :)

Ooooh and maybe consistent hashtags? Like #tlsfanart for member-made FF fanart, #tlsproject for any upcoming projects or podcasts, etc?

Ok sawry I'll go away now I think I follow too many anime streetwear companies on IG


Higher Further Faster
Gah, so sorry, I missed these posts!

My main thing about the TLS IG account is to make sure

1.) We have permission for all content. If we don't get a firm yes from the creator then we don't post it. If we don't know who the creator is we don't post it.

2.) I would like most of (if not all of) the content to be produced by TLS members.


Pro Adventurer
Welcome back, Tenny!

Gah, so sorry, I missed these posts!

My main thing about the TLS IG account is to make sure

1.) We have permission for all content. If we don't get a firm yes from the creator then we don't post it. If we don't know who the creator is we don't post it.

2.) I would like most of (if not all of) the content to be produced by TLS members.

Yeah, these are things that could be included in that clause of guidelines if we end up making one. I do believe all the suggestions so far by @Bone Daddy and @solo player sab have been things that are/would be created/sourced from TLS members themselves.


Higher Further Faster

I went through your thread on the archived forums and saw this url:


Does that help at all? It doesn't seem to be working, though. :(


Pro Adventurer
Hey @Tennyo, seeing as how the TLS Instagram hasn't been updated since September I'd like to follow up on your thoughts about the suggestions to collaborate with other members to run it. Of course we'll put our heads together to get some guidelines down before posting, but it'll ease the burden of ideas and posting off just you.


Higher Further Faster
Yes I would love to have more input. I think the most important thing is making sure we have content to post. I know people are interested, but don't always have a lot of time.


Pro Adventurer
@Tennyo Okay, then I'd like to specifically express my interest in putting in the time to, not just help populate the TLS Instagram content, but to also brainstorm content ideas, guidelines (including a brand profile) and draft a rough post map and schedule to give it a plan and a vision that's in line with the TLS brand.

If you would like to get started on rallying volunteers, perhaps the people that have already made suggestions in this thread might be interested? Would @solo player sab and @V perhaps be interested in joining in to brainstorm?

For immediate ideas for content, perhaps you can consider one or more of the following:
  1. Showcasing the new xF forum (with a screenshot) to commemorate TLS' 10th Anniversary.
  2. Showcasing the new forum icons, as previously suggested by V. The icons were created by me and you have my express permission to show them on the TLS Insta. DM me and I can send you a spread of all the icons.
  3. A screenshot of one of our newest front page articles, with a brief outline of the article in the caption.
  4. A "throwback" to one of our recent podcasts or previous articles (maybe one of the Potential Of articles by X-Soldier) that you think were particularly great.
  5. The picture of Flare and Mage cosplaying at a previous Kupocon, that I believe they've already given permission for, to then promote/mention the upcoming Kupocon in Glasgow.
  6. A "throwback" to any one of TLS' previous videos on YouTube. "The 7 Best Moments of FFVII" comes to mind. Using your phone's video screencapture function could be good for this post.
  7. Something about the TLS Awards, perhaps to remind people to make their nominations (It's important to remember that we're not just targeting outsiders to join TLS, but a large portion of your audience right now are actual TLSers that may appreciate the exposure to the various things going on in their community. Hopefully this will help jog more ideas about what content you can post in the future)
These are all things that are already readily available on TLS and so getting permission for them shouldn't be too fiddly. Let me know if and when you would like to kick off this collaborative brainstorming group and I can start making arrangements to get us all on a Discord chat or something. Again, I would like to put in the hours so if you find yourself pressed for time I would be happy to take point on this. ?
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Higher Further Faster
Well, that photo of Mage and Flare is already on Instagram, so that's covered. :monster:

I think something like a screenshot would be best left for the Instastories, and I have posted a few of those (they disappear after a while, though.) I don't know if a screenshot on an actual post would help garner a following on the page. It's not really what people follow IG accounts for. I think those types of things are best suited to Facebook and Twitter. Both platforms have a much further reach, and the type of content people look for on those sites is different than Instagram.

I've seen a couple of Tet's pics on FB. Are there more?

I have also been working on posting pics from Pomtropolis back in April. I definitely plan on posting TLS member pictures from that.

I'm off to do Thanksgiving things now we can talk more later.


Pro Adventurer
Well, that photo of Mage and Flare is already on Instagram, so that's covered. :monster:

Apologies; I must have missed that.

I think something like a screenshot would be best left for the Instastories, and I have posted a few of those (they disappear after a while, though.) I don't know if a screenshot on an actual post would help garner a following on the page. It's not really what people follow IG accounts for. I think those types of things are best suited to Facebook and Twitter. Both platforms have a much further reach, and the type of content people look for on those sites is different than Instagram.

Sorry, but I respectfully disagree. Every brand's objective should be to showcase their product, and TLS' product is its forum, contents and projects. I follow plenty of pages that are almost exclusively screenshots, because that's where the content that is pertinent to my interest in the account is featured. Furthermore, while you may mean that TLS' Facebook and Twitter have a larger following than its IG, IG is the fastest growing social media platform out of the three of them and has a much higher potential for exponential growth in views/exposure (outside of its existing followers) because of the way its algorithms work in tandem with its typical users' browsing behaviour.

Instastories disappear after 24 hours because the point is to utilise them to boost the page's activity; essentially, it's a tool to substitute spamming daily content on an Instagram feed. Right now, if the TLS IG's priority is to garner a following, it needs to be a lot more active, because that's how IG knows to circulate its content on a follower's newsfeed and the Discovery feed (relevant to the hashtags that are frequented) to bait non-followers.


Higher Further Faster
Okay, everyone. Me and B are (have been for a few weeks now, actually) double teaming this joint.

We're putting out a call for Christmas/New Year's FF-related content. Art, photography, memes, all created by TLS members. Doesn't have to be perfect, we know how close to the Holidays it is. Just do your best. :)

Also, any Kupocon pics you'd like us to post, past or future, please drop a link or PM us, whichever. :)


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
If possible, I'd like to also volunteer to help with posting content. I am on IG WAAAAAY more than I care to admit, and from what I gather it's fairly easy to switch accounts back and forth. But to show my dedication I shall take some pics tomorrow in the snow :monster:
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