Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
We have yet another Uncharted update for you. In an interesting interview with GameStar, Naughty Dog have revealed more information of the game. Check it out below:
On Action Pieces:
“One of the things we’re really setting our sights on is the spectacular action set-pieces that we’ve established as a key component of the active cinematic experience we want to create for the player. Sequences like the collapsing building or the train in Uncharted 2 allowed us to see the potential of these set-pieces and our goal is to fulfill that potential with even bigger, more intense set-pieces in Uncharted 3. That’s just one of our goals, of course, but it probably most easily encapsulates what we’re doing to create experiences our players haven’t seen before.”
On the length of the game:
“We’re still in the middle of development, so it’s a bit early to get a solid idea of how long Uncharted 3 will take to complete. Of course, game length isn’t our main goal – our goal for all the Uncharted games has been to make them so fun and engaging to play that you don’t want to put the controller down until you’re done!”
“Pacing is extremely important to capturing our player’s attention and keeping them wrapped up in the game and the story for the full length of the game.”
New gameplay mechanics:
“Drake can now take on opponents in more ways than before: hand-to-hand combat with multiple opponents, contextual melee attacks (such as breaking a bottle over an enemy’s head), and new stealth options (like dropping on enemies from above). Drake can also perform more attacks while climbing and use his guns in much more vertically-oriented spaces.”
“Customization is a big focus for us, and our players can now make their heroes and villians skins their own with hundreds of customizable parts, from accessories to shirts and pants to a deep weapon customization feature, which allows for weapon modifications such as precise scopes, bigger clips and more. You can leave your mark on the battlefield (and on your character) through our newly-added emblem editor, which contains hundreds of decals for you to use to design your own individual emblem. Players can customize their gameplay beyond weapon modifications through Paid Boosters, a one-time booster that you spend some cash to have the option of using during a match, and Medal Kickbacks, where you can select a specific special ability that requires a certain number of medals to activate during a match. To help players organize all of these options, we’ve added in player loadouts that allow you to choose your starting rifle, sidearm, weapon customizations and mods, Boosters and Kicksbacks in slots to easily allow you to choose the best loadout to suit your playstyle for each gametype and map.”


Double Growth
Multiplayer Beta details:

When does the Uncharted 3 multiplayer beta start?
If you have the voucher from Infamous 2 or a PlayStation Plus subscription, June 28th. If you're what I like to call a "normie," July 4th.

When does the Uncharted 3 multiplayer beta end?
July 13th.

What's the Uncharted 3 multiplayer beta level cap?
Level 25, bro.

What modes are included in the Uncharted 3 multiplayer beta?
There are nine modes. Team Deathmatch (duh), 3-Team Deathmatch (three teams of two face off), Team Objective (complete the assigned goals), Free For All (kill everyone), Plunder (capture the treasure), High Stakes (gamble with your XP and cash), and three co-op modes I can't tell you about yet but swear I will blow them out this week.

Those modes sound cool. How many people can play in them?
Team Deathmatch, Team Objective and Plunder are 5v5. Three-Team Deathmatch is 2v2v2. Free for All and High Stakes are 8 players. Co-op ranges, but we'll get to that.

Which maps are in the Uncharted 3 multiplayer beta?
There's an airfield one and a French chateau. Both are multi-level with plenty to climb. They each pack dynamic events to keep the matches lively like attacking planes and collapsing structures. Check out our Uncharted 3 multiplayer beta map flythroughs to see the arenas.

What Uncharted 3 power plays are in the beta?
As touched on in the multiplayer reveal, Uncharted 3 packs power plays. These are one-minute events that'll occur in blowouts to give the losing team a fighting chance (although the winning team can benefit, too). The Uncharted 3 multiplayer packs four Power Plays.
Marked Man - A person on the winning team is marked, and the losing team gets 3 points if they kill him. Meanwhile, the winning team gets double cash for each kill and a special medal if the Marked Man doesn't die.

  • Cursed - The winning team sees all characters as skeletons and friendly fire is turned on. Each time the losing team gets a kill or the winning team kills one of its own, the losing team gets two points. Meanwhile, the winning team gets double cash for each member of the losing team killed.
  • Exposed - The winning team's location is revealed to the losing team. The winning team gets double cash for each losing team member killed.
  • Double Damage - Losing team inflicts double damage. Winning team earns double cash for each kill.

