TLS reaches 500 articles


Pro Adventurer
Awesome work, Tres :) Glad you like the featured image. Thanks to everyone else who contributed, both to this article and to TLS in the last five-odd years.

PS: Facebook'd.

Kermitu Kleric Katie

I noticed a typo in my comment. It says “I was a regular user at GameFAQs who had recently played FFVIII” instead of “I was a regular user at GameFAQs who had recently played FFVII”, though the typo is not technically incorrect, as I did play FFVIII shortly after beating FFVII.:monster:


Chloe Frazer
Awesome article Tres, you did a fantastic job. :salute: The comments were very sweet. <3

Oh yeah, those guys did a great job adding stuff to my site.


I laughed so hard at this. That was awesome Tres. :monster:


Harbinger O Great Justice
Man, that article has such awesome flow. It's fantastic, and a great "get to know what this place is about" type intro to the site. LOVE IT.

(Also, woot for having the first quote) :awesomonster:


X :neo:


Higher Further Faster
You have no idea how hard I laughed when I clicked on the site and there was Cookie Monster. Oh that was great. :monster:


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
I may have accidentally dupe-commented on that page, please nuke my posts if so. :monster:


Are you talking about the forum or the article? Because I don't see any comments there from you Satsu :s


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
... I've pressed the comment button twice on the bloody page.

wtf is this



Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Fuck this shit, I'm just going to post it here. It's lost all significance now that the article's been out for A BAJILLION YEARS


When AdventChildren.Net (and its corresponding forum) disappeared all those years ago, I was absolutely gutted. I've been told it was a cesspit before its implosion, but I was young and naive back then and the community was simply so *huge*. It was easy to miss out on things and simply revel in the site content that as being produced at the time.
A few years later, YopY (Cthulhu, bless him) showed me, a site that was going to be in the same spirit as its predecessor and with similar core contributors. At the time I let it slide, because I was unsure about what direction the site was going to go in, and I was still feeling a little bitter over the loss of ACF. Back when it was showed to me was little more than a couple of short articles with pictures and links on what I remember to be a basic white background, with not even a forum to go with it. It could easily have passed off as someone's personal blog from the ass-end of nowhere on the internet.

Now I've been on the forum for about 4 years (almost exactly to the day, now), and while I haven't been the most active member (much less a contributor) to the Final Fantasy sections of the site, it's been an absolute pleasure seeing TheLifestream.Net grow into something so much more than that pithy little website I saw all those years back. Every time a potential new site project is offered for consideration, it warms my cockles to see the enthusiasm in the people who support it despite the cynicism many have about the series' continuing direction. It's sad to see some projects peter off into hiatus, but that's the nature of the beast when it comes to a fansite maintained by people with busy lives and jobs, living on many different corners of the world. The old hats who kept the site together in times of need teamed up with newer members and fresh faces (some of whom are responsible for what I think is an absolutely fantastic facelift of the frontpage) to turn this fansite into something truly wonderful, and it only says good things about's future.
My only regret was that I'd approached the site with so much skepticism at the beginning. It was short-sighted of me to assume that *this* was all that we would be getting, all that we would amount to as a fansite, and that we would never measure up to the content that AdventChildren had. But I'm glad has proved me wrong. The website and its people have proved me wrong in spades. It's certainly different from AdventChildren in some ways - we might not ever have the same memberbase or traffic - but even through my rose-tinted goggles of nostalgia, I think that might be okay.

Besides the little mockeries and joke articles made for a good laugh, the news articles and editorials that have been produced have been nothing short of informative and reliable. I think the team responsible for them have an abundance of two things: passion, and talent. They don't maintain a professional standard because they get paid to do this. They maintain a professional standard because despite what they think about Square Enix's future direction of Final Fantasy, it is a series worth expressing their love and care for, and that means the articles you see on the frontpage have more love and care put into them than most video game journalistic sites out there.

'Professional'. I think that's the highest form of praise you can give to a fansite and its contributors.


Great Old One
I found your comments (3 similar ones) in the spam filter. It was probably too long :monster:

Edit: Fixed, your first comment shows now.

What I did:

* Go to "Comments" and search for "sats"
* Click "not spam" on all 3 comments (the comments were now moved to "pending" (held for moderation) iirc
* ...I found them by searching for "sats" again though
* Click "approved" on the comment to be published
* Then I deleted the other 2 ("Trash") as we no longer need those

There's no way to set character length in the Akismet plugin (that's the spam filter.) It teaches itself what is spam and not based on which comments we approve. Now that we've clicked "Not spam" on a long comment, Akisment might put a comment like this in "pending" instead of "spam".

We should probably check the spam filter/ "pending" a little more often. (Although I think Lex checks it now and then? Not much we could have done in this case though.)
Last edited:


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
lul not so smart after all :monster:


I checked the spam thing, Satsu's thing wasn't there in the last couple of posts made. Even checked the database directly. Never occurred to me to use the search though, derp :monster:


^Yeah I check the spam every time I login but unless it's in "Pending" I don't look at it. I do occasionally pop into "Spam" just for the lulz but there's never anything other than

enh0ancez yur pen0rxz wit pillZ

so I kinda stopped.

Mental note to check it again from now on.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Wow this turned out amazingly. I'm sorry I didn't get to draft anything up to say on this but you guys really did an amazing job commemorating this milestone. It's really great to see just how much this site's grown since it began when bit the dust.

Seriously, thanks so much for making this site so awesome everyone.

trash panda

I didn't want to open a new thread for this, but if you all ignore this post, I will. :ego:

I want to write at least one article for the front page...for now, until I figure out whether or not I'm a geeauneeus at it. I can (sort of, probably, maybe) produce my own sketches for the image content. I would like to have at least some journalism under my belt.

Alternatively, my childhood dream is to work in character/concept design, so I'd be more than thrilled to practice my art skills on TLS. I'm confident that I can develop actual skills given the proper motivation. I just need a project to do so I can force myself to become accustomed to the pressure of project deadlines.

Well? WELLLL?!?!1


Great Old One
If you sign up for the Wordpress system I can give you writer/editor status :monster:

(That's what I can help you out with there)


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
I didn't want to open a new thread for this, but if you all ignore this post, I will. :ego:

I want to write at least one article for the front page...for now, until I figure out whether or not I'm a geeauneeus at it. I can (sort of, probably, maybe) produce my own sketches for the image content. I would like to have at least some journalism under my belt.

Alternatively, my childhood dream is to work in character/concept design, so I'd be more than thrilled to practice my art skills on TLS. I'm confident that I can develop actual skills given the proper motivation. I just need a project to do so I can force myself to become accustomed to the pressure of project deadlines.

Well? WELLLL?!?!1

You art style is awesome. I demand you draw ALL THE TURKS but put your own spin on it. Like what they would look like if they we're in FFVI or IX or something. I dunno how this will actually help you, I'm just taking advantage here :monster:


Anyone is more than welcome to write something for the site. Did you have something in particular in mind?

For the record, the thread for this stuff is here.

trash panda

Thanks Fangu. I just signed up for Wordpress; I'll tinker around with it today so I can become familiar with how it works. :awesome:

Octo, I need to practice my art, so I can make this happen. I'm still drawing a raccoon for Mumble and I want to draw Wutai, since Mage reccomended it. :geek:

Thanks Lex,
I'll fly over to that thread right now. :awesome:
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