TLS Ranks FF Songs: Redeux



You may recall the TLS Ranks FF Songs event from last year, in which Liberi Fatali took the lead spot.

Well, here's a chance to knock that song off its throne!! Or maybe you'll continue to uphold it as the best, who knows.... :mon:

Instead of making a million an a half polls, however, to decide a (potentially) new winner, I've made a survey in a similar vein to the points system used in Lex's mod voting thrad (which, do vote in that if you haven't already! :watchingu:). Each question is a set number of points. For each value, you can assign one song from the drop-down menu. PLEASE AVOID PUTTING DUPLICATE ANSWERS. You are also being asked who you're known as on TLS to deter cheating. Any survey with joke names (ie: Sir Shit-A-Lot) will be discarded, so don't waste your time or mine :watchingu::watchingu:

All good? All good! Here's the survey.

Full Disclosure: The creative team here at TLS want to put out another countdown video in the same vein of Claymore's video project, The VII Best.... this time with music :P. I'm putting this survey out in order to reassess how the community ranks our top 16 songs from last year as well as snagging a few quotes to put into the video.

Please note that whatever you say regarding a song in this thread has the potential of being used in our countdown video. By sharing your thoughts on a song in this specific thread, you are granting the creative team permission to potentially feature that quote in the video unless you explicitly state that you do not want your words being used. :megusta:

If you don't mind being quoted, but would not like to be named, please specify so in your post. :)

Thank you so much! Please, look forward to more rankings like this in the future!
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Pro Adventurer



Pro Adventurer
I voted for Main Theme (VII) as the top pick because listening to it transports me to the expanse of the FFVII world and makes my heart swell with possibilities and anticipation. I can't quite explain all the ways in which it moves me, but quite simply it just has that magic.


OOOFFFFFF I sweated over this! What a hard choice! About half of these are really great songs that I love a lot haha, but You're Not Alone gets the top spot for me. Every time we do these though I'm reminded of how great Dancing Mad and Clash on the Big Bridge are as well, got to listen to those more!

Castiel Strife

Pro Adventurer
This was a tough decision for me. I love all of the music in FF7. I also absolutely adore “To Zanarkand”.

In the end, Aerith’s Theme won out. The piece just brings all sorts of emotions to the table, and is obviously extremely iconic in what it signifies as possibly the most emotional scene in all of Final Fantasy.


Thank you everyone who's voted so far!! I realise the format is a bit clumsy for what I was going for, lol, but, for me, an easy way to complete a survey was first listing all the songs in order from my favourite to my least favourite on paper or a note app and then plugging in the info there. :joy:

Thanks again! And give me your thoughts if you care to!


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
....How the fuck did Blinded By The Light or Crimson Blitz not fucking make it onto this list?


Easily done! I'll be interested to see how well Still More Fighting does cos I feel like I remember it being a bit controversial that it got as far as it did last time but I might just be making things up who knows :monster:


We have a week left and so far, this is the VII Best FF Song according to the redeux survey mabob....

  1. One Winged Angel
  2. Main Theme (vii)
  3. To Zanarkand
  4. Aerith's Theme
  5. J-E-N-O-V-A
  6. Liberi Fatali
  7. Terra's Theme

idk about y'all folks, but this list has me SHOOOOOKETH....
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