What boosters are available in the Uncharted 3 multiplayer beta?
Boosters -- equipable abilities that affect gameplay -- are back in Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception, but they've been revamped. When you choose one of these abilities and use it, you earn experience points for it. So, you're leveling up your profile and your abilities individually when you play the game. The Uncharted 3 multiplayer beta is going to feature eight boosters spread over two slots.

Booster Slot 1 Options
Come Here - See the opponent that killed you on your radar until he or she dies.

Retaliation - Spawn with the Power Weapon you were killed by.

Cloaked - Opponents won't see you on the radar and you can't be heard.

Weapon Expert - Gives you the ability to add additional mods to you weapons.

Booster Slot 2 Options
Back in the Saddle - Reduces your respawn time.

Bargain - Decreases the cost of Medal Kickbacks. (Special powers you set before the game and have to earn in a match.)

Power Hunter - See the location of Power Weapons.

Daredevil - When you taunt over a defeated opponent, you get extra ammo.

What Medal Kickbacks are in the Uncharted 3 multiplayer beta?
Before you start a match, you decide which Medal Kickback you want to use. When you're out there on the battlefield and start earning medals, you start building toward your kickback. Get the amount of medals needed to use the kickback, and you can pull off the uber-maneuver.
Smoke Bomb - You vanish in a puff of smoke.

Speedy G - You get a speed boost.

RPG!!! - You instantly spawn an RPG.

Cluster Bomb - One grenade explodes into multiple grenades.

What guns are in the Uncharted 3 multiplayer beta?
AK-47, G-Mal and the Dragon Sniper round out the long guns. Pistols are also included, and the above Medal Kickback confirms RPGs.

What Mods are in the Uncharted 3 multiplayer beta?
For your long guns, there are two -- clip size and Call Out (which shows the location of enemies). For the pistols, you can increase the total amount of ammo and the rate of fire for the Arm Micro.

What characters are in the Uncharted 3 multiplayer beta?
If you choose to be a hero, you can be Nathan Drake, Sully or a treasure hunter. If you're going to be a villain, you're a pirate. However, remember that you can customize the hell out of these characters. Shirts, hats, sunglasses, and more will help you make your avatar your own.


Who's in? :awesome:

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I didn't post it simply because I cant.

Damn lack of ps3

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
Bah, can't get the second vid to load. First one was totally sick, though.

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
Cheers :monster:

fuck yes elena, fuck yes chloe, fuck yes everything

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Looks like Elena has a ring now. Hmm


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark

Looks so good. I like Chloe, but I like Elena better than Chloe :monster:
Drake looks good in a suit.

Dacon said:
Looks like Elena has a ring now. Hmm

Wat is dis? hm... *scratches chin with Dacon*

So like. I want this game right now. RIGHT NOW.


Double Growth
My reaction to the gameplay demo: "Oh nice he pulled the grenade pin from th-holy shit the boat is turning over!


This game is ridiculous"

As for the actual trailer, I can't even tell you the last time I saw a movie trailer that good. Why the hell do we need an Uncharted movie again?

And damn is it as gorgeous as ever.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c






Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
I like Nate when he's dirty :awesomonster:

Is it me or does Sully look a little younger XD

Sheva Alomar

I'm Alive and on Fire
Adri, Sir Integra, Fiona, Sango

"Hnnnnnngggggghhhhhh" does not even begin to describe what I am feeling.


sweet dee
Bun, Academic
I got a few rounds of co-op in, but my head and my eyes are killing me and I'm not sure I can deal playing with people I don't know at the moment. xD It's fun, though!


Double Growth
Just played the beta for...like 4 hours with my friend. I heard that every week they'll be changing the modes and maps which would be cool if true. But the new guns feel cool, the Medal kickbacks are VERY cool (build up enough medals in a match, press Up on the D-pad, boom - have an RPG in your hands. Or no reloading for 30 seconds, etc.)

Perhaps something that makes me the happiest though I didn't do this I saw the option, you can play with more than one person on one console. Why the hell do so many games not do this, I know MW and Halo do, but most don't, why? Either way, great that Uncharted does now.


Double Growth
Just an update, the beta ends on Thursday, so if anyone still wanted to give it a try but hadn't, you may want to get on that :)
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