Yes. We got crushed last night on multiplayer, the machine put us against a bunch of people that were over level 70, my sniper couldn't even kill them and this skeleton guy kept beating the crap out of us. Still it was very fun and if Adri wants to fight me for Claudia Black she's more than welcome to.
Ahh that sucks! I hate it when your group gets pitted against people you have absolutely no hope of beating. I look forward to playing with you guys again sometime!
Ahh that sucks! I hate it when your group gets pitted against people you have absolutely no hope of beating. I look forward to playing with you guys again sometime!
I shot a guy three times last night with my sniper and I think all I did was pissed him because he then turned around and killed me with his grenade launcher.
Sooo finally got around to buying this. Completed it in the sameDay and although I love the series I was a little disappointed with this game. I think I was expecting a lot more from the ending than what was actually given and I was extremely pissed off that the final boss is
That said its still a great series but I think they could have done a lot more with it.
In celebration of Dacon getting a ps3/uncharted 3, we're making a date to play on wednesday evening. Any time after 8pm ET is good for me, so probably around that time. If anyone needs it later, though, just say the word. :3
I honestly don't know what my plans for the week are going to be like at this point, but if I'm not doing anything else, maybe it would feel nice to kill some sons of bitches.