I have to say I love the "they objectified her and took photos of her chest" bit. A not so subtle dig at those fans who see Tifa as nothing but her chest. The thing about "they saw her as a prize to be won" makes the same point.
I also really like the important distinction being drawn between a crush and love.
Cloud and Tifa's love always reminds me of the Yeats poem,
"When You Are Old". (very short poem, don't worry)
So Tifa
does own 7th Heaven? Of course nothing in the Remake suggested she didn't, I guess I'm just surprised she doesn't live on the premises if she owns them.
I'd love to know the details of the Marle story. I mean, it's not out of order for surgeons to show potential patients photos of their work, so there must have been something gross in their manner of doing it that made her angry. Did she then deliberately seek out Tifa to inform her that the doctors were scumbags and protect her from further exploitation? She can't have known Tifa before this incident, since it says they met because of it.
Is there a single doctor anywhere in the world of FFVII who honours the Hippocratic oath? They all seem to be unprincipled money-grubbing quacks